spring-framework / org.springframework.web.servlet.function / RouterFunctionDsl


class RouterFunctionDsl

Provide a WebMvc.fn RouterFunction Reactive Kotlin DSL created by router { } in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.

Sebastien Deleuze




Route to the given handler function if the given accept predicate applies.

fun accept(mediaType: MediaType, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that tests if the request's accept } header is compatible with any of the given media types.

fun accept(vararg mediaType: MediaType): RequestPredicate


fun accepted(): BodyBuilder!


Merge externally defined router functions into this one.

fun add(routerFunction: RouterFunction<ServerResponse>): Unit


Filter the response object for all routes created by this builder with the given response processing function. Filters are typically used to address cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, etc.

fun after(responseProcessor: (ServerRequest, ServerResponse) -> ServerResponse): Unit


Return a composed request predicate that tests against both this predicate AND the other predicate (String processed as a path predicate). When evaluating the composed predicate, if this predicate is false, then the other predicate is not evaluated.

infix fun RequestPredicate.and(other: String): RequestPredicate

Return a composed request predicate that tests against both this predicate (String processed as a path predicate) AND the other predicate. When evaluating the composed predicate, if this predicate is false, then the other predicate is not evaluated.

infix fun String.and(other: RequestPredicate): RequestPredicate

Return a composed request predicate that tests against both this predicate AND the other predicate. When evaluating the composed predicate, if this predicate is false, then the other predicate is not evaluated.

infix fun RequestPredicate.and(other: RequestPredicate): RequestPredicate


fun badRequest(): BodyBuilder!


Filter the request object for all routes created by this builder with the given request processing function. Filters are typically used to address cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, etc.

fun before(requestProcessor: (ServerRequest) -> ServerRequest): Unit


Route to the given handler function if the given contentType predicate applies.

fun contentType(mediaType: MediaType, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that tests if the request's content type is included by any of the given media types.

fun contentType(vararg mediaTypes: MediaType): RequestPredicate


fun created(location: URI): BodyBuilder!


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP DELETE requests.

fun DELETE(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP DELETE requests that match the given pattern.

fun DELETE(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP DELETE requests that match the given predicate.

fun DELETE(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP DELETE requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun DELETE(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is DELETE and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun DELETE(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Filters all routes created by this router with the given filter function. Filter functions are typically used to address cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, etc.

fun filter(filterFunction: (ServerRequest, (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse) -> ServerResponse): Unit


fun from(other: ServerResponse): BodyBuilder!


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP GET requests.

fun GET(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP GET requests that match the given pattern.

fun GET(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP GET requests that match the given predicate.

fun GET(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP GET requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun GET(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is GET and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun GET(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP HEAD requests.

fun HEAD(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP HEAD requests that match the given pattern.

fun HEAD(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP HEAD requests that match the given predicate.

fun HEAD(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP HEAD requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun HEAD(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is HEAD and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun HEAD(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Route to the given handler function if the given headers predicate applies.

fun headers(headersPredicate: (Headers) -> Boolean, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that tests the request's headers against the given headers predicate.

fun headers(headersPredicate: (Headers) -> Boolean): RequestPredicate


Route to the given handler function if the given request predicate applies.

operator fun RequestPredicate.invoke(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Route to the given handler function if the given predicate (String processed as a path predicate) applies.

operator fun String.invoke(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit


Route to the given handler function if the given method predicate applies.

fun method(httpMethod: HttpMethod, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that tests against the given HTTP method.

fun method(httpMethod: HttpMethod): RequestPredicate


Route to the given router function if the given request predicate applies. This method can be used to create nested routes, where a group of routes share a common path (prefix), header, or other request predicate.

fun RequestPredicate.nest(r: RouterFunctionDsl.() -> Unit): Unit

Route to the given router function if the given request predicate (String processed as a path predicate) applies. This method can be used to create nested routes, where a group of routes share a common path (prefix), header, or other request predicate.

fun String.nest(r: RouterFunctionDsl.() -> Unit): Unit


fun noContent(): HeadersBuilder<*>!


Return a predicate that represents the logical negation of this predicate.

operator fun RequestPredicate.not(): RequestPredicate


fun notFound(): HeadersBuilder<*>!


fun ok(): BodyBuilder!


Filters all exceptions that match the predicate by applying the given response provider function.

fun onError(predicate: (Throwable) -> Boolean, responseProvider: (Throwable, ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit
fun <E : Throwable> onError(responseProvider: (Throwable, ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP OPTIONS requests.

fun OPTIONS(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP OPTIONS requests that match the given pattern.

fun OPTIONS(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP OPTIONS requests that match the given predicate.

fun OPTIONS(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP OPTIONS requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun OPTIONS(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is OPTIONS and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun OPTIONS(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Return a composed request predicate that tests against both this predicate OR the other predicate (String processed as a path predicate). When evaluating the composed predicate, if this predicate is true, then the other predicate is not evaluated.

infix fun RequestPredicate.or(other: String): RequestPredicate

Return a composed request predicate that tests against both this predicate (String processed as a path predicate) OR the other predicate. When evaluating the composed predicate, if this predicate is true, then the other predicate is not evaluated.

infix fun String.or(other: RequestPredicate): RequestPredicate

Return a composed request predicate that tests against both this predicate OR the other predicate. When evaluating the composed predicate, if this predicate is true, then the other predicate is not evaluated.

infix fun RequestPredicate.or(other: RequestPredicate): RequestPredicate


Route to the given handler function if the given queryParam predicate applies.

fun param(name: String, predicate: (String) -> Boolean, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that tests the request's query parameter of the given name against the given predicate.

fun param(name: String, predicate: (String) -> Boolean): RequestPredicate


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PATCH requests.

fun PATCH(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PATCH requests that match the given pattern.

fun PATCH(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PATCH requests that match the given predicate.

fun PATCH(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PATCH requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun PATCH(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is PATCH and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun PATCH(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Route to the given handler function if the given path predicate applies.

fun path(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that tests the request path against the given path pattern.

fun path(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Route to the given handler function if the given pathExtension predicate applies.

fun pathExtension(extension: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit
fun pathExtension(predicate: (String) -> Boolean, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's path has the given extension.

fun pathExtension(extension: String): RequestPredicate

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if the request's path matches the given predicate.

fun pathExtension(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): RequestPredicate


fun permanentRedirect(location: URI): BodyBuilder!


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP POST requests.

fun POST(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP POST requests that match the given pattern.

fun POST(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP POST requests that match the given predicate.

fun POST(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP POST requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun POST(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is POST and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun POST(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PUT requests.

fun PUT(f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PUT requests that match the given pattern.

fun PUT(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PUT requests that match the given predicate.

fun PUT(predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Adds a route to the given handler function that handles all HTTP PUT requests that match the given pattern and predicate.

fun PUT(pattern: String, predicate: RequestPredicate, f: (ServerRequest) -> ServerResponse): Unit

Return a RequestPredicate that matches if request's HTTP method is PUT and the given pattern matches against the request path.

fun PUT(pattern: String): RequestPredicate


Route requests that match the given pattern to resources relative to the given root location.

fun resources(path: String, location: Resource): Unit

Route to resources using the provided lookup function. If the lookup function provides a Resource for the given request, it will be it will be exposed using a HandlerFunction that handles GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.

fun resources(lookupFunction: (ServerRequest) -> Resource?): Unit


fun seeOther(location: URI): BodyBuilder!


fun status(status: HttpStatus): BodyBuilder!
fun status(status: Int): BodyBuilder!


fun temporaryRedirect(location: URI): BodyBuilder!


fun unprocessableEntity(): BodyBuilder!