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org.springframework.transaction.annotation Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package org.springframework.transaction.annotation as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this, and additions are shown like this.
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Class TransactionManagementConfigurer, PlatformTransactionManager annotationDrivenTransactionManager()

Return the transaction manager bean to use for annotation-driven database transaction management, i.e. when processing {@code @Transactional} methods.

There are two basic approaches to implementing this method:

1. Implement the method and annotate it with {@code @Bean}

In this case, the implementing {@code @Configuration} class implements this method, marks it with {@code @Bean} and configures and returns the transaction manager directly within the method body:
 public PlatformTransactionManager createTransactionManagerannotationDrivenTransactionManager() {
     return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource());

2. Implement the method without {@code @Bean} and delegate to another existing {@code @Bean} method

 public PlatformTransactionManager txManager() {
     return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource());

 public PlatformTransactionManager createTransactionManagerannotationDrivenTransactionManager() {
     return txManager(); // reference the existing {@code @Bean} method above
If taking approach #2, be sure that only one of the methods is marked with {@code @Bean}!

In either scenario #1 or #2, it is important that the {@code PlatformTransactionManager} instance is managed as a Spring bean within the container as all {@code PlatformTransactionManager} implementations take advantage of Spring lifecycle callbacks such as {@code InitializingBean} and {@code BeanFactoryAware}.