Generated by

Interface org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcOperations

Changed Methods
int queryForInt(String) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #queryForObject(String, Class)}
int queryForInt(String, Object[]) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #queryForObject(String, Class, Object[])} )}
int queryForInt(String, Object[], int[]) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #queryForObject(String, Object[], int[], Class)} )}
long queryForLong(String) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #queryForObject(String, Class)}
long queryForLong(String, Object[]) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #queryForObject(String, Class, Object[])} )}
long queryForLong(String, Object[], int[]) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #queryForObject(String, Object[], int[], Class)} )}