Package org.springframework.cache.interceptor

AOP-based solution for declarative caching demarcation.


Interface Summary
CacheOperationSource Interface used by CacheInterceptor.
KeyGenerator Cache key generator.

Class Summary
AbstractFallbackCacheOperationSource Abstract implementation of CacheOperation that caches attributes for methods and implements a fallback policy: 1.
BeanFactoryCacheOperationSourceAdvisor Advisor driven by a CacheOperationSource, used to include a cache advice bean for methods that are cacheable.
CacheableOperation Class describing a cache 'cacheable' operation.
CacheAspectSupport Base class for caching aspects, such as the CacheInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
CacheEvictOperation Class describing a cache 'evict' operation.
CacheInterceptor AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative cache management using the common Spring caching infrastructure (Cache).
CacheOperation Base class implementing CacheOperation.
CacheProxyFactoryBean Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative caching handling.
CachePutOperation Class describing a cache 'put' operation.
CompositeCacheOperationSource Composite CacheOperationSource implementation that iterates over a given array of CacheOperationSource instances.
DefaultKeyGenerator Default key generator.
NameMatchCacheOperationSource Simple CacheOperationSource implementation that allows attributes to be matched by registered name.

Package org.springframework.cache.interceptor Description

AOP-based solution for declarative caching demarcation. Builds on the AOP infrastructure in org.springframework.aop.framework. Any POJO can be cache-advised with Spring.