Package org.springframework.web.server
package org.springframework.web.server
Core interfaces and classes for Spring's generic, reactive web support.
Builds on top of the
reactive HTTP adapter layer, providing additional constructs such as
WebHandler, WebFilter, WebSession among others.-
ClassDescriptionException for errors that fit response status 405 (method not allowed).Exception for errors that fit response status 406 (not acceptable).Base class for exceptions associated with specific HTTP response status codes.Exception for an
that exposes extra information about a controller method that failed, or a controller method argument that could not be resolved.Contract for an HTTP request-response interaction.Builder for mutating an existingServerWebExchange
.A convenient base class for classes that need to wrap anotherServerWebExchange
.Exception for errors that fit response status 400 (bad request) for use in Spring Web applications.Exception for errors that fit response status 415 (unsupported media type).Contract for handling exceptions during web server exchange processing.Contract for interception-style, chained processing of Web requests that may be used to implement cross-cutting, application-agnostic requirements such as security, timeouts, and others.Contract to allow aWebFilter
to delegate to the next in the chain.Contract to handle a web request.Main contract for using a server-side session that provides access to session attributes across HTTP requests.