public interface CallMetaDataProvider
This is intended for internal use by Spring's
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
byPassReturnParameter(String parameterName)
Should we bypass the return parameter with the specified name.
String |
catalogNameToUse(String catalogName)
Provide any modification of the catalog name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.
SqlParameter |
createDefaultInOutParameter(String parameterName,
CallParameterMetaData meta)
Create a default inout parameter based on the provided meta-data.
SqlParameter |
createDefaultInParameter(String parameterName,
CallParameterMetaData meta)
Create a default in parameter based on the provided meta-data.
SqlParameter |
createDefaultOutParameter(String parameterName,
CallParameterMetaData meta)
Create a default out parameter based on the provided meta-data.
List<CallParameterMetaData> |
Get the call parameter meta-data that is currently used.
int |
Get the
Types type for columns that return ResultSets as ref cursors
if this feature is supported. |
String |
Get the name of the current user.
void |
initializeWithMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
Initialize using the provided DatabaseMetData.
void |
initializeWithProcedureColumnMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData,
String catalogName,
String schemaName,
String procedureName)
Initialize the database specific management of procedure column meta-data.
boolean |
Are we using the meta-data for the procedure columns?
boolean |
Does this database support returning ResultSets as ref cursors to be retrieved with
CallableStatement.getObject(int) for the specified column. |
boolean |
Does this database support returning ResultSets that should be retrieved with the JDBC call:
Statement.getResultSet() ? |
boolean |
Does the database support the use of catalog name in procedure calls?
boolean |
Does the database support the use of schema name in procedure calls?
String |
metaDataCatalogNameToUse(String catalogName)
Provide any modification of the catalog name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.
String |
metaDataSchemaNameToUse(String schemaName)
Provide any modification of the schema name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.
String |
parameterNameToUse(String parameterName)
Provide any modification of the column name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.
String |
procedureNameToUse(String procedureName)
Provide any modification of the procedure name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.
String |
schemaNameToUse(String schemaName)
Provide any modification of the schema name passed in to match the meta-data currently used.
void initializeWithMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData) throws SQLException
- used to retrieve database specific informationSQLException
- in case of initialization failurevoid initializeWithProcedureColumnMetaData(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData, @Nullable String catalogName, @Nullable String schemaName, @Nullable String procedureName) throws SQLException
- used to retrieve database specific informationcatalogName
- name of catalog to use (or null
if none)schemaName
- name of schema name to use (or null
if none)procedureName
- name of the stored procedureSQLException
- in case of initialization failureSimpleJdbcCall.withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess()
@Nullable String procedureNameToUse(@Nullable String procedureName)
@Nullable String catalogNameToUse(@Nullable String catalogName)
@Nullable String schemaNameToUse(@Nullable String schemaName)
@Nullable String metaDataCatalogNameToUse(@Nullable String catalogName)
@Nullable String metaDataSchemaNameToUse(@Nullable String schemaName)
@Nullable String parameterNameToUse(@Nullable String parameterName)
- name of the parameter of columnSqlParameter createDefaultOutParameter(String parameterName, CallParameterMetaData meta)
- the name of the parametermeta
- meta-data used for this callSqlParameter createDefaultInOutParameter(String parameterName, CallParameterMetaData meta)
- the name of the parametermeta
- meta-data used for this callSqlParameter createDefaultInParameter(String parameterName, CallParameterMetaData meta)
- the name of the parametermeta
- meta-data used for this call@Nullable String getUserName()
boolean isReturnResultSetSupported()
?boolean isRefCursorSupported()
for the specified getRefCursorSqlType()
type for columns that return ResultSets as ref cursors
if this feature is supported.boolean isProcedureColumnMetaDataUsed()
boolean byPassReturnParameter(String parameterName)
List<CallParameterMetaData> getCallParameterMetaData()
boolean isSupportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls()
boolean isSupportsSchemasInProcedureCalls()