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Package org.springframework.aop

Changed Interfaces
Advisor Base interface holding AOP advice (action to take at a joinpoint) and a filter determining the applicability of the advice (such as a pointcut).
AfterAdvice Common marker interface for after advice, such as AfterReturningAdvice and ThrowsAdvice.
BeforeAdvice Common marker interface for before advice, such as MethodBeforeAdvice.
DynamicIntroductionAdvice Subinterface of AOP Alliance Advice that allows additional interfaces to be implemented by an Advice, and available via a proxy using that interceptor.
IntroductionInterceptor Subinterface of AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that allows additional interfaces to be implemented by the interceptor, and available via a proxy using that interceptor.
ProxyMethodInvocation Extension of the AOP Alliance org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation interface, allowing access to the proxy that the method invocation was made through.