spring-framework / org.springframework.asm

Package org.springframework.asm



open class ClassWriter : ClassVisitor

A ClassVisitor that generates classes in bytecode form. More precisely this visitor generates a byte array conforming to the Java class file format. It can be used alone, to generate a Java class "from scratch", or with one or more ClassReader and adapter class visitor to generate a modified class from one or more existing Java classes.


class SpringAsmInfo

Utility class exposing constants related to Spring's internal repackaging of the ASM bytecode manipulation library (currently based on version 6.0).

See package-level javadocs for more information on org.springframework.asm.


open class Type

A Java field or method type. This class can be used to make it easier to manipulate type and method descriptors.


open class TypeReference

A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction. Such a reference designates the part of the class where the referenced type is appearing (e.g. an 'extends', 'implements' or 'throws' clause, a 'new' instruction, a 'catch' clause, a type cast, a local variable declaration, etc).