Interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the handler function to route to
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse>
Represents a function that routes to a handler function.
Arjen Poutsma
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • route

      Return the handler function that matches the given request.
      request - the request to route
      an Optional describing the HandlerFunction that matches this request, or an empty Optional if there is no match
    • and

      default RouterFunction<T> and(RouterFunction<T> other)
      Return a composed routing function that first invokes this function, and then invokes the other function (of the same response type T) if this route had no result.
      other - the function of type T to apply when this function has no result
      a composed function that first routes with this function and then the other function if this function has no result
      See Also:
    • andOther

      default RouterFunction<?> andOther(RouterFunction<?> other)
      Return a composed routing function that first invokes this function, and then invokes the other function (of a different response type) if this route had no result.
      other - the function to apply when this function has no result
      a composed function that first routes with this function and then the other function if this function has no result
      See Also:
    • andRoute

      default RouterFunction<T> andRoute(RequestPredicate predicate, HandlerFunction<T> handlerFunction)
      Return a composed routing function that routes to the given handler function if this route does not match and the given request predicate applies. This method is a convenient combination of and(RouterFunction) and RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicate, HandlerFunction).
      predicate - the predicate to test if this route does not match
      handlerFunction - the handler function to route to if this route does not match and the predicate applies
      a composed function that route to handlerFunction if this route does not match and if predicate applies
    • andNest

      default RouterFunction<T> andNest(RequestPredicate predicate, RouterFunction<T> routerFunction)
      Return a composed routing function that routes to the given router function if this route does not match and the given request predicate applies. This method is a convenient combination of and(RouterFunction) and RouterFunctions.nest(RequestPredicate, RouterFunction).
      predicate - the predicate to test if this route does not match
      routerFunction - the router function to route to if this route does not match and the predicate applies
      a composed function that route to routerFunction if this route does not match and if predicate applies
    • filter

      default <S extends ServerResponse> RouterFunction<S> filter(HandlerFilterFunction<T,S> filterFunction)
      Filter all handler functions routed by this function with the given filter function.
      Type Parameters:
      S - the filter return type
      filterFunction - the filter to apply
      the filtered routing function
    • accept

      default void accept(RouterFunctions.Visitor visitor)
      Accept the given visitor. Default implementation calls RouterFunctions.Visitor.unknown(RouterFunction); composed RouterFunction implementations are expected to call accept for all components that make up this router function.
      visitor - the visitor to accept
    • withAttribute

      default RouterFunction<T> withAttribute(String name, Object value)
      Return a new routing function with the given attribute.
      name - the attribute name
      value - the attribute value
      a function that has the specified attributes
    • withAttributes

      default RouterFunction<T> withAttributes(Consumer<Map<String,Object>> attributesConsumer)
      Return a new routing function with attributes manipulated with the given consumer.

      The map provided to the consumer is "live", so that the consumer can be used to overwrite existing attributes, remove attributes, or use any of the other Map methods.

      attributesConsumer - a function that consumes the attributes map
      this builder