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Package org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation

Changed Classes
LocalValidatorFactoryBean This is the central class for {@code javax.validation} (JSR-303) setup in a Spring application context: It bootstraps a {@code javax.validation.ValidationFactory} and exposes it through the Spring org.springframework.validation.Validator interface as well as through the JSR-303 javax.validation.Validator interface and the javax.validation.ValidatorFactory interface itself.
MethodValidationInterceptor An AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.
MethodValidationPostProcessor A convenient BeanPostProcessor implementation that delegates to a JSR-303 provider for performing method-level validation on annotated methods.
SpringValidatorAdapter Adapter that takes a JSR-303 {@code javax.validator.Validator} and exposes it as a Spring org.springframework.validation.Validator while also exposing the original JSR-303 Validator interface itself.