Package | Description |
org.springframework.expression |
Core abstractions behind the Spring Expression Language.
org.springframework.expression.common |
Common utility classes behind the Spring Expression Language.
org.springframework.expression.spel |
SpEL's central implementation package.
org.springframework.expression.spel.ast |
SpEL's abstract syntax tree.
org.springframework.expression.spel.standard |
SpEL's standard parser implementation.
| |
SpEL's default implementations for various core abstractions.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception wraps (as cause) a checked exception thrown by some method that SpEL
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int | firstObject,
Object secondObject)
Compare two given objects.
Class<?> |
TypeLocator.findType(String typeName)
Find a type by name.
Object |
Evaluate this expression in the default standard context.
<T> T |
Expression.getValue(Class<T> desiredResultType)
Evaluate the expression in the default context.
Object |
Expression.getValue(EvaluationContext context)
Evaluate this expression in the provided context and return the result
of evaluation.
<T> T |
Expression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Class<T> desiredResultType)
Evaluate the expression in a specified context which can resolve references
to properties, methods, types, etc.
Object |
Expression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject)
Evaluate this expression in the provided context and return the result
of evaluation, but use the supplied root context as an override for any
default root object specified in the context.
<T> T |
Expression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Class<T> desiredResultType)
Evaluate the expression in a specified context which can resolve references
to properties, methods, types, etc.
Object |
Expression.getValue(Object rootObject)
Evaluate this expression against the specified root object.
<T> T |
Expression.getValue(Object rootObject,
Class<T> desiredResultType)
Evaluate the expression in the default context against the specified root
Class<?> |
Return the most general type that can be passed to a
Expression.setValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method using the default context. |
Class<?> |
Expression.getValueType(EvaluationContext context)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object) method for the given context. |
Class<?> |
Expression.getValueType(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object) method for the given
context. |
Class<?> |
Expression.getValueType(Object rootObject)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(Object, Object) method using the default context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Return the most general type that can be passed to a
Expression.setValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method using the default context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Expression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object) method for the given context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Expression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object) method for the given
context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Expression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(Object, Object) method using the default context. |
boolean |
Expression.isWritable(EvaluationContext context)
Determine if an expression can be written to, i.e.
boolean |
Expression.isWritable(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject)
Determine if an expression can be written to, i.e.
boolean |
Expression.isWritable(Object rootObject)
Determine if an expression can be written to, i.e.
Object |
OperatorOverloader.operate(Operation operation,
Object leftOperand,
Object rightOperand)
Execute the specified operation on two operands, returning a result.
boolean |
OperatorOverloader.overridesOperation(Operation operation,
Object leftOperand,
Object rightOperand)
Return true if the operator overloader supports the specified operation
between the two operands and so should be invoked to handle it.
void |
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object value)
Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
void |
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Object value)
Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
void |
Expression.setValue(Object rootObject,
Object value)
Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue() |
<T> T |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(Class<T> expectedResultType) |
<T> T |
LiteralExpression.getValue(Class<T> expectedResultType) |
String |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context) |
<T> T |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Class<T> expectedResultType) |
<T> T |
LiteralExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Class<T> expectedResultType) |
String |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
String |
LiteralExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
<T> T |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Class<T> desiredResultType) |
<T> T |
LiteralExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Class<T> desiredResultType) |
String |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(Object rootObject) |
<T> T |
CompositeStringExpression.getValue(Object rootObject,
Class<T> desiredResultType) |
<T> T |
LiteralExpression.getValue(Object rootObject,
Class<T> desiredResultType) |
Class<?> |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueType(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
Class<?> |
LiteralExpression.getValueType(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
Class<?> |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueType(Object rootObject) |
Class<?> |
LiteralExpression.getValueType(Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
LiteralExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
LiteralExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) |
boolean |
CompositeStringExpression.isWritable(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
boolean |
LiteralExpression.isWritable(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
boolean |
CompositeStringExpression.isWritable(Object rootObject) |
boolean |
LiteralExpression.isWritable(Object rootObject) |
void |
CompositeStringExpression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object value) |
void |
LiteralExpression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object value) |
void |
CompositeStringExpression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Object value) |
void |
LiteralExpression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Object value) |
void |
CompositeStringExpression.setValue(Object rootObject,
Object value) |
void |
LiteralExpression.setValue(Object rootObject,
Object value) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Root exception for Spring EL related exceptions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
ExpressionState.convertValue(Object value,
TypeDescriptor targetTypeDescriptor) |
Object |
ExpressionState.convertValue(TypedValue value,
TypeDescriptor targetTypeDescriptor) |
Class<?> |
ExpressionState.findType(String type) |
TypedValue |
SpelNode.getTypedValue(ExpressionState expressionState)
Evaluate the expression node in the context of the supplied expression state
and return the typed value.
Object |
SpelNode.getValue(ExpressionState expressionState)
Evaluate the expression node in the context of the supplied expression state
and return the value.
abstract Object |
CompiledExpression.getValue(Object target,
EvaluationContext context)
Subclasses of CompiledExpression generated by SpelCompiler will provide an
implementation of this method.
boolean |
SpelNode.isWritable(ExpressionState expressionState)
Determine if this expression node will support a setValue() call.
TypedValue |
ExpressionState.operate(Operation op,
Object left,
Object right) |
void |
SpelNode.setValue(ExpressionState expressionState,
Object newValue)
Evaluate the expression to a node and then set the new value on that node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TypedValue |
SpelNodeImpl.getTypedValue(ExpressionState expressionState) |
Object |
SpelNodeImpl.getValue(ExpressionState expressionState) |
protected <T> T |
SpelNodeImpl.getValue(ExpressionState state,
Class<T> desiredReturnType) |
TypedValue |
Projection.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OpLE.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
OpDivide.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
QualifiedIdentifier.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
InlineList.getValueInternal(ExpressionState expressionState) |
TypedValue |
CompoundExpression.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Evaluates a compound expression.
TypedValue |
Indexer.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
FunctionReference.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
OpMinus.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OpNE.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
BeanReference.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
OpPlus.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
Elvis.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Evaluate the condition and if not null, return it.
BooleanTypedValue |
OpOr.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
Assign.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
MethodReference.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OperatorInstanceof.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Compare the left operand to see it is an instance of the type specified as the
right operand.
BooleanTypedValue |
OperatorBetween.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Returns a boolean based on whether a value is in the range expressed.
BooleanTypedValue |
OperatorNot.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OpLT.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
TypeReference.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
abstract TypedValue |
SpelNodeImpl.getValueInternal(ExpressionState expressionState) |
TypedValue |
InlineMap.getValueInternal(ExpressionState expressionState) |
TypedValue |
OpInc.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
ConstructorReference.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Implements getValue() - delegating to the code for building an array or a simple type.
TypedValue |
OpMultiply.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Implements the
multiply operator directly here for certain types
of supported operands and otherwise delegates to any registered overloader
for types not supported here. |
TypedValue |
Selection.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
OpModulus.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
Ternary.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Evaluate the condition and if true evaluate the first alternative, otherwise
evaluate the second alternative.
TypedValue |
OperatorPower.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OpEQ.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
PropertyOrFieldReference.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
OpAnd.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
TypedValue |
OpDec.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OperatorMatches.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state)
Check the first operand matches the regex specified as the second operand.
BooleanTypedValue |
OpGT.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
BooleanTypedValue |
OpGE.getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) |
protected ValueRef |
Projection.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
protected ValueRef |
CompoundExpression.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
protected ValueRef |
Indexer.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
protected ValueRef |
MethodReference.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
protected ValueRef |
SpelNodeImpl.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
protected ValueRef |
Selection.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
ValueRef |
PropertyOrFieldReference.getValueRef(ExpressionState state) |
boolean |
CompoundExpression.isWritable(ExpressionState state) |
boolean |
SpelNodeImpl.isWritable(ExpressionState expressionState) |
boolean |
PropertyOrFieldReference.isWritable(ExpressionState state) |
boolean |
PropertyOrFieldReference.isWritableProperty(String name,
TypedValue contextObject,
EvaluationContext evalContext) |
void |
SpelNodeImpl.setValue(ExpressionState expressionState,
Object newValue) |
TypedValue |
VariableReference.setValueInternal(ExpressionState state,
Supplier<TypedValue> valueSupplier) |
TypedValue |
CompoundExpression.setValueInternal(ExpressionState state,
Supplier<TypedValue> valueSupplier) |
TypedValue |
Indexer.setValueInternal(ExpressionState state,
Supplier<TypedValue> valueSupplier) |
TypedValue |
SpelNodeImpl.setValueInternal(ExpressionState expressionState,
Supplier<TypedValue> valueSupplier)
Evaluate the expression to a node and then set the new value created by the
Supplier on that node. |
TypedValue |
PropertyOrFieldReference.setValueInternal(ExpressionState state,
Supplier<TypedValue> valueSupplier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
SpelExpression.getValue() |
<T> T |
SpelExpression.getValue(Class<T> expectedResultType) |
Object |
SpelExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context) |
<T> T |
SpelExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Class<T> expectedResultType) |
Object |
SpelExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
<T> T |
SpelExpression.getValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Class<T> expectedResultType) |
Object |
SpelExpression.getValue(Object rootObject) |
<T> T |
SpelExpression.getValue(Object rootObject,
Class<T> expectedResultType) |
Class<?> |
SpelExpression.getValueType() |
Class<?> |
SpelExpression.getValueType(EvaluationContext context) |
Class<?> |
SpelExpression.getValueType(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
Class<?> |
SpelExpression.getValueType(Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor() |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context) |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) |
boolean |
SpelExpression.isWritable(EvaluationContext context) |
boolean |
SpelExpression.isWritable(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
boolean |
SpelExpression.isWritable(Object rootObject) |
void |
SpelExpression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object value) |
void |
SpelExpression.setValue(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject,
Object value) |
void |
SpelExpression.setValue(Object rootObject,
Object value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Class<?> |
StandardTypeLocator.findType(String typeName)
Find a (possibly unqualified) type reference - first using the type name as-is,
then trying any registered prefixes if the type name cannot be found.
Object |
StandardOperatorOverloader.operate(Operation operation,
Object leftOperand,
Object rightOperand) |
boolean |
StandardOperatorOverloader.overridesOperation(Operation operation,
Object leftOperand,
Object rightOperand) |