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Package org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.condition

Added Classes
CompositeRequestCondition Implements the RequestCondition contract by delegating to multiple {@code RequestCondition} types and using a logical conjunction (' && ') to ensure all conditions match a given request.

Changed Classes and Interfaces
ConsumesRequestCondition A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Content-Type' header to a list of media type expressions.
PatternsRequestCondition A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of URL path patterns.
ProducesRequestCondition A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition to match a request's 'Accept' header to a list of media type expressions.
RequestCondition The contract for request conditions.
RequestConditionHolder A holder for a RequestCondition useful when the type of the request condition is not known ahead of time, e.g.
RequestMethodsRequestCondition A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of RequestMethods.