See: Description
Interface | Description |
ApplicationEventMulticaster |
Interface to be implemented by objects that can manage a number of
ApplicationListener objects, and publish events to them. |
EventListenerFactory |
Strategy interface for creating
ApplicationListener for methods
annotated with EventListener . |
GenericApplicationListener |
Extended variant of the standard
ApplicationListener interface,
exposing further metadata such as the supported event type. |
SmartApplicationListener |
Extended variant of the standard
ApplicationListener interface,
exposing further metadata such as the supported event type. |
Class | Description |
AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster |
Abstract implementation of the
ApplicationEventMulticaster interface,
providing the basic listener registration facility. |
AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster.ListenerCacheKey |
Cache key for ListenerRetrievers, based on event type and source type.
ApplicationContextEvent |
Base class for events raised for an
ApplicationContext . |
ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter |
GenericApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of
an event to an EventListener annotated method. |
ContextClosedEvent |
Event raised when an
ApplicationContext gets closed. |
ContextRefreshedEvent |
Event raised when an
ApplicationContext gets initialized or refreshed. |
ContextStartedEvent |
Event raised when an
ApplicationContext gets started. |
ContextStoppedEvent |
Event raised when an
ApplicationContext gets stopped. |
DefaultEventListenerFactory |
EventListenerFactory implementation that supports the
regular EventListener annotation. |
EventExpressionEvaluator |
Utility class handling the SpEL expression parsing.
EventExpressionRootObject |
Root object used during event listener expression evaluation.
EventListenerMethodProcessor |
EventListener annotated method as individual ApplicationListener
instances. |
EventPublicationInterceptor |
Interceptor that publishes an
ApplicationEvent to all ApplicationListeners
registered with an ApplicationEventPublisher after each
successful method invocation. |
GenericApplicationListenerAdapter |
GenericApplicationListener adapter that determines supported event types
through introspecting the generically declared type of the target listener. |
SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster |
Simple implementation of the
ApplicationEventMulticaster interface. |
SourceFilteringListener |
ApplicationListener decorator that filters
events from a specified event source, invoking its delegate listener for
matching ApplicationEvent objects only. |
Annotation Type | Description |
EventListener |
Annotation that marks a method as a listener for application events.