Package | Description |
org.springframework.beans |
This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans.
org.springframework.beans.factory.config |
SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories.
org.springframework.core.convert |
Type conversion system API.
org.springframework.core.convert.converter |
SPI to implement Converters for the type conversion system.
| |
Default implementation of the type conversion system.
org.springframework.expression |
Core abstractions behind the Spring Expression Language.
org.springframework.expression.common |
Common utility classes behind the Spring Expression Language.
org.springframework.expression.spel |
SpEL's central implementation package.
org.springframework.expression.spel.standard |
SpEL's standard parser implementation.
| |
SpEL's default implementations for various core abstractions.
org.springframework.validation |
Provides data binding and validation functionality,
for usage in business and/or UI layers.
org.springframework.web.method.annotation |
Support classes for annotation-based handler method processing.
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation |
MVC infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing, building on the
org.springframework.web.method.annotation package. |
org.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standard |
Adapter classes for the standard Java WebSocket API.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TypeDescriptor |
PropertyAccessor.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(String propertyName)
Return a type descriptor for the specified property:
preferably from the read method, falling back to the write method.
TypeDescriptor |
AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(String propertyName) |
abstract TypeDescriptor |
AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.PropertyHandler.nested(int level) |
abstract TypeDescriptor |
AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.PropertyHandler.toTypeDescriptor() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.convertForProperty(String propertyName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue,
TypeDescriptor td) |
default <T> T |
TypeConverter.convertIfNecessary(Object value,
Class<T> requiredType,
TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
Convert the value to the required type (if necessary from a String).
<T> T |
TypeConverterSupport.convertIfNecessary(Object value,
Class<T> requiredType,
TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TypeDescriptor |
Build a
TypeDescriptor object for the wrapped parameter/field. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.array(TypeDescriptor elementTypeDescriptor)
Create a new type descriptor as an array of the specified type.
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.collection(Class<?> collectionType,
TypeDescriptor elementTypeDescriptor)
Create a new type descriptor from a
Collection type. |
TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.elementTypeDescriptor(Object element)
If this type is a
Collection or an array, creates an element TypeDescriptor
from the provided collection or array element. |
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.forObject(Object source)
Create a new type descriptor for an object.
TypeDescriptor |
If this type is an array, returns the array's component type.
TypeDescriptor |
If this type is a
Map and its key type is parameterized,
returns the map's key type. |
TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.getMapKeyTypeDescriptor(Object mapKey)
If this type is a
Map , creates a mapKey TypeDescriptor
from the provided map key. |
TypeDescriptor |
If this type is a
Map and its value type is parameterized,
returns the map's value type. |
TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.getMapValueTypeDescriptor(Object mapValue)
If this type is a
Map , creates a mapValue TypeDescriptor
from the provided map value. |
TypeDescriptor |
Return the source type that was requested to convert from.
TypeDescriptor |
Return the source type we tried to convert the value from.
TypeDescriptor |
Return the target type that was requested to convert to.
TypeDescriptor |
Return the target type we tried to convert the value to.
static TypeDescriptor |<?> mapType,
TypeDescriptor keyTypeDescriptor,
TypeDescriptor valueTypeDescriptor)
Create a new type descriptor from a
Map type. |
TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.narrow(Object value)
Narrows this
TypeDescriptor by setting its type to the class of the
provided value. |
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.nested(Field field,
int nestingLevel)
Create a type descriptor for a nested type declared within the field.
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.nested(MethodParameter methodParameter,
int nestingLevel)
Create a type descriptor for a nested type declared within the method parameter.
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.nested(Property property,
int nestingLevel)
Create a type descriptor for a nested type declared within the property.
TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.upcast(Class<?> superType)
Cast this
TypeDescriptor to a superclass or implemented interface
preserving annotations and nested type context. |
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.valueOf(Class<?> type)
Create a new type descriptor from the given type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.array(TypeDescriptor elementTypeDescriptor)
Create a new type descriptor as an array of the specified type.
boolean |
ConversionService.canConvert(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
true if objects of sourceType can be converted to the targetType . |
static TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.collection(Class<?> collectionType,
TypeDescriptor elementTypeDescriptor)
Create a new type descriptor from a
Collection type. |
Object |
ConversionService.convert(Object source,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Convert the given
source to the specified targetType . |
boolean |
TypeDescriptor.isAssignableTo(TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
Returns true if an object of this type descriptor can be assigned to the location
described by the given type descriptor.
static TypeDescriptor |<?> mapType,
TypeDescriptor keyTypeDescriptor,
TypeDescriptor valueTypeDescriptor)
Create a new type descriptor from a
Map type. |
Constructor and Description |
ConversionFailedException(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType,
Object value,
Throwable cause)
Create a new conversion exception.
ConverterNotFoundException(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Create a new conversion executor not found exception.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
GenericConverter.convert(Object source,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Convert the source object to the targetType described by the
TypeDescriptor . |
boolean |
ConditionalConverter.matches(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Should the conversion from
sourceType to targetType currently under
consideration be selected? |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
GenericConversionService.canBypassConvert(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Return whether conversion between the source type and the target type can be bypassed.
boolean |
GenericConversionService.canConvert(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType) |
Object |
GenericConversionService.convert(Object source,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Convenience operation for converting a source object to the specified targetType,
where the target type is a descriptor that provides additional conversion context.
Object |
GenericConversionService.convert(Object source,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType) |
protected Object |
GenericConversionService.convertNullSource(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Template method to convert a
null source. |
protected GenericConverter |
GenericConversionService.getConverter(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Hook method to look up the converter for a given sourceType/targetType pair.
protected GenericConverter |
GenericConversionService.getDefaultConverter(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Return the default converter if no converter is found for the given sourceType/targetType pair.
Constructor and Description |
ConvertingPropertyEditorAdapter(ConversionService conversionService,
TypeDescriptor targetDescriptor)
Create a new ConvertingPropertyEditorAdapter for a given
and the given target type. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TypeDescriptor |
TypedValue.getTypeDescriptor() |
TypeDescriptor |
Return the most general type that can be passed to a
Expression.setValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method using the default context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Expression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object) method for the given context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Expression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object) method for the given
context. |
TypeDescriptor |
Expression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject)
Return the most general type that can be passed to the
Expression.setValue(Object, Object) method using the default context. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TypeConverter.canConvert(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
true if the type converter can convert the specified type
to the desired target type. |
Object |
TypeConverter.convertValue(Object value,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType)
Convert (or coerce) a value from one type to another, for example from a
boolean to a String . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MethodExecutor |
MethodResolver.resolve(EvaluationContext context,
Object targetObject,
String name,
List<TypeDescriptor> argumentTypes)
Within the supplied context determine a suitable method on the supplied object that
can handle the specified arguments.
ConstructorExecutor |
ConstructorResolver.resolve(EvaluationContext context,
String typeName,
List<TypeDescriptor> argumentTypes)
Within the supplied context determine a suitable constructor on the supplied type
that can handle the specified arguments.
Constructor and Description |
TypedValue(Object value,
TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
Create a
TypedValue for a particular value with a particular
TypeDescriptor which may contain additional generic declarations. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TypeDescriptor |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor() |
TypeDescriptor |
LiteralExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor() |
TypeDescriptor |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context) |
TypeDescriptor |
LiteralExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context) |
TypeDescriptor |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
LiteralExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
CompositeStringExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
LiteralExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
ExpressionState.convertValue(Object value,
TypeDescriptor targetTypeDescriptor) |
Object |
ExpressionState.convertValue(TypedValue value,
TypeDescriptor targetTypeDescriptor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor() |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context) |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context,
Object rootObject) |
TypeDescriptor |
SpelExpression.getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
StandardTypeConverter.canConvert(TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType) |
Object |
StandardTypeConverter.convertValue(Object value,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
TypeDescriptor targetType) |
void |
StandardEvaluationContext.setRootObject(Object rootObject,
TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) |
SimpleEvaluationContext.Builder |
SimpleEvaluationContext.Builder.withTypedRootObject(Object rootObject,
TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor)
Specify a typed root object to resolve against.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
ReflectionHelper.getTypeDifferenceWeight(List<TypeDescriptor> paramTypes,
List<TypeDescriptor> argTypes)
Based on
MethodInvoker.getTypeDifferenceWeight(Class[], Object[]) but operates on TypeDescriptors. |
static int |
ReflectionHelper.getTypeDifferenceWeight(List<TypeDescriptor> paramTypes,
List<TypeDescriptor> argTypes)
Based on
MethodInvoker.getTypeDifferenceWeight(Class[], Object[]) but operates on TypeDescriptors. |
MethodExecutor |
ReflectiveMethodResolver.resolve(EvaluationContext context,
Object targetObject,
String name,
List<TypeDescriptor> argumentTypes)
Locate a method on a type.
MethodExecutor |
DataBindingMethodResolver.resolve(EvaluationContext context,
Object targetObject,
String name,
List<TypeDescriptor> argumentTypes) |
ConstructorExecutor |
ReflectiveConstructorResolver.resolve(EvaluationContext context,
String typeName,
List<TypeDescriptor> argumentTypes)
Locate a constructor on the type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> T |
DataBinder.convertIfNecessary(Object value,
Class<T> requiredType,
TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected String |
RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver.formatUriValue(ConversionService cs,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
Object value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected String |
PathVariableMethodArgumentResolver.formatUriValue(ConversionService cs,
TypeDescriptor sourceType,
Object value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected TypeDescriptor |
Returns the websocket message type.
protected TypeDescriptor |
Returns the type being converted.