See: Description
Interface | Description |
AsyncHandlerInterceptor |
HandlerInterceptor with a callback method invoked during
asynchronous request handling. |
FlashMapManager |
A strategy interface for retrieving and saving FlashMap instances.
HandlerAdapter |
MVC framework SPI interface, allowing parameterization of core MVC workflow.
HandlerExceptionResolver |
Interface to be implemented by objects than can resolve exceptions thrown
during handler mapping or execution, in the typical case to error views.
HandlerInterceptor |
Workflow interface that allows for customized handler execution chains.
HandlerMapping |
Interface to be implemented by objects that define a mapping between
requests and handler objects.
LocaleResolver |
Interface for web-based locale resolution strategies that allows for
both locale resolution via the request and locale modification via
request and response.
RequestToViewNameTranslator |
Strategy interface for translating an incoming
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest into a
logical view name when no view name is explicitly supplied. |
SmartView |
Provides additional information about a View such as whether it
performs redirects.
ThemeResolver |
Interface for web-based theme resolution strategies that allows for
both theme resolution via the request and theme modification via
request and response.
View |
MVC View for a web interaction.
ViewResolver |
Interface to be implemented by objects that can resolve views by name.
Class | Description |
DispatcherServlet |
Central dispatcher for HTTP request handlers/controllers, e.g.
FlashMap |
A FlashMap provides a way for one request to store attributes intended for
use in another.
FrameworkServlet |
Base servlet for Spring's web framework.
HandlerExecutionChain |
Handler execution chain, consisting of handler object and any handler interceptors.
HttpServletBean |
Simple extension of
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet which treats
its config parameters (init-param entries within the
servlet tag in web.xml ) as bean properties. |
HttpServletBean.ServletConfigPropertyValues |
PropertyValues implementation created from ServletConfig init parameters.
ModelAndView |
Holder for both Model and View in the web MVC framework.
ModelAndViewDefiningException |
Exception to be thrown on error conditions that should forward
to a specific view with a specific model.
ResourceServlet |
Simple servlet that can expose an internal resource, including a
default URL if the specified resource is not found.
ViewRendererServlet |
ViewRendererServlet is a bridge servlet, mainly for the Portlet MVC support.
This package and related packages are discussed in Chapters 12 and 13 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).