CoRouterFunctionDsl |
Provide a WebFlux.fn RouterFunction Coroutines Kotlin DSL created by class CoRouterFunctionDsl |
RouterFunctionDsl |
Provide a WebFlux.fn RouterFunction Reactive Kotlin DSL created by class RouterFunctionDsl |
attributeOrNull |
Nullable variant of ServerRequest.attribute fun ServerRequest.attributeOrNull(name: String): Any? |
awaitBody |
Non-nullable Coroutines variant of ServerRequest.bodyToMono. suspend fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.awaitBody(): T
suspend fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.awaitBody(clazz: KClass<T>): T |
awaitBodyOrNull |
Nullable Coroutines variant of ServerRequest.bodyToMono. suspend fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.awaitBodyOrNull(): T?
suspend fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.awaitBodyOrNull(clazz: KClass<T>): T? |
awaitFormData |
Coroutines variant of ServerRequest.formData. suspend fun ServerRequest.awaitFormData(): MultiValueMap<String, String> |
awaitMultipartData |
Coroutines variant of ServerRequest.multipartData. suspend fun ServerRequest.awaitMultipartData(): MultiValueMap<String, Part> |
awaitPrincipal |
Coroutines variant of ServerRequest.principal. suspend fun ServerRequest.awaitPrincipal(): Principal? |
awaitSession |
Coroutines variant of ServerRequest.session. suspend fun ServerRequest.awaitSession(): WebSession |
body |
Extension for ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.body providing a fun <T : Any> BodyBuilder.body(publisher: Publisher<T>): Mono<ServerResponse>
Extension for ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.body providing a fun <T : Any> BodyBuilder.body(producer: Any): Mono<ServerResponse> |
bodyAndAwait |
Coroutines variant of ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.body with Any and
ParameterizedTypeReference parameters providing a suspend fun <T : Any> BodyBuilder.bodyAndAwait(flow: Flow<T>): ServerResponse |
bodyToFlow |
Coroutines kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow based variant of ServerRequest.bodyToFlux. fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.bodyToFlow(): Flow<T>
fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.bodyToFlow(clazz: KClass<T>): Flow<T> |
bodyToFlux |
Extension for ServerRequest.bodyToFlux providing a fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.bodyToFlux(): Flux<T> |
bodyToMono |
Extension for ServerRequest.bodyToMono providing a fun <T : Any> ServerRequest.bodyToMono(): Mono<T> |
bodyToServerSentEvents |
Extension for ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.body providing a
fun <T : Any> BodyBuilder. |
bodyValueAndAwait |
Coroutines variant of ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.bodyValue. suspend fun BodyBuilder.bodyValueAndAwait(body: Any): ServerResponse |
buildAndAwait |
Coroutines variant of suspend fun Builder.buildAndAwait(): RenderingResponse
Coroutines variant of suspend fun HeadersBuilder<out HeadersBuilder<*>>.buildAndAwait(): ServerResponse |
contentLengthOrNull |
Nullable variant of ServerRequest.Headers.contentLength fun Headers.contentLengthOrNull(): Long? |
contentTypeOrNull |
Nullable variant of ServerRequest.Headers.contentType fun Headers.contentTypeOrNull(): MediaType? |
coRouter |
Allow to create easily a WebFlux.fn RouterFunction with a Coroutines router Kotlin DSL. fun coRouter(routes: CoRouterFunctionDsl.() -> Unit): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> |
html |
Shortcut for setting MediaType.TEXT_HTML fun BodyBuilder.html(): BodyBuilder! |
json |
Shortcut for setting MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON fun BodyBuilder.json(): BodyBuilder! |
plus |
Equivalent to RouterFunction.and. operator fun <T : ServerResponse> RouterFunction<T>.plus(other: RouterFunction<T>): RouterFunction<T!>! |
queryParamOrNull |
Nullable variant of ServerRequest.queryParam fun ServerRequest.queryParamOrNull(name: String): String? |
remoteAddressOrNull |
Nullable variant of ServerRequest.remoteAddress fun ServerRequest.remoteAddressOrNull(): InetSocketAddress? |
renderAndAwait |
Coroutines variant of ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.render. suspend fun BodyBuilder.renderAndAwait(name: String, vararg modelAttributes: String): ServerResponse suspend fun BodyBuilder.renderAndAwait(name: String, model: Map<String, *>): ServerResponse |
router |
Allow to create easily a WebFlux.fn RouterFunction with a Reactive router Kotlin DSL. fun router(routes: RouterFunctionDsl.() -> Unit): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> |
sse |
Shortcut for setting MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM fun BodyBuilder.sse(): BodyBuilder! |
xml |
Shortcut for setting MediaType.APPLICATION_XML fun BodyBuilder.xml(): BodyBuilder! |