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Package org.springframework.test.web.client

Added Classes and Interfaces
AbstractRequestExpectationManager Base class for {@code RequestExpectationManager} implementations responsible for storing expectations and actual requests, and checking for unsatisfied expectations at the end.
Helper class to manage a group of request expectations.
DefaultRequestExpectation Default implementation of {@code RequestExpectation} that simply delegates to the request matchers and the response creator it contains.
Helper class that keeps track of actual vs expected request count.
ExpectedCount A simple type representing a range for an expected count.
Builder to create a {@code MockRestServiceServer}.
RequestExpectation An extension of {@code ResponseActions} that also implements {@code RequestMatcher} and {@code ResponseCreator}
RequestExpectationManager Abstraction for creating HTTP request expectations, applying them to actual requests (in strict or random order), and verifying whether expectations have been met.
SimpleRequestExpectationManager Simple {@code RequestExpectationManager} that matches requests to expectations sequentially, i.e.
UnorderedRequestExpectationManager {@code RequestExpectationManager} that matches requests to expectations regardless of the order of declaration of expectated requests.

Changed Classes
MockRestServiceServer Main entry point for client-side REST testing.