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Changed Classes
AbstractBeanFactoryPointcutAdvisor Abstract BeanFactory-based PointcutAdvisor that allows for any Advice to be configured as reference to an Advice bean in a BeanFactory.
AbstractGenericPointcutAdvisor Abstract generic PointcutAdvisor that allows for any Advice to be configured.
AopUtils Utility methods for AOP support code.
DefaultIntroductionAdvisor Simple org.springframework.aop.IntroductionAdvisor implementation that by default applies to any class.
DefaultPointcutAdvisor Convenient Pointcut-driven Advisor implementation.
DelegatePerTargetObjectIntroductionInterceptor Convenient implementation of the org.springframework.aop.IntroductionInterceptor interface.
DelegatingIntroductionInterceptor Convenient implementation of the org.springframework.aop.IntroductionInterceptor interface.
IntroductionInfoSupport Support for implementations of org.springframework.aop.IntroductionInfo.
NameMatchMethodPointcutAdvisor Convenient class for name-match method pointcuts that hold an Advice, making them an Advisor.
RegexpMethodPointcutAdvisor Convenient class for regexp method pointcuts that hold an Advice, making them an org.springframework.aop.Advisor.
StaticMethodMatcherPointcutAdvisor Convenient base class for Advisors that are also static pointcuts.