See: Description
Class | Description |
AbstractContextLoader |
Abstract application context loader that provides a basis for all concrete
implementations of the
ContextLoader SPI. |
AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader |
AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader serves as an abstract base class
for implementations of the SmartContextLoader SPI that delegate to a
set of candidate SmartContextLoaders (i.e., one that supports XML
configuration files or Groovy scripts and one that supports annotated classes)
to determine which context loader is appropriate for a given test class's
configuration. |
AbstractDirtiesContextTestExecutionListener |
Abstract base class for
TestExecutionListener implementations that
provide support for marking the ApplicationContext associated with
a test as dirty for both test classes and test methods annotated
with the @DirtiesContext annotation. |
AbstractGenericContextLoader |
Abstract, generic extension of
AbstractContextLoader that loads a
GenericApplicationContext . |
AbstractTestContextBootstrapper |
Abstract implementation of the
TestContextBootstrapper interface which
provides most of the behavior required by a bootstrapper. |
AbstractTestExecutionListener |
Abstract implementation of the
TestExecutionListener interface which
provides empty method stubs. |
ActiveProfilesUtils |
Utility methods for working with
@ActiveProfiles and
ActiveProfilesResolvers . |
AnnotationConfigContextLoader |
Concrete implementation of
AbstractGenericContextLoader that loads
bean definitions from annotated classes. |
AnnotationConfigContextLoaderUtils |
Utility methods for
SmartContextLoaders that deal
with annotated classes (e.g., @Configuration classes). |
ApplicationContextInitializerUtils |
Utility methods for working with
ApplicationContextInitializers . |
ContextLoaderUtils |
Utility methods for resolving
ContextConfigurationAttributes from the
@ContextConfiguration and
@ContextHierarchy annotations for use with
SmartContextLoaders . |
DefaultActiveProfilesResolver |
Default implementation of the
ActiveProfilesResolver strategy that
resolves active bean definition profiles based solely on profiles
configured declaratively via ActiveProfiles.profiles() or
ActiveProfiles.value() . |
DefaultBootstrapContext |
Default implementation of the
BootstrapContext interface. |
DefaultTestContext |
Default implementation of the
TestContext interface. |
DefaultTestContextBootstrapper |
Default implementation of the
TestContextBootstrapper SPI. |
DelegatingSmartContextLoader |
DelegatingSmartContextLoader is a concrete implementation of
AbstractDelegatingSmartContextLoader that delegates to a
GenericXmlContextLoader (or a GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader if Groovy
is present in the classpath) and an AnnotationConfigContextLoader . |
DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener |
TestExecutionListener which provides support for dependency
injection and initialization of test instances. |
DirtiesContextBeforeModesTestExecutionListener |
TestExecutionListener which provides support for marking the
ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for
both test classes and test methods annotated with the
@DirtiesContext annotation. |
DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener |
TestExecutionListener which provides support for marking the
ApplicationContext associated with a test as dirty for
both test classes and test methods annotated with the
@DirtiesContext annotation. |
GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader |
Concrete implementation of
AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads
bean definitions from Groovy scripts and XML configuration files. |
GenericPropertiesContextLoader |
Concrete implementation of
AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads
bean definitions from Java Properties resources. |
GenericXmlContextLoader |
Concrete implementation of
AbstractGenericContextLoader that reads
bean definitions from XML resources. |
MergedTestPropertySources |
MergedTestPropertySources encapsulates the merged
property sources declared on a test class and all of its superclasses
via @TestPropertySource . |
TestPropertySourceAttributes |
TestPropertySourceAttributes encapsulates the attributes declared
via @TestPropertySource . |
TestPropertySourceUtils |
Utility methods for working with
and adding test PropertySources to the Environment . |