
Provide a MockMvcResultMatchers Kotlin DSL in order to be able to write idiomatic Kotlin code.


Sebastien Deleuze




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fun forwardedUrl(expectedUrl: String?)
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fun forwardedUrlPattern(urlPattern: String)
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fun forwardedUrlTemplate(urlTemplate: String, vararg uriVars: Any)
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fun <T> jsonPath(expression: String, matcher: Matcher<T>)
fun jsonPath(expression: String, vararg args: Any?, dsl: JsonPathResultMatchersDsl.() -> Unit)
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fun match(matcher: ResultMatcher)
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fun redirectedUrl(expectedUrl: String)
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fun redirectedUrlPattern(redirectedUrlPattern: String)
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fun xpath(expression: String, vararg args: Any?, namespaces: Map<String, String>? = null, dsl: XpathResultMatchersDsl.() -> Unit)