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Package org.springframework.messaging.tcp.reactor

Added Classes
AbstractPromiseToListenableFutureAdapter Adapts a reactor Promise to ListenableFuture optionally converting the result Object type {@code } to the expected target type {@code }.
PassThroughPromiseToListenableFutureAdapter A Promise-to-ListenableFutureAdapter where the source and the target from the Promise and the ListenableFuture respectively are of the same type.
Reactor11TcpClient An implementation of org.springframework.messaging.tcp.TcpOperations based on the TCP client support of the Reactor project.
Reactor11TcpConnection An implementation of org.springframework.messaging.tcp.TcpConnection based on the TCP client support of the Reactor project.

Changed Classes
ReactorTcpClient An implementation of org.springframework.messaging.tcp.TcpOperations based on the TCP client support of the Reactor project.