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Class org.springframework.test.context.MergedContextConfiguration

Documentation changed from old to new.

Added Constructors
MergedContextConfiguration(Class<?>, String[], Class[], Set<Class<ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext>>>, String[], ContextLoader) Create a new {@code MergedContextConfiguration} instance for the supplied test class, resource locations, annotated classes, context initializers, active profiles, and {@code ContextLoader}.

Changed Constructors
MergedContextConfiguration(Class<?>, String[], Class[], String[], ContextLoader) Documentation changed from old to new.
Create a new {@code MergedContextConfiguration} instance for the supplied test class, resource locations, annotated classes, active profiles, and {@code ContextLoader}.

Added Methods
Set<Class<ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext>>> getContextInitializerClasses() Get the merged {@code ApplicationContextInitializer} classes for the #getTestClass() test class.
String nullSafeToString(ContextLoader) Generate a null-safe String representation of the supplied ContextLoader based solely on the fully qualified name of the loader or "null" if the supplied loaded is null.

Changed Methods
boolean equals(Object) Documentation changed from old to new.
Determine if the supplied object is equal to this {@code MergedContextConfiguration} instance by comparing both object's #getLocations() locations, #getClasses() annotated classes, #getContextInitializerClasses() context initializer classes, #getActiveProfiles() active profiles, and the fully qualified names of their ContextLoaders.
String[] getActiveProfiles() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the merged active bean definition profiles for the #getTestClass() test class.
Class[] getClasses() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the merged annotated classes for the #getTestClass() test class.
ContextLoader getContextLoader() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the resolved ContextLoader for the #getTestClass() test class.
String[] getLocations() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the merged resource locations for the #getTestClass() test class.
Class<?> getTestClass() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the Class test class associated with this {@code MergedContextConfiguration}.
int hashCode() Documentation changed from old to new.
Generate a unique hash code for all properties of this {@code MergedContextConfiguration} excluding the #getTestClass() test class.
String toString() Documentation changed from old to new.
Provide a String representation of the #getTestClass() test class, #getLocations() locations, #getClasses() annotated classes, #getContextInitializerClasses() context initializer classes, #getActiveProfiles() active profiles, and the name of the ContextLoader.