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Class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory

Removed Constructors
ProxyFactory(Class<?>, Interceptor) Create a new ProxyFactory for the given interface and interceptor.

Added Constructors
ProxyFactory(Class<?>, Interceptor) Create a new ProxyFactory for the given interface and interceptor.
ProxyFactory(Class<?>, TargetSource) Create a ProxyFactory for the specified {@code TargetSource}, making the proxy implement the specified interface.

Removed Methods
T getProxy(Class<T>, Interceptor) Create a new proxy for the given interface and interceptor.

Added Methods
T getProxy(Class<T>, Interceptor) Create a new proxy for the given interface and interceptor.
T getProxy(Class<T>, TargetSource) Create a proxy for the specified {@code TargetSource}, implementing the specified interface.