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T_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_BYTE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_CHAR - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_INT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_LONG - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
T_SHORT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
TABINDEX_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractHtmlElementTag
TableMetaDataContext - Class in org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata
Class to manage context meta-data used for the configuration and execution of operations on a database table.
TableMetaDataContext() - Constructor for class org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata.TableMetaDataContext
TableMetaDataProvider - Interface in org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata
Interface specifying the API to be implemented by a class providing table meta-data.
TableMetaDataProviderFactory - Class in org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata
Factory used to create a TableMetaDataProvider implementation based on the type of database being used.
tableNameToUse(String) - Method in class org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata.GenericTableMetaDataProvider
tableNameToUse(String) - Method in interface org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata.TableMetaDataProvider
Get the table name formatted based on meta-data information.
TableParameterMetaData - Class in org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata
Holder of meta-data for a specific parameter that is used for table processing.
TableParameterMetaData(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.springframework.jdbc.core.metadata.TableParameterMetaData
Constructor taking all the properties.
TABLESWITCH - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
tag(String, String) - Method in interface org.springframework.core.metrics.StartupStep
Add a StartupStep.Tag to the step.
tag(String, Supplier<String>) - Method in interface org.springframework.core.metrics.StartupStep
Add a StartupStep.Tag to the step.
TagUtils - Class in org.springframework.web.util
Utility class for tag library related code, exposing functionality such as translating Strings to web scopes.
TagUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.util.TagUtils
TagWriter - Class in org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form
Utility class for writing HTML content to a Writer instance.
TagWriter(PageContext) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.TagWriter
Create a new instance of the TagWriter class that writes to the supplied PageContext.
TagWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.TagWriter
Create a new instance of the TagWriter class that writes to the supplied Writer.
takeUntilByteCount(Publisher<T>, long) - Static method in class
Relay buffers from the given Publisher until the total byte count reaches the given maximum byte count, or until the publisher is complete.
target - Variable in class org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
target - Variable in class org.springframework.cglib.beans.BulkBean
target - Variable in class org.springframework.cglib.reflect.MethodDelegate
TARGET_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.context.annotation.ScopedProxyMode
Create a class-based proxy (uses CGLIB).
targetClass - Variable in class org.springframework.util.MethodInvoker
TargetClassAware - Interface in org.springframework.aop
Minimal interface for exposing the target class behind a proxy.
targetObject - Variable in class
targets - Variable in class org.springframework.cglib.reflect.MulticastDelegate
TargetSource - Interface in org.springframework.aop
A TargetSource is used to obtain the current "target" of an AOP invocation, which will be invoked via reflection if no around advice chooses to end the interceptor chain itself.
TargetSourceCreator - Interface in org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy
Implementations can create special target sources, such as pooling target sources, for particular beans.
Task - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.config
Holder class defining a Runnable to be executed as a task, typically at a scheduled time or interval.
Task(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.config.Task
Create a new Task.
TaskDecorator - Interface in org.springframework.core.task
A callback interface for a decorator to be applied to any Runnable about to be executed.
taskExecutor() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.ChannelRegistration
Configure the thread pool backing this message channel.
taskExecutor(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.ChannelRegistration
Configure the thread pool backing this message channel using a custom ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
TaskExecutor - Interface in org.springframework.core.task
Simple task executor interface that abstracts the execution of a Runnable.
TaskExecutorAdapter - Class in
Adapter that takes a JDK java.util.concurrent.Executor and exposes a Spring TaskExecutor for it.
TaskExecutorAdapter(Executor) - Constructor for class
Create a new TaskExecutorAdapter, using the given JDK concurrent executor.
TaskExecutorFactoryBean - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.config
FactoryBean for creating ThreadPoolTaskExecutor instances, primarily used behind the XML task namespace.
TaskExecutorFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.config.TaskExecutorFactoryBean
TaskExecutorRegistration - Class in org.springframework.messaging.simp.config
A registration class for customizing the properties of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
TaskExecutorRegistration() - Constructor for class org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.TaskExecutorRegistration
Create a new TaskExecutorRegistration for a default ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
TaskExecutorRegistration(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor) - Constructor for class org.springframework.messaging.simp.config.TaskExecutorRegistration
Create a new TaskExecutorRegistration for a given ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
TaskManagementConfigUtils - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.config
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
TaskManagementConfigUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.config.TaskManagementConfigUtils
TaskNamespaceHandler - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.config
NamespaceHandler for the 'task' namespace.
TaskNamespaceHandler() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.config.TaskNamespaceHandler
TaskRejectedException - Exception in org.springframework.core.task
Exception thrown when a TaskExecutor rejects to accept a given task for execution.
TaskRejectedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException
Create a new TaskRejectedException with the specified detail message and no root cause.
TaskRejectedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException
Create a new TaskRejectedException with the specified detail message and the given root cause.
TaskRejectedException(Executor, Object, RejectedExecutionException) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.core.task.TaskRejectedException
Create a new TaskRejectedException with a default message for the given executor and task.
TASKS_SCHEDULED_EXECUTION - Enum constant in enum class
Observations on executions of Scheduled tasks.
TaskScheduler - Interface in org.springframework.scheduling
Task scheduler interface that abstracts the scheduling of Runnables based on different kinds of triggers.
TaskSchedulerRouter - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.config
A routing implementation of the TaskScheduler interface, delegating to a target scheduler based on an identified qualifier or using a default scheduler otherwise.
TaskSchedulerRouter() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.config.TaskSchedulerRouter
TaskTimeoutException - Exception in org.springframework.core.task
as of 5.3.16 since the common executors do not support start timeouts
TaskTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.core.task.TaskTimeoutException
Create a new TaskTimeoutException with the specified detail message and no root cause.
TaskTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.core.task.TaskTimeoutException
Create a new TaskTimeoutException with the specified detail message and the given root cause.
TaskUtils - Class in
Utility methods for decorating tasks with error handling.
TaskUtils() - Constructor for class
tcp(String, int) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.rsocket.RSocketRequester.Builder
Build an RSocketRequester with an RSocketClient that connects over TCP to the given host and port.
TcpConnection<P> - Interface in org.springframework.messaging.tcp
A contract for sending messages and managing a TCP connection.
TcpConnectionHandler<P> - Interface in org.springframework.messaging.tcp
A contract for managing lifecycle events for a TCP connection including the handling of incoming messages.
TcpMessageCodec<P> - Interface in org.springframework.messaging.tcp.reactor
Contract to encode and decode a Message to and from a ByteBuffer allowing a higher-level protocol (e.g.
TcpOperations<P> - Interface in org.springframework.messaging.tcp
A contract for establishing TCP connections.
TE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
The HTTP TE header field name.
TEMP_DIR_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils
Standard Servlet spec context attribute that specifies a temporary directory for the current web application, of type
TEMPLATE_AND_VALUES - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.web.util.DefaultUriBuilderFactory.EncodingMode
Pre-encode the URI template first, then strictly encode URI variables when expanded, with the following rules: For the URI template replace only non-ASCII and illegal (within a given URI component type) characters with escaped octets.
TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface org.springframework.expression.ParserContext
The default ParserContext implementation that enables template expression parsing mode.
TemplateAwareExpressionParser - Class in org.springframework.expression.common
An expression parser that understands templates.
TemplateAwareExpressionParser() - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.common.TemplateAwareExpressionParser
TemplateParserContext - Class in org.springframework.expression.common
Configurable ParserContext implementation for template parsing.
TemplateParserContext() - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.common.TemplateParserContext
Create a new TemplateParserContext with the default "#{" prefix and "}" suffix.
TemplateParserContext(String, String) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.common.TemplateParserContext
Create a new TemplateParserContext for the given prefix and suffix.
TemporalAccessorParser - Class in org.springframework.format.datetime.standard
Parser implementation for a JSR-310 TemporalAccessor, using a DateTimeFormatter (the contextual one, if available).
TemporalAccessorParser(Class<? extends TemporalAccessor>, DateTimeFormatter) - Constructor for class org.springframework.format.datetime.standard.TemporalAccessorParser
Create a new TemporalAccessorParser for the given TemporalAccessor type.
TemporalAccessorPrinter - Class in org.springframework.format.datetime.standard
Printer implementation for a JSR-310 TemporalAccessor, using a DateTimeFormatter) (the contextual one, if available).
TemporalAccessorPrinter(DateTimeFormatter) - Constructor for class org.springframework.format.datetime.standard.TemporalAccessorPrinter
Create a new TemporalAccessorPrinter.
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
307 Temporary Redirect.
TemporaryLobCreator - Class in
LobCreator implementation based on temporary LOBs, using JDBC 4.0's Connection.createBlob() / Connection.createClob() mechanism.
TemporaryLobCreator() - Constructor for class
temporaryRedirect(URI) - Static method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse
Create a builder with a 307 Temporary Redirect status and a location header set to the given URI.
temporaryRedirect(URI) - Static method in interface org.springframework.web.servlet.function.ServerResponse
Create a builder with a 307 Temporary Redirect status and a location header set to the given URI.
TERABYTES - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.util.unit.DataUnit
Terabytes, represented by suffix TB.
TERMINATE - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator.OverflowStrategy
Throw SessionLimitExceededException that will result in the session being terminated.
Ternary - Class in org.springframework.expression.spel.ast
Represents a ternary expression, for example: "someCheck()?true:false".
Ternary(int, int, SpelNodeImpl...) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Ternary
test(Class<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.web.method.HandlerTypePredicate
test(Object, ServerWebExchange) - Method in class
test(RuntimeHints) - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.predicate.ReflectionHintsPredicates.ExecutableHintPredicate
test(RuntimeHints) - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.predicate.ReflectionHintsPredicates.FieldHintPredicate
test(RuntimeHints) - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.predicate.ReflectionHintsPredicates.TypeHintPredicate
test(ServerRequest) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.RequestPredicate
Evaluate this predicate on the given request.
test(ServerRequest) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.servlet.function.RequestPredicate
Evaluate this predicate on the given request.
TEST_CONSTRUCTOR_AUTOWIRE_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface org.springframework.test.context.TestConstructor
JVM system property used to change the default test constructor autowire mode: "spring.test.constructor.autowire.mode".
TEST_TARGET - Static variable in class org.springframework.aot.test.generate.TestGenerationContext
The default test target ClassName.
TestAnnotationUtils - Class in org.springframework.test.annotation
Collection of utility methods for working with Spring's core testing annotations.
TestAnnotationUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.annotation.TestAnnotationUtils
TestAotProcessor - Class in org.springframework.test.context.aot
Filesystem-based ahead-of-time (AOT) processing base implementation that scans the provided classpath roots for Spring integration test classes and then generates AOT artifacts for those test classes in the configured output directories.
TestAotProcessor(Set<Path>, AbstractAotProcessor.Settings) - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.aot.TestAotProcessor
Create a new processor for the specified test classpath roots and common settings.
TestCompiler - Class in
Utility that can be used to dynamically compile and test Java source code.
testConnection() - Method in class org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl
Validate that this instance can connect to the server that it is configured for.
TestConstructor - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.test.context
@TestConstructor is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how the parameters of a test class constructor are autowired from components in the test's ApplicationContext.
TestConstructor.AutowireMode - Enum Class in org.springframework.test.context
Defines autowiring modes for parameters in a test constructor.
TestConstructorUtils - Class in
Utility methods for working with @TestConstructor.
TestContext - Interface in org.springframework.test.context
TestContext encapsulates the context in which a test is executed, agnostic of the actual testing framework in use.
TestContextAnnotationUtils - Class in org.springframework.test.context
TestContextAnnotationUtils is a collection of utility methods that complements the standard support already available in AnnotationUtils and AnnotatedElementUtils, while transparently honoring @NestedTestConfiguration semantics.
TestContextAnnotationUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.TestContextAnnotationUtils
TestContextAnnotationUtils.AnnotationDescriptor<T extends Annotation> - Class in org.springframework.test.context
Descriptor for an Annotation, including the class on which the annotation is declared as well as the merged annotation instance.
TestContextAnnotationUtils.UntypedAnnotationDescriptor - Class in org.springframework.test.context
Untyped extension of TestContextAnnotationUtils.AnnotationDescriptor that is used to describe the declaration of one of several candidate annotation types where the actual annotation type cannot be predetermined.
TestContextAotException - Exception in org.springframework.test.context.aot
Thrown if an error occurs during AOT build-time processing or AOT run-time execution in the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextAotException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.test.context.aot.TestContextAotException
Create a new TestContextAotException.
TestContextAotException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.test.context.aot.TestContextAotException
Create a new TestContextAotException.
TestContextAotGenerator - Class in org.springframework.test.context.aot
TestContextAotGenerator generates AOT artifacts for integration tests that depend on support from the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextAotGenerator(GeneratedFiles) - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.aot.TestContextAotGenerator
Create a new TestContextAotGenerator that uses the supplied GeneratedFiles.
TestContextAotGenerator(GeneratedFiles, RuntimeHints) - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.aot.TestContextAotGenerator
Create a new TestContextAotGenerator that uses the supplied GeneratedFiles and RuntimeHints.
TestContextBootstrapper - Interface in org.springframework.test.context
TestContextBootstrapper defines the SPI for bootstrapping the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextEvent - Class in org.springframework.test.context.event
Base class for events published by the EventPublishingTestExecutionListener.
TestContextEvent(TestContext) - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.event.TestContextEvent
Create a new TestContextEvent.
TestContextManager - Class in org.springframework.test.context
TestContextManager is the main entry point into the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextManager(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager
Construct a new TestContextManager for the supplied test class.
TestContextManager(TestContextBootstrapper) - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager
Construct a new TestContextManager using the supplied TestContextBootstrapper and register the necessary TestExecutionListeners.
TestContextResourceUtils - Class in org.springframework.test.context.util
Utility methods for working with resources within the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextResourceUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.util.TestContextResourceUtils
TestContextSpringFactoriesUtils - Class in org.springframework.test.context.util
Collection of utilities for working with SpringFactoriesLoader within the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextTransactionUtils - Class in org.springframework.test.context.transaction
Utility methods for working with transactions and data access related beans within the Spring TestContext Framework.
TestContextTransactionUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TestContextTransactionUtils
TestExecutionListener - Interface in org.springframework.test.context
TestExecutionListener defines a listener API for reacting to test execution events published by the TestContextManager with which the listener is registered.
TestExecutionListeners - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.test.context
TestExecutionListeners defines class-level metadata for configuring which TestExecutionListeners should be registered with a TestContextManager.
TestExecutionListeners.MergeMode - Enum Class in org.springframework.test.context
Enumeration of modes that dictate whether explicitly declared listeners are merged with the default listeners when @TestExecutionListeners is declared on a class that does not inherit listeners from a superclass or enclosing class.
TestGenerationContext - Class in org.springframework.aot.test.generate
GenerationContext test implementation that uses InMemoryGeneratedFiles and can configure a TestCompiler instance.
TestGenerationContext() - Constructor for class org.springframework.aot.test.generate.TestGenerationContext
Create an instance using TestGenerationContext.TEST_TARGET as the target.
TestGenerationContext(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.aot.test.generate.TestGenerationContext
Create an instance using the specified target.
TestGenerationContext(ClassNameGenerator) - Constructor for class org.springframework.aot.test.generate.TestGenerationContext
Create an instance using the specified ClassNameGenerator.
TestGenerationContext(ClassName) - Constructor for class org.springframework.aot.test.generate.TestGenerationContext
Create an instance using the specified target.
TestPropertySource - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.test.context
@TestPropertySource is a class-level annotation that is used to configure the TestPropertySource.locations() of properties files and inlined to be added to the Environment's set of PropertySources for an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
TestPropertySources - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.test.context
@TestPropertySources is a container for one or more @TestPropertySource declarations.
TestPropertySourceUtils - Class in
Utility methods for working with @TestPropertySource and adding test PropertySources to the Environment.
TestPropertySourceUtils() - Constructor for class
TestRuntimeHintsRegistrar - Interface in org.springframework.test.context.aot
Contract for registering RuntimeHints for integration tests run with the Spring TestContext Framework based on the ClassLoader of the deployment unit.
TestSocketUtils - Class in org.springframework.test.util
Simple utility for finding available TCP ports on localhost for use in integration testing scenarios.
TestSocketUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.util.TestSocketUtils
Although TestSocketUtils consists solely of static utility methods, this constructor is intentionally public.
TestTransaction - Class in org.springframework.test.context.transaction
TestTransaction provides a collection of static utility methods for programmatic interaction with test-managed transactions within test methods, before methods, and after methods.
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.WebSocketMessage.Type
Text WebSocket message.
TEXT_EVENT_STREAM - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
Public constant media type for text/event-stream.
TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
A String equivalent of MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM.
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
Public constant media type for text/html.
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
Public constant mime type for text/html.
TEXT_HTML_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
A String equivalent of MediaType.TEXT_HTML.
TEXT_HTML_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
A String equivalent of MimeTypeUtils.TEXT_HTML.
TEXT_MARKDOWN - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
Public constant media type for text/markdown.
TEXT_MARKDOWN_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
A String equivalent of MediaType.TEXT_MARKDOWN.
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
Public constant media type for text/plain.
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
Public constant mime type for text/plain.
TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
A String equivalent of MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN.
TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
A String equivalent of MimeTypeUtils.TEXT_PLAIN.
TEXT_XML - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
Public constant media type for text/xml.
TEXT_XML - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
Public constant mime type for text/xml.
TEXT_XML_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
A String equivalent of MediaType.TEXT_XML.
TEXT_XML_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
A String equivalent of MimeTypeUtils.TEXT_XML.
TextareaTag - Class in org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form
The <textarea> tag renders an HTML 'textarea'.
TextareaTag() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.TextareaTag
TextDecoder() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standard.ConvertingEncoderDecoderSupport.TextDecoder
TextEncoder() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.adapter.standard.ConvertingEncoderDecoderSupport.TextEncoder
textMessage(String) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.AbstractWebSocketSession
textMessage(String) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.WebSocketSession
Factory method to create a text WebSocketMessage using the WebSocketSession.bufferFactory() for the session.
TextMessage - Class in org.springframework.web.socket
A text WebSocket message.
TextMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage
Create a new text WebSocket message from the given byte[].
TextMessage(CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage
Create a new text WebSocket message from the given CharSequence payload.
TextMessage(CharSequence, boolean) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage
Create a new text WebSocket message with the given payload representing the full or partial message content.
textPlainOnly() - Static method in class org.springframework.core.codec.CharSequenceEncoder
Create a CharSequenceEncoder that supports only "text/plain".
textPlainOnly() - Static method in class org.springframework.core.codec.StringDecoder
Create a StringDecoder for "text/plain".
textPlainOnly(List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.codec.StringDecoder
Create a StringDecoder for "text/plain".
TextWebSocketHandler - Class in org.springframework.web.socket.handler
A convenient base class for WebSocketHandler implementations that process text messages only.
TextWebSocketHandler() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler
Theme - Interface in org.springframework.ui.context
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
THEME_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.theme.CookieThemeResolver
Name of the request attribute that holds the theme name.
THEME_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
THEME_RESOLVER_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
THEME_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.theme.SessionThemeResolver
Name of the session attribute that holds the theme name.
THEME_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
THEME_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class
Name of the ThemeSource bean in the factory.
ThemeChangeInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.web.servlet.theme
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
ThemeChangeInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.theme.ThemeChangeInterceptor
themeResolver() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurationSupport
ThemeResolver - Interface in org.springframework.web.servlet
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
ThemeSource - Interface in org.springframework.ui.context
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
ThemeTag - Class in org.springframework.web.servlet.tags
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
ThemeTag() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.ThemeTag
then() - Method in interface org.springframework.r2dbc.core.DatabaseClient.GenericExecuteSpec
Perform the SQL call and return a Mono that completes without result on statement completion.
ThreadLocalTargetSource - Class in
Alternative to an object pool.
ThreadLocalTargetSource() - Constructor for class
ThreadLocalTargetSourceStats - Interface in
Statistics for a ThreadLocal TargetSource.
ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent
JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a bean reference of its native ExecutorService type.
ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent
JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a Spring TaskExecutor.
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent
Implementation of Spring's TaskScheduler interface, wrapping a native ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler() - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler
throw_exception(Type, String) - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.CodeEmitter
ThrowableWrapper(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheOperationInvoker.ThrowableWrapper
throwing() - Static method in interface
Create a new SpringFactoriesLoader.FailureHandler that handles errors by throwing an IllegalArgumentException.
throwing(BiFunction<String, Exception, RuntimeException>) - Method in interface org.springframework.util.function.ThrowingBiFunction
Return a new ThrowingBiFunction where the ThrowingBiFunction.apply(Object, Object) method wraps any thrown checked exceptions using the given exceptionWrapper.
throwing(BiFunction<String, Exception, RuntimeException>) - Method in interface org.springframework.util.function.ThrowingConsumer
Return a new ThrowingConsumer where the ThrowingConsumer.accept(Object) method wraps any thrown checked exceptions using the given exceptionWrapper.
throwing(BiFunction<String, Exception, RuntimeException>) - Method in interface org.springframework.util.function.ThrowingFunction
Return a new ThrowingFunction where the ThrowingFunction.apply(Object) method wraps any thrown checked exceptions using the given exceptionWrapper.
throwing(BiFunction<String, Exception, RuntimeException>) - Method in interface org.springframework.util.function.ThrowingSupplier
Return a new ThrowingSupplier where the ThrowingSupplier.get() method wraps any thrown checked exceptions using the given exceptionWrapper.
throwing(BiFunction<String, Throwable, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in interface
Create a new SpringFactoriesLoader.FailureHandler that handles errors by throwing an exception.
ThrowingBiFunction<T,U,R> - Interface in org.springframework.util.function
A BiFunction that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
ThrowingConsumer<T> - Interface in org.springframework.util.function
A Consumer that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
ThrowingFunction<T,R> - Interface in org.springframework.util.function
A Function that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
ThrowingSupplier<T> - Interface in org.springframework.util.function
A Supplier that allows invocation of code that throws a checked exception.
THROWS - Static variable in class org.springframework.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of an exception declared in the throws clause of a method.
ThrowsAdvice - Interface in org.springframework.aop
Tag interface for throws advice.
ThrowsAdviceInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter
Interceptor to wrap an after-throwing advice.
ThrowsAdviceInterceptor(Object) - Constructor for class org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter.ThrowsAdviceInterceptor
Create a new ThrowsAdviceInterceptor for the given ThrowsAdvice.
TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat.ISO
The most common ISO Time Format HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX — for example, "01:30:00.000-05:00".
TIME_ZONE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver
The name of the request attribute that holds the TimeZone.
TIME_ZONE_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver
Default name of the session attribute that holds the TimeZone.
Timed - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.test.annotation
Test annotation for use with JUnit 4 to indicate that a test method has to finish execution in a specified time period.
timeout() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional
The timeout for this transaction (in seconds).
TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition
Use the default timeout of the underlying transaction system, or none if timeouts are not supported.
TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.core.task.AsyncTaskExecutor
TIMEOUT_INDEFINITE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.core.task.AsyncTaskExecutor
TimeoutCallableProcessingInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.web.context.request.async
Sends a 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) in case of a timeout if the response is not already committed.
TimeoutCallableProcessingInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.context.request.async.TimeoutCallableProcessingInterceptor
TimeoutDeferredResultProcessingInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.web.context.request.async
Sends a 503 (SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) in case of a timeout if the response is not already committed.
TimeoutDeferredResultProcessingInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.context.request.async.TimeoutDeferredResultProcessingInterceptor
timeoutString() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional
The timeout for this transaction (in seconds).
times(int) - Static method in class org.springframework.test.web.client.ExpectedCount
Exactly N times.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface
Date and time of the message sending operation.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.springframework.messaging.MessageHeaders
The key for the message timestamp.
timeUnit() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled
timeZone(String) - Method in class org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder
Override the default TimeZone to use for formatting.
timeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder
Override the default TimeZone to use for formatting.
TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext - Interface in org.springframework.context.i18n
Extension of LocaleContext, adding awareness of the current time zone.
TimeZoneEditor - Class in org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors
Editor for java.util.TimeZone, translating timezone IDs into TimeZone objects.
TimeZoneEditor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.TimeZoneEditor
TinyBitSet - Class in org.springframework.cglib.core
TinyBitSet() - Constructor for class org.springframework.cglib.core.TinyBitSet
title(String) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.ErrorResponse.Builder
Set the underlying title field.
TITLE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractHtmlElementTag
titleMessageCode(String) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.ErrorResponse.Builder
Customize the MessageSource code to use to resolve the value for ProblemDetail.setTitle(String).
TLS_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.CloseStatus
"1015 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint.
TLS_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus
"1015 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint.
toAbsolutePath(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceTransformerSupport
Transform the given relative request path to an absolute path, taking the path of the given request as a point of reference.
toAbsolutePath(String, ServerWebExchange) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.ResourceTransformerSupport
Transform the given relative request path to an absolute path, taking the path of the given request as a point of reference.
toAnnotationArray() - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationCollectors
Create a new Collector that accumulates merged annotations to an Annotation array containing synthesized versions.
toAnnotationArray(IntFunction<R[]>) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationCollectors
Create a new Collector that accumulates merged annotations to an Annotation array containing synthesized versions.
toAnnotationSet() - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationCollectors
Create a new Collector that accumulates merged annotations to a LinkedHashSet containing synthesized versions.
toArray() - Method in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.aot.AutowiredArguments
Return the arguments as an object array.
toArray() - Method in class org.springframework.util.AutoPopulatingList
toArray(Enumeration<E>, A[]) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils
Marshal the elements from the given enumeration into an array of the given type.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.springframework.util.AutoPopulatingList
toBodilessEntity() - Method in interface org.springframework.web.client.RestClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity without a body.
toBodilessEntity() - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse
Return this response as a delayed ResponseEntity containing status and headers, but no body.
toBodilessEntity() - Method in class
toBodilessEntity() - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity without a body.
toBoolean(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a boolean using the supplied type converter.
toBoxedDescriptor(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
toBuffer(DataBuffer) - Static method in class
Return the given Netty DataBuffer as a Buffer.
toByte(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a byte using the supplied type converter.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.springframework.asm.ClassWriter
Returns the content of the class file that was built by this ClassWriter.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.DebuggingClassWriter
toByteArray() - Method in class org.springframework.util.FastByteArrayOutputStream
Create a newly allocated byte array.
toByteArrayUnsafe() - Method in class org.springframework.util.FastByteArrayOutputStream
Convert the stream's data to a byte array and return the byte array.
toByteBuf(DataBuffer) - Static method in class
Return the given Netty DataBuffer as a ByteBuf.
toByteBuffer() - Method in interface
as of 6.0.5, in favor of DataBuffer.toByteBuffer(ByteBuffer)
toByteBuffer() - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in interface
toByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in interface
Copies the given length from this data buffer into the given destination ByteBuffer, beginning at the given source position, and the given destination position in the destination byte buffer.
toByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class
toByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Copies this entire data buffer into the given destination ByteBuffer, beginning at the current reading position, and the current position of destination byte buffer.
toByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
toBytes() - Method in class org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize
Return the number of bytes in this instance.
toChar(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a char using the supplied type converter.
toClass() - Method in class org.springframework.core.ResolvableType
Return this type as a resolved Class, falling back to Object if no specific class can be resolved.
toClassArray(Collection<Class<?>>) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.ClassUtils
Copy the given Collection into a Class array.
toClassName(String) - Static method in class
Return the name of a class based on its relative path.
toCode(Object, String) - Method in class org.springframework.core.Constants
Look up the given value within the given group of constants.
toCodeBlock() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.generate.DefaultMethodReference
toCodeBlock() - Method in interface org.springframework.aot.generate.MethodReference
Return this method reference as a CodeBlock.
toCodeForProperty(Object, String) - Method in class org.springframework.core.Constants
Look up the given value within the group of constants for the given bean property name.
toCodeForSuffix(Object, String) - Method in class org.springframework.core.Constants
Look up the given value within the given group of constants.
toCommaDelimitedString(List<String>) - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
Turn the given list of header values into a comma-delimited result.
toCompletableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler
Adapt the asynchronous return value to a CompletableFuture.
toCompletableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.CompletableFutureReturnValueHandler
toCompletableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite
toCompletableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.ListenableFutureReturnValueHandler
toCompletableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.ReactiveReturnValueHandler
toDataBuffers() - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Extractor that returns the raw DataBuffers.
toDelimitedString(String...) - Static method in enum class org.springframework.validation.DefaultMessageCodesResolver.Format
Concatenate the given elements, delimiting each with DefaultMessageCodesResolver.CODE_SEPARATOR, skipping zero-length or null elements altogether.
toDescriptor(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Deduce the descriptor for a type.
toDescriptorFromObject(Object) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Determine the descriptor for an object instance (or null).
toDescriptors(Class<?>[]) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Create an array of descriptors from an array of classes.
toDetailedString() - Method in exception org.springframework.expression.ExpressionException
Return a detailed description of this exception, including the expression String and position (if available) as well as the actual exception message.
toDetailedString() - Method in exception org.springframework.web.util.pattern.PatternParseException
Return a detailed message that includes the original pattern text with a pointer to the error position, as well as the error message.
toDouble(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a double using the supplied type converter.
toEntity(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.client.RestClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity with the body decoded to an Object of the given type.
toEntity(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse
Return this response as a delayed ResponseEntity.
toEntity(Class<T>) - Method in class
toEntity(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity with the body decoded to an Object of the given type.
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.client.RestClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity with the body decoded to an Object of the given type.
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse
Return this response as a delayed ResponseEntity.
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in class
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
toEntityFlux(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity with the body decoded to a Flux of elements of the given type.
toEntityFlux(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
toEntityFlux(BodyExtractor<Flux<T>, ? super ClientHttpResponse>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
toEntityList(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse
Return this response as a delayed list of ResponseEntitys.
toEntityList(Class<T>) - Method in class
toEntityList(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
Return a ResponseEntity with the body decoded to a List of elements of the given type.
toEntityList(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse
Return this response as a delayed list of ResponseEntitys.
toEntityList(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in class
toEntityList(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec
toFloat(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a float using the supplied type converter.
toFlux(Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Extractor to decode the input content into Flux<T>.
toFlux(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Variant of BodyExtractors.toFlux(Class) for type information with generics.
toFormData() - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Extractor to read form data into MultiValueMap<String, String>.
toFrame(WebSocketMessage) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.Netty5WebSocketSessionSupport
toFrame(WebSocketMessage) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.NettyWebSocketSessionSupport
toGigabytes() - Method in class org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize
Return the number of gigabytes in this instance.
toHeaderName(String) - Method in class
Add the inbound prefix if necessary.
toHeaderName(String) - Method in class
Generate the name to use to set the header defined by the specified propertyName to the MessageHeaders instance.
toHeaders(Message) - Method in class
toHeaders(T) - Method in interface
Map from the given target message to abstracted MessageHeaders.
toHttpHandler(RouterFunction<?>) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.RouterFunctions
Convert the given router function into a HttpHandler.
toHttpHandler(RouterFunction<?>, HandlerStrategies) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.RouterFunctions
Convert the given router function into a HttpHandler, using the given strategies.
toInt(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to an int using the supplied type converter.
toInternalNames(Type[]) - Static method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.TypeUtils
toInvokeCodeBlock(MethodReference.ArgumentCodeGenerator) - Method in interface org.springframework.aot.generate.MethodReference
Return this method reference as a CodeBlock using the specified MethodReference.ArgumentCodeGenerator.
toInvokeCodeBlock(MethodReference.ArgumentCodeGenerator, ClassName) - Method in class org.springframework.aot.generate.DefaultMethodReference
toInvokeCodeBlock(MethodReference.ArgumentCodeGenerator, ClassName) - Method in interface org.springframework.aot.generate.MethodReference
Return this method reference as a CodeBlock using the specified MethodReference.ArgumentCodeGenerator.
toIterator(Enumeration<E>) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils
Adapt an Enumeration to an Iterator.
toJson(Object, Type) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.AbstractJsonMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.GsonMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.JsonbMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.KotlinSerializationJsonMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type, Writer) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.AbstractJsonMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type, Writer) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.GsonMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type, Writer) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.JsonbMessageConverter
toJson(Object, Type, Writer) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.KotlinSerializationJsonMessageConverter
toJvmDescriptor(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Determine the JVM descriptor for a specified class.
tokenize(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
Tokenize the given comma-separated string of MimeType objects into a List<String>.
tokenizePath(String) - Method in class org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher
Tokenize the given path into parts, based on this matcher's settings.
tokenizePattern(String) - Method in class org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher
Tokenize the given path pattern into parts, based on this matcher's settings.
tokenizeToStringArray(String, String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer.
tokenizeToStringArray(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Tokenize the given String into a String array via a StringTokenizer.
toKilobytes() - Method in class org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize
Return the number of kilobytes in this instance.
toListenableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler
toListenableFuture(Object, MethodParameter) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.ListenableFutureReturnValueHandler
toLocaleValue(Locale) - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver
Render the given locale as a text value for inclusion in a cookie.
toLong(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a long using the supplied type converter.
toLongString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint
toMap() - Method in class
Return a copy of the underlying header values as a plain Map object.
TomcatHttpHandlerAdapter - Class in org.springframework.http.server.reactive
ServletHttpHandlerAdapter extension that uses Tomcat APIs for reading from the request and writing to the response with ByteBuffer.
TomcatHttpHandlerAdapter(HttpHandler) - Constructor for class org.springframework.http.server.reactive.TomcatHttpHandlerAdapter
TomcatLoadTimeWeaver - Class in org.springframework.instrument.classloading.tomcat
LoadTimeWeaver implementation for Tomcat's new org.apache.tomcat.InstrumentableClassLoader.
TomcatLoadTimeWeaver() - Constructor for class org.springframework.instrument.classloading.tomcat.TomcatLoadTimeWeaver
Create a new instance of the TomcatLoadTimeWeaver class using the default class loader.
TomcatLoadTimeWeaver(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.springframework.instrument.classloading.tomcat.TomcatLoadTimeWeaver
Create a new instance of the TomcatLoadTimeWeaver class using the supplied ClassLoader.
TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy - Class in org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.server.upgrade
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Apache Tomcat.
TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy - Class in org.springframework.web.socket.server.standard
A WebSocket RequestUpgradeStrategy for Apache Tomcat.
TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.server.upgrade.TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy
TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.server.standard.TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy
TomcatWebSocketClient - Class in org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.client
WebSocketClient implementation for use with Tomcat, based on the Jakarta WebSocket API.
TomcatWebSocketClient() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.client.TomcatWebSocketClient
TomcatWebSocketClient(WebSocketContainer) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.client.TomcatWebSocketClient
TomcatWebSocketSession - Class in org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter
Spring WebSocketSession adapter for Tomcat's Session.
TomcatWebSocketSession(Session, HandshakeInfo, DataBufferFactory) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.TomcatWebSocketSession
TomcatWebSocketSession(Session, HandshakeInfo, DataBufferFactory, Sinks.Empty<Void>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.TomcatWebSocketSession
toMegabytes() - Method in class org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize
Return the number of megabytes in this instance.
toMessage(WebSocketFrame) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.NettyWebSocketSessionSupport
toMessage(WebSocketFrame) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.Netty5WebSocketSessionSupport
toMessage(Object, Session) - Method in class
toMessage(Object, Session) - Method in class
This implementation marshals the given object to a TextMessage or BytesMessage.
toMessage(Object, Session) - Method in interface
Convert a Java object to a JMS Message using the supplied session to create the message object.
toMessage(Object, Session) - Method in class
toMessage(Object, Session) - Method in class
This implementation creates a TextMessage for a String, a BytesMessage for a byte array, a MapMessage for a Map, and an ObjectMessage for a Serializable object.
toMessage(Object, Session, ObjectWriter) - Method in class
toMessage(Object, Session, Class<?>) - Method in class
Convert a Java object to a JMS Message using the specified json view and the supplied session to create the message object.
toMessage(Object, Session, Object) - Method in class
toMessage(Object, Session, Object) - Method in interface
A variant of MessageConverter.toMessage(Object, Session) which takes an extra conversion context as an argument, allowing to take e.g.
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.AbstractMessageConverter
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.CompositeMessageConverter
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConverter
Create a Message whose payload is the result of converting the given payload Object to serialized form.
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.SimpleMessageConverter
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders, Object) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.AbstractMessageConverter
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders, Object) - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.CompositeMessageConverter
toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders, Object) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.converter.SmartMessageConverter
A variant of MessageConverter.toMessage(Object, MessageHeaders) which takes an extra conversion context as an argument, allowing to take e.g.
toMessageHeaders() - Method in class
Return a copy of the underlying header values as a MessageHeaders object.
toMessagingMessage(Message) - Method in class org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.MessagingMessageListenerAdapter
toMethodReference() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.generate.GeneratedMethod
Return a MethodReference to this generated method.
toMono(Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Extractor to decode the input content into Mono<T>.
toMono(ParameterizedTypeReference<T>) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Variant of BodyExtractors.toMono(Class) for type information with generics.
toMultipartData() - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Extractor to read multipart data into a MultiValueMap<String, Part>.
toMultiValueMap(Function<MultiValueMap<String, Object>, MultiValueMap<String, Object>>, MergedAnnotation.Adapt...) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationCollectors
Create a new Collector that accumulates merged annotations to a MultiValueMap with items added from each merged annotation as a map.
toMultiValueMap(Map<K, List<V>>) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils
Adapt a Map<K, List<V>> to an MultiValueMap<K, V>.
toMultiValueMap(MergedAnnotation.Adapt...) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationCollectors
Create a new Collector that accumulates merged annotations to a MultiValueMap with items added from each merged annotation as a map.
toMutableAccessor(StompHeaderAccessor, Message<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.StompSubProtocolHandler
toNativeHeaderMap() - Method in class
Return a copy of the native headers sub-map, or an empty map.
TOO_BIG_TO_PROCESS - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.CloseStatus
"1009 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that is too big for it to process."
TOO_BIG_TO_PROCESS - Static variable in class org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus
"1009 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that is too big for it to process."
TOO_EARLY - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
425 Too Early.
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
429 Too Many Requests.
toObjectArray(Object) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils
Convert the given array (which may be a primitive array) to an object array (if necessary of primitive wrapper objects).
TOP - Static variable in interface org.springframework.asm.Opcodes
toParamDescriptors(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Create an array of descriptors representing the parameter types for the supplied constructor.
toParamDescriptors(Method) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Create an array of descriptors representing the parameter types for the supplied method.
toParts() - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyExtractors
Extractor to read multipart data into Flux<Part>.
toPrimitiveTargetDesc(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow
Convert a type descriptor to the single character primitive descriptor.
toProxyConfigString() - Method in interface org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised
As toString() will normally be delegated to the target, this returns the equivalent for the AOP proxy.
toProxyConfigString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport
toPublisher(Object) - Method in class org.springframework.core.ReactiveAdapter
Adapt the given instance to a Reactive Streams Publisher.
toQuery() - Method in interface org.springframework.r2dbc.core.QueryOperation
Return the string-representation of this operation to be used with Statement creation.
toRegex() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.ResourcePatternHint
Return the regex Pattern to use for identifying the resources to match.
toRelativeURL(URL, String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils
Create a URL instance for the given root URL and relative path, going through URI construction and then URL conversion.
toResourceRegion(Resource) - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpRange
Turn a Resource into a ResourceRegion using the range information contained in the current HttpRange.
toResourceRegions(List<HttpRange>, Resource) - Static method in class org.springframework.http.HttpRange
Convert each HttpRange into a ResourceRegion, selecting the appropriate segment of the given Resource using HTTP Range information.
toShort(TypeConverter, TypedValue) - Static method in class org.springframework.expression.common.ExpressionUtils
Attempt to convert a typed value to a short using the supplied type converter.
toShortString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompHeaders
toSingleValueMap() - Method in interface org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap
Return a Map with the first values contained in this MultiValueMap.
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class org.springframework.util.MultiValueMapAdapter
toSingleValueMap() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketHttpHeaders
toStoreValue(Object) - Method in class org.springframework.cache.concurrent.ConcurrentMapCache
toStoreValue(Object) - Method in class
Convert the given user value, as passed into the put method, to a value in the internal store (adapting null).
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AbstractAspectJAdvice
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation.AbstractAspectJAdvisorFactory.AspectJAnnotation
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation.BeanFactoryAspectInstanceFactory
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation.LazySingletonAspectInstanceFactoryDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.TypePatternClassFilter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.config.AdviceEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.config.AdvisorEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.config.AspectEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.config.PointcutEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport
For debugging/diagnostic use.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.agent.MethodReference
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.agent.RecordedInvocation
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.generate.DefaultMethodReference
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.generate.GeneratedMethod
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.AbstractTypeReference
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.TypeHint
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.asm.ConstantDynamic
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.asm.Handle
Returns the textual representation of this handle.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.asm.Label
Returns a string representation of this label.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.asm.Type
Returns a string representation of this type.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.asm.TypePath
Returns a string representation of this type path.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.BeanMetadataAttribute
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.InjectionMetadata.InjectedElement
toString() - Method in exception org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.AutowiredPropertyMarker
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinitionHolder
This implementation returns the long description.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.RuntimeBeanNameReference
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.RuntimeBeanReference
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.TypedStringValue
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.InjectionPoint
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.AbstractComponentDefinition
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanComponentDefinition
This implementation returns this ComponentDefinition's description.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ConstructorArgumentEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ParseState
Returns a tree-style representation of the current ParseState.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.Problem
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.PropertyEntry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.QualifierEntry
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeansDtdResolver
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultNamespaceHandlerResolver
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DelegatingEntityResolver
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.PluggableSchemaResolver
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues
toString() - Method in exception org.springframework.beans.PropertyBatchUpdateException
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.PropertyValue
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheOperation
Return an identifying description for this cache operation.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cache.interceptor.NameMatchCacheOperationSource
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cache.interceptor.SimpleKey
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cache.jcache.interceptor.JCacheOperationSourcePointcut
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.beans.BeanMap
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.ClassInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.MethodInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.Signature
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.WeakCacheKey
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.reflect.FastClass
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.reflect.FastMember
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.transform.ClassTransformerChain
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.context.annotation.DeferredImportSelector.Group.Entry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.context.expression.AnnotatedElementKey
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.context.expression.CachedExpressionEvaluator.ExpressionKey
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.context.i18n.SimpleLocaleContext
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.context.i18n.SimpleTimeZoneAwareLocaleContext
toString() - Method in class
Return information about this context.
toString() - Method in class
The default implementation exposes the attributes of this MessageSourceResolvable.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Show the configuration of this MessageSource.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotatedMethod
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationAttributes
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.convert.converter.GenericConverter.ConvertiblePair
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.env.AbstractEnvironment
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.env.CompositePropertySource
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.env.MutablePropertySources
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource
Produce concise output (type and name) if the current log level does not include debug.
toString() - Method in class
This implementation returns the description of this resource.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.log.LogMessage
This will be called by the logging provider, potentially once per log target (therefore locally caching the result here).
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.MethodClassKey
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.MethodParameter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.NamedInheritableThreadLocal
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.NamedThreadLocal
toString() - Method in enum class org.springframework.core.NativeDetector.Context
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.ResolvableType
Return a String representation of this type in its fully resolved form (including any generic parameters).
toString() - Method in class
Return the String representation that this ToStringCreator built.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.type.StandardClassMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.core.type.StandardMethodMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Literal
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.NullLiteral
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.StringLiteral
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.TypedValue
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.CacheControl
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.client.reactive.ClientHttpRequestDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.client.reactive.ClientHttpResponseDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.codec.ServerSentEvent
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.ContentDisposition
Return the header value for this content disposition as defined in RFC 6266.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpCookie
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpEntity
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.HttpMethod
toString() - Method in enum class org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
Return a string representation of this status code.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.ProblemDetail
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.RequestEntity
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.RequestEntity.UriTemplateRequestEntity
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.ResponseCookie
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServerHttpRequestDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServerHttpResponseDecorator
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.AbstractSqlParameterSource
Enumerate the parameter names and values with their corresponding SQL type if available, or just return the simple SqlParameterSource implementation class name otherwise.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.ParsedSql
Exposes the original SQL String.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleConnectionHandle
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.jms.config.AbstractJmsListenerEndpoint
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.JmsResponse
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in exception org.springframework.mail.MailSendException
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.CompositeMessageConverter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.converter.DefaultContentTypeResolver
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.AbstractMessageCondition
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.CompositeMessageCondition
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.AbstractMethodMessageHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.MessageHeaders
toString() - Method in exception org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessageMappingInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.ReactorNettyTcpStompClient
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompHeaders
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.DefaultUserDestinationResolver
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.MultiServerUserRegistry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.UserDestinationMessageHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.UserDestinationResult
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.tcp.reactor.ReactorNetty2TcpClient
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.tcp.reactor.ReactorNetty2TcpConnection
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.tcp.reactor.ReactorNettyTcpClient
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.messaging.tcp.reactor.ReactorNettyTcpConnection
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.mock.http.client.MockClientHttpRequest
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.mock.http.client.reactive.MockClientHttpResponse
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.mock.web.MockCookie
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletMapping
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.MutablePersistenceUnitInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.r2dbc.core.Parameter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTask
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.scheduling.config.Task
toString() - Method in class
Return the expression string used to create this CronExpression.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.scripting.bsh.BshScriptFactory
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.scripting.groovy.GroovyScriptFactory
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.test.context.cache.DefaultContextCache
Generate a text string containing the implementation type of this cache and its statistics.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfigurationAttributes
Provide a String representation of the context configuration attributes and declaring class.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.test.context.MergedContextConfiguration
toString() - Method in class
Provide a String representation of this bootstrap context's state.
toString() - Method in class
Provide a String representation of this test context's state.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.test.context.TestContextAnnotationUtils.AnnotationDescriptor
Provide a textual representation of this AnnotationDescriptor.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.test.context.web.WebMergedContextConfiguration
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server.ExchangeResult
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.MatchAlwaysTransactionAttributeSource
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.MethodMapTransactionAttributeSource
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.NameMatchTransactionAttributeSource
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.NoRollbackRuleAttribute
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.RollbackRuleAttribute
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.RuleBasedTransactionAttribute
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.TransactionInfo
toString() - Method in class
Return an identifying description for this transaction definition.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.comparator.BooleanComparator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.comparator.NullSafeComparator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Entry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.FastByteArrayOutputStream
Convert the buffer's contents into a string decoding bytes using the platform's default character set.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.InstanceFilter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.MimeType
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.MultiValueMapAdapter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.StopWatch
Generate an informative string describing all tasks performed
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.validation.AbstractErrors
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.validation.FieldError
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.validation.method.ParameterValidationResult
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.validation.ObjectError
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.context.request.FacesWebRequest
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletWebRequest
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.method.ControllerAdviceBean
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.method.HandlerMethod
toString() - Method in class
Return diagnostic information.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.ResourceWebHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.result.condition.AbstractRequestCondition
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.result.method.RequestMappingInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view.AbstractUrlBasedView
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view.AbstractView
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view.BindStatus
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.adapter.AbstractWebSocketSession
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.CloseStatus
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.HandshakeInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.socket.WebSocketMessage
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.server.handler.WebHandlerDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchangeDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.FlashMap
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerExecutionChain
Delegates to the handler's toString() implementation.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView
Return diagnostic information about this model and view.
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.condition.AbstractRequestCondition
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ResponseBodyEmitter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.SseEmitter
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.RequestMappingInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.ParameterizableViewController
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.Param
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractUrlBasedView
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.AbstractWebSocketMessage
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.adapter.AbstractWebSocketSession
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.config.WebSocketMessageBrokerStats
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.BeanCreatingHandlerProvider
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.PerConnectionWebSocketHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.WebSocketHandlerDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.WebSocketSessionDecorator
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.AbstractSubProtocolEvent
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.DefaultSimpUserRegistry
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.SessionDisconnectEvent
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.StompSubProtocolHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.messaging.SubProtocolWebSocketHandler
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.server.standard.ServerEndpointRegistration
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.client.AbstractClientSockJsSession
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.client.SockJsUrlInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.client.WebSocketTransport
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.frame.SockJsFrame
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.session.AbstractSockJsSession
toString() - Method in enum class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.TransportType
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketExtension
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketHttpHeaders
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.pattern.PathPattern.PathMatchInfo
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.pattern.PathPattern
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.UriComponents
A simple pass-through to UriComponents.toUriString().
toString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.UriTemplate
toString(int, int, Charset) - Method in interface
Return a part of this buffer's data as a String using the specified charset.
toString(int, int, Charset) - Method in class
toString(int, int, Charset) - Method in class
toString(int, int, Charset) - Method in class
toString(int, int, Charset) - Method in class
toString(Charset) - Method in interface
Return this buffer's data a String using the specified charset.
toString(Charset) - Method in class
toString(Charset) - Method in class
toString(Charset) - Method in class
toString(Collection<? extends MimeType>) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils
Return a string representation of the given list of MimeType objects.
toString(Collection<HttpRange>) - Static method in class org.springframework.http.HttpRange
Return a string representation of the given list of HttpRange objects.
toString(Collection<MediaType>) - Static method in class org.springframework.http.MediaType
Return a string representation of the given list of MediaType objects.
toString(WritableContent) - Static method in class
toStringArray(Collection<String>) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Copy the given Collection into a String array.
toStringArray(Enumeration<String>) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Copy the given Enumeration into a String array.
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Assign
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.BeanReference
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.CompoundExpression
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.ConstructorReference
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Elvis
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.FunctionReference
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Identifier
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Indexer
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.InlineList
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.InlineMap
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Literal
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.MethodReference
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OpDec
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Operator
String format for all operators is the same '(' [operand] [operator] [operand] ')'.
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OperatorNot
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OpInc
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OpMinus
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OpPlus
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Projection
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.QualifiedIdentifier
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Selection
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.Ternary
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.TypeReference
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.VariableReference
toStringAST() - Method in interface org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelNode
Return the string form of this AST node.
toStringAST() - Method in class org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpression
Produce a string representation of the Abstract Syntax Tree for the expression.
ToStringCreator - Class in
Utility class that builds pretty-printing toString() methods with pluggable styling conventions.
ToStringCreator(Object) - Constructor for class
Create a ToStringCreator for the given object.
ToStringCreator(Object, ToStringStyler) - Constructor for class
Create a ToStringCreator for the given object, using the provided style.
ToStringCreator(Object, ValueStyler) - Constructor for class
Create a ToStringCreator for the given object, using the provided style.
toStringPayload() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.AbstractWebSocketMessage
toStringPayload() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.BinaryMessage
toStringPayload() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.PingMessage
toStringPayload() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.PongMessage
toStringPayload() - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage
ToStringStyler - Interface in
A strategy interface for pretty-printing toString() methods.
toTerabytes() - Method in class org.springframework.util.unit.DataSize
Return the number of terabytes in this instance.
toTypeDescriptor() - Method in class org.springframework.beans.AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor.PropertyHandler
touch(Object) - Method in class
touch(Object) - Method in class
touch(Object) - Method in interface
Associate the given hint with the data buffer for debugging purposes.
touch(Object) - Method in interface
Associate the given hint with the data buffer for debugging purposes.
touch(T, Object) - Static method in class
Associate the given hint with the data buffer if it is a pooled buffer and supports leak tracking.
TouchableDataBuffer - Interface in
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that can be given hints for debugging purposes.
touchDataBuffer(DataBuffer) - Method in class org.springframework.http.server.reactive.AbstractServerHttpResponse
Allow subclasses to associate a hint with the data buffer if it is a pooled buffer and supports leak tracking.
touchDataBuffer(DataBuffer, Map<String, Object>, Log) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.codec.Hints
If the hints contain a Hints.LOG_PREFIX_HINT and the given logger has DEBUG level enabled, apply the log prefix as a hint to the given buffer via DataBufferUtils.touch(DataBuffer, Object).
toUri() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.UriComponents
Create a URI from this instance as follows:
toURI(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils
Create a URI instance for the given location String, replacing spaces with "%20" URI encoding first.
toURI(URL) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils
Create a URI instance for the given URL, replacing spaces with "%20" URI encoding first.
toUriString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.UriComponents
Concatenate all URI components to return the fully formed URI String.
toUriString() - Method in class org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder
Build a URI String.
toURL(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils
Create a URL instance for the given location String, going through URI construction and then URL conversion.
toValueWrapper(Object) - Method in class
Wrap the given store value with a SimpleValueWrapper, also going through AbstractValueAdaptingCache.fromStoreValue(java.lang.Object) conversion.
toWebHandler(RouterFunction<?>) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.RouterFunctions
Convert the given router function into a WebHandler.
toWebHandler(RouterFunction<?>, HandlerStrategies) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.RouterFunctions
Convert the given router function into a WebHandler, using the given strategies.
trace(CharSequence) - Method in class org.springframework.core.log.LogAccessor
Log a message with trace log level.
trace(Object) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
trace(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Logs a message with trace log level.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.commons.logging.Log
Logs an error with trace log level.
trace(Throwable, CharSequence) - Method in class org.springframework.core.log.LogAccessor
Log an error with trace log level.
trace(Throwable, Supplier<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class org.springframework.core.log.LogAccessor
Log an error with trace log level.
trace(Supplier<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class org.springframework.core.log.LogAccessor
Log a message with trace log level.
TRACE - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod
TRACE - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP method TRACE.
traceDebug(Log, Function<Boolean, String>) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.log.LogFormatUtils
Use this to log a message with different levels of detail (or different messages) at TRACE vs DEBUG log levels.
TRAILER - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
The HTTP Trailer header field name.
TRANSACTION_ADVISOR_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.transaction.config.TransactionManagementConfigUtils
The bean name of the internally managed transaction advisor (used when mode == PROXY).
TRANSACTION_ASPECT_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.transaction.config.TransactionManagementConfigUtils
The bean name of the internally managed transaction aspect (used when mode == ASPECTJ).
TRANSACTION_ASPECT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.transaction.config.TransactionManagementConfigUtils
The class name of the AspectJ transaction management aspect.
TRANSACTION_ASPECT_CONFIGURATION_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.transaction.config.TransactionManagementConfigUtils
The name of the AspectJ transaction management @Configuration class.
transactionAdvisor(TransactionAttributeSource, TransactionInterceptor) - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration
transactional(Flux<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.transaction.reactive.TransactionalOperator
Wrap the functional sequence specified by the given Flux within a transaction.
transactional(Mono<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.transaction.reactive.TransactionalOperator
Wrap the functional sequence specified by the given Mono within a transaction.
Transactional - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.transaction.annotation
Describes a transaction attribute on an individual method or on a class.
TRANSACTIONAL_EVENT_LISTENER_FACTORY_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class org.springframework.transaction.config.TransactionManagementConfigUtils
The bean name of the internally managed TransactionalEventListenerFactory.
TransactionalApplicationListener<E extends ApplicationEvent> - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.event
An ApplicationListener that is invoked according to a TransactionPhase.
TransactionalApplicationListener.SynchronizationCallback - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.event
Callback to be invoked on synchronization-driven event processing, wrapping the target listener invocation (TransactionalApplicationListener.processEvent(E)).
TransactionalApplicationListenerAdapter<E extends ApplicationEvent> - Class in org.springframework.transaction.event
TransactionalApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of an event to a target ApplicationListener instance.
TransactionalApplicationListenerAdapter(ApplicationListener<E>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionalApplicationListenerAdapter
Construct a new TransactionalApplicationListenerAdapter.
TransactionalApplicationListenerMethodAdapter - Class in org.springframework.transaction.event
GenericApplicationListener adapter that delegates the processing of an event to a TransactionalEventListener annotated method.
TransactionalApplicationListenerMethodAdapter(String, Class<?>, Method) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionalApplicationListenerMethodAdapter
Construct a new TransactionalApplicationListenerMethodAdapter.
TransactionalEventListener - Annotation Interface in org.springframework.transaction.event
An EventListener that is invoked according to a TransactionPhase.
transactionalEventListenerFactory() - Static method in class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.AbstractTransactionManagementConfiguration
TransactionalEventListenerFactory - Class in org.springframework.transaction.event
EventListenerFactory implementation that handles TransactionalEventListener annotated methods.
TransactionalEventListenerFactory() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionalEventListenerFactory
TransactionalOperator - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.reactive
Operator class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling.
TransactionalProxy - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
A marker interface for manually created transactional proxies.
TransactionalTestExecutionListener - Class in org.springframework.test.context.transaction
TestExecutionListener that provides support for executing tests within test-managed transactions by honoring Spring's @Transactional annotation.
TransactionalTestExecutionListener() - Constructor for class org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TransactionalTestExecutionListener
TransactionAnnotationParser - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.annotation
Strategy interface for parsing known transaction annotation types.
transactionAspect() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.aspectj.AspectJTransactionManagementConfiguration
TransactionAspectSupport - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Base class for transactional aspects, such as the TransactionInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect.
TransactionAspectSupport() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport
TransactionAspectSupport.CoroutinesInvocationCallback - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Coroutines-supporting extension of the callback interface.
TransactionAspectSupport.InvocationCallback - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Simple callback interface for proceeding with the target invocation.
TransactionAspectSupport.TransactionInfo - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Opaque object used to hold transaction information.
TransactionAttribute - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
This interface adds a rollbackOn specification to TransactionDefinition.
TransactionAttributeEditor - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
PropertyEditor for TransactionAttribute objects.
TransactionAttributeEditor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeEditor
transactionAttributeSource() - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration
TransactionAttributeSource - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Strategy interface used by TransactionInterceptor for metadata retrieval.
TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Advisor driven by a TransactionAttributeSource, used to include a TransactionInterceptor only for methods that are transactional.
TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor
Create a new TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor.
TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor(TransactionInterceptor) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor
Create a new TransactionAttributeSourceAdvisor.
TransactionAttributeSourceEditor - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Property editor that converts a String into a TransactionAttributeSource.
TransactionAttributeSourceEditor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttributeSourceEditor
TransactionAwareCacheDecorator - Class in org.springframework.cache.transaction
Cache decorator which synchronizes its TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object), TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.evict(java.lang.Object) and TransactionAwareCacheDecorator.clear() operations with Spring-managed transactions (through Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager), performing the actual cache put/evict/clear operation only in the after-commit phase of a successful transaction.
TransactionAwareCacheDecorator(Cache) - Constructor for class org.springframework.cache.transaction.TransactionAwareCacheDecorator
Create a new TransactionAwareCache for the given target Cache.
TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy - Class in org.springframework.cache.transaction
Proxy for a target CacheManager, exposing transaction-aware Cache objects which synchronize their Cache.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) operations with Spring-managed transactions (through Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager), performing the actual cache put operation only in the after-commit phase of a successful transaction.
TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy() - Constructor for class org.springframework.cache.transaction.TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy
Create a new TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy, setting the target CacheManager through the TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy.setTargetCacheManager(org.springframework.cache.CacheManager) bean property.
TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy(CacheManager) - Constructor for class org.springframework.cache.transaction.TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy
Create a new TransactionAwareCacheManagerProxy for the given target CacheManager.
TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy - Class in org.springframework.jms.connection
Proxy for a target JMS ConnectionFactory, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy - Class in org.springframework.r2dbc.connection
Proxy for a target R2DBC ConnectionFactory, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy() - Constructor for class org.springframework.jms.connection.TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy
Create a new TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy.
TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy(ConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.springframework.r2dbc.connection.TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy
TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy(ConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class org.springframework.jms.connection.TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy
Create a new TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy.
TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy - Class in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource
Proxy for a target JDBC DataSource, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions.
TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy() - Constructor for class org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
Create a new TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy.
TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy(DataSource) - Constructor for class org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy
Create a new TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy.
TransactionCallback<T> - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.reactive
Callback interface for reactive transactional code.
TransactionCallback<T> - Interface in
Callback interface for transactional code.
TransactionCallbackWithoutResult - Class in
Simple convenience class for TransactionCallback implementation.
TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() - Constructor for class
TransactionContext - Class in org.springframework.transaction.reactive
Mutable transaction context that encapsulates transactional synchronizations and resources in the scope of a single transaction.
TransactionContextManager - Class in org.springframework.transaction.reactive
Delegate to register and obtain transactional contexts.
TransactionDefinition - Interface in org.springframework.transaction
Interface that defines Spring-compliant transaction properties.
TransactionException - Exception in org.springframework.transaction
Superclass for all transaction exceptions.
TransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException
Constructor for TransactionException.
TransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException
Constructor for TransactionException.
TransactionExecution - Interface in org.springframework.transaction
Common representation of the current state of a transaction.
TransactionFactory - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.jta
Strategy interface for creating JTA Transaction objects based on specified transactional characteristics.
TransactionInfo(PlatformTransactionManager, TransactionAttribute, String) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.TransactionInfo
TransactionInProgressException - Exception in org.springframework.jms
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionInProgressException.
TransactionInProgressException(TransactionInProgressException) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.jms.TransactionInProgressException
transactionInterceptor(TransactionAttributeSource) - Method in class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration
TransactionInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative transaction management using the common Spring transaction infrastructure (PlatformTransactionManager/ ReactiveTransactionManager).
TransactionInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor
Create a new TransactionInterceptor.
TransactionInterceptor(PlatformTransactionManager, Properties) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor
TransactionInterceptor(PlatformTransactionManager, TransactionAttributeSource) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor
TransactionInterceptor(TransactionManager, TransactionAttributeSource) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor
Create a new TransactionInterceptor.
TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector - Class in org.springframework.transaction.annotation
Selects which implementation of AbstractTransactionManagementConfiguration should be used based on the value of EnableTransactionManagement.mode() on the importing @Configuration class.
TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector
TransactionManagementConfigurer - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.annotation
Interface to be implemented by @Configuration classes annotated with @EnableTransactionManagement that wish to (or need to) explicitly specify the default PlatformTransactionManager bean (or ReactiveTransactionManager bean) to be used for annotation-driven transaction management, as opposed to the default approach of a by-type lookup.
TransactionManagementConfigUtils - Class in org.springframework.transaction.config
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
TransactionManagementConfigUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.config.TransactionManagementConfigUtils
transactionManager() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.SqlConfig
The bean name of the PlatformTransactionManager that should be used to drive transactions.
transactionManager() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional
A qualifier value for the specified transaction.
TransactionManager - Interface in org.springframework.transaction
Marker interface for Spring transaction manager implementations, either traditional or reactive.
transactionMode() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.SqlConfig
The mode to use when determining whether SQL scripts should be executed within a transaction.
TransactionOperations - Interface in
Interface specifying basic transaction execution operations.
TransactionPhase - Enum Class in org.springframework.transaction.event
The phase in which a transactional event listener applies.
TransactionProxyFactoryBean - Class in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative transaction handling.
TransactionProxyFactoryBean() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean
TransactionRolledBackException - Exception in org.springframework.jms
Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionRolledBackException.
TransactionRolledBackException(TransactionRolledBackException) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.jms.TransactionRolledBackException
TransactionStatus - Interface in org.springframework.transaction
Representation of the status of a transaction.
TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException - Exception in org.springframework.transaction
Exception thrown when attempting to suspend an existing transaction but transaction suspension is not supported by the underlying backend.
TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException
Constructor for TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException.
TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException
Constructor for TransactionSuspensionNotSupportedException.
TransactionSynchronization - Interface in org.springframework.transaction.reactive
Interface for reactive transaction synchronization callbacks.
TransactionSynchronization - Interface in
Interface for transaction synchronization callbacks.
TransactionSynchronizationAdapter - Class in
as of 5.3, in favor of the default methods on the TransactionSynchronization interface
TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() - Constructor for class
TransactionSynchronizationManager - Class in org.springframework.transaction.reactive
Central delegate that manages resources and transaction synchronizations per subscriber context.
TransactionSynchronizationManager - Class in
Central delegate that manages resources and transaction synchronizations per thread.
TransactionSynchronizationManager() - Constructor for class
TransactionSynchronizationManager(TransactionContext) - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.reactive.TransactionSynchronizationManager
TransactionSynchronizationUtils - Class in
Utility methods for triggering specific TransactionSynchronization callback methods on all currently registered synchronizations.
TransactionSynchronizationUtils() - Constructor for class
TransactionSystemException - Exception in org.springframework.transaction
Exception thrown when a general transaction system error is encountered, like on commit or rollback.
TransactionSystemException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException
Constructor for TransactionSystemException.
TransactionSystemException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException
Constructor for TransactionSystemException.
TransactionTemplate - Class in
Template class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling.
TransactionTemplate() - Constructor for class
Construct a new TransactionTemplate for bean usage.
TransactionTemplate(PlatformTransactionManager) - Constructor for class
Construct a new TransactionTemplate using the given transaction manager.
TransactionTemplate(PlatformTransactionManager, TransactionDefinition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new TransactionTemplate using the given transaction manager, taking its default settings from the given transaction definition.
TransactionTimedOutException - Exception in org.springframework.transaction
Exception to be thrown when a transaction has timed out.
TransactionTimedOutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionTimedOutException
Constructor for TransactionTimedOutException.
TransactionTimedOutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionTimedOutException
Constructor for TransactionTimedOutException.
TransactionUsageException - Exception in org.springframework.transaction
Superclass for exceptions caused by inappropriate usage of a Spring transaction API.
TransactionUsageException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionUsageException
Constructor for TransactionUsageException.
TransactionUsageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.transaction.TransactionUsageException
Constructor for TransactionUsageException.
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders
The HTTP Transfer-Encoding header field name.
transferTo(File) - Method in interface org.springframework.http.codec.multipart.FilePart
Convenience method to copy the content of the file in this part to the given destination file.
transferTo(File) - Method in class org.springframework.mock.web.MockMultipartFile
transferTo(File) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
Transfer the received file to the given destination file.
transferTo(Path) - Method in interface org.springframework.http.codec.multipart.FilePart
Convenience method to copy the content of the file in this part to the given destination file.
transferTo(Path) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
Transfer the received file to the given destination file.
transform(byte[]) - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
transform(HttpServletRequest, Resource) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceTransformerChain
Transform the given resource.
transform(HttpServletRequest, Resource, ResourceTransformerChain) - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.CachingResourceTransformer
transform(HttpServletRequest, Resource, ResourceTransformerChain) - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.CssLinkResourceTransformer
transform(HttpServletRequest, Resource, ResourceTransformerChain) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceTransformer
Transform the given resource.
transform(Object) - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.MethodInfoTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Transformer
transform(Collection, Transformer) - Static method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.CollectionUtils
transform(Source, Result) - Method in class org.springframework.http.converter.xml.AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter
Transforms the given Source to the Result.
transform(ClassGenerator) - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy
transform(ClassGenerator) - Method in class org.springframework.cglib.transform.impl.UndeclaredThrowableStrategy
transform(ServerWebExchange, Resource) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.ResourceTransformerChain
Transform the given resource.
transform(ServerWebExchange, Resource, ResourceTransformerChain) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.CachingResourceTransformer
transform(ServerWebExchange, Resource, ResourceTransformerChain) - Method in class org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.CssLinkResourceTransformer
transform(ServerWebExchange, Resource, ResourceTransformerChain) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.ResourceTransformer
Transform the given resource.
transformedBeanName(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryUtils
Return the actual bean name, stripping out the factory dereference prefix (if any, also stripping repeated factory prefixes if found).
transformedBeanName(String) - Method in class
Return the bean name, stripping out the factory dereference prefix if necessary, and resolving aliases to canonical names.
TransformedResource - Class in org.springframework.web.reactive.resource
An extension of ByteArrayResource that a ResourceTransformer can use to represent an original resource preserving all other information except the content.
TransformedResource - Class in org.springframework.web.servlet.resource
An extension of ByteArrayResource that a ResourceTransformer can use to represent an original resource preserving all other information except the content.
TransformedResource(Resource, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.reactive.resource.TransformedResource
TransformedResource(Resource, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.TransformedResource
Transformer - Interface in org.springframework.cglib.core
TransformerUtils - Class in org.springframework.util.xml
Contains common behavior relating to Transformers and the javax.xml.transform package in general.
TransformerUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.util.xml.TransformerUtils
transformIfNecessary(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.springframework.core.OverridingClassLoader
Transformation hook to be implemented by subclasses.
transformIfNecessary(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.springframework.instrument.classloading.SimpleInstrumentableClassLoader
transformIfNecessary(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.springframework.instrument.classloading.WeavingTransformer
Apply transformation on a given class byte definition.
transformIfNecessary(String, String, byte[], ProtectionDomain) - Method in class org.springframework.instrument.classloading.WeavingTransformer
Apply transformation on a given class byte definition.
TransformingClassGenerator - Class in org.springframework.cglib.transform
TransformingClassGenerator(ClassGenerator, ClassTransformer) - Constructor for class org.springframework.cglib.transform.TransformingClassGenerator
TransformingClassLoader - Class in org.springframework.cglib.transform
TransformingClassLoader(ClassLoader, ClassFilter, ClassTransformerFactory) - Constructor for class org.springframework.cglib.transform.TransformingClassLoader
transformPath(String) - Method in class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator
Transform the request URI (in the context of the webapp) stripping slashes and extensions, and replacing the separator as required.
TransformTag - Class in org.springframework.web.servlet.tags
The <transform> tag provides transformation for reference data values from controllers and other objects inside a spring:bind tag (or a data-bound form element tag from Spring's form tag library).
TransformTag() - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.TransformTag
transformUrl(String) - Method in class org.springframework.web.server.adapter.DefaultServerWebExchange
transformUrl(String) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange
Transform the given url according to the registered transformation function(s).
transformUrl(String) - Method in class org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchangeDecorator
TransientDataAccessException - Exception in org.springframework.dao
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are considered transient - where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation is retried without any intervention by application-level functionality.
TransientDataAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessException
Constructor for TransientDataAccessException.
TransientDataAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessException
Constructor for TransientDataAccessException.
TransientDataAccessResourceException - Exception in org.springframework.dao
Data access exception thrown when a resource fails temporarily and the operation can be retried.
TransientDataAccessResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException
Constructor for TransientDataAccessResourceException.
TransientDataAccessResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException
Constructor for TransientDataAccessResourceException.
translate(String, String, SQLException) - Method in class
translate(String, String, SQLException) - Method in interface
Translate the given SQLException into a generic DataAccessException.
translateException(String, R2dbcException) - Method in class org.springframework.r2dbc.connection.R2dbcTransactionManager
translateException(String, String, SQLException) - Method in class org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
Translate the given SQLException into a generic DataAccessException.
translateException(String, SQLException) - Method in class org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager
translateException(String, SQLException) - Method in class
This implementation attempts to use the SQLExceptionTranslator, falling back to a TransactionSystemException.
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in class
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in interface
Translate the given runtime exception thrown by a persistence framework to a corresponding exception from Spring's generic DataAccessException hierarchy, if possible.
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in class org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateExceptionTranslator
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in class org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean
Implementation of the PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface, as autodetected by Spring's PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor.
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in class org.springframework.orm.jpa.DefaultJpaDialect
This implementation delegates to EntityManagerFactoryUtils.
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in class org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect
translateIfNecessary(RuntimeException, PersistenceExceptionTranslator) - Static method in class
Return a translated exception if this is appropriate, otherwise return the given exception as-is.
transport(ClientTransport) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.rsocket.RSocketRequester.Builder
Transport - Interface in org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.client
A client-side implementation for a SockJS transport.
TransportHandler - Interface in org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport
Handle a SockJS session URL, i.e.
TransportHandlingSockJsService - Class in org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport
A basic implementation of SockJsService with support for SPI-based transport handling and session management.
TransportHandlingSockJsService(TaskScheduler, Collection<TransportHandler>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.TransportHandlingSockJsService
Create a TransportHandlingSockJsService with given handler types.
TransportHandlingSockJsService(TaskScheduler, TransportHandler...) - Constructor for class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.TransportHandlingSockJsService
Create a TransportHandlingSockJsService with given handler types.
TransportRequest - Interface in org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.client
Exposes information, typically to Transport and session implementations, about a request to connect to a SockJS server endpoint over a given transport.
transports(Publisher<List<LoadbalanceTarget>>, LoadbalanceStrategy) - Method in interface org.springframework.messaging.rsocket.RSocketRequester.Builder
Build an RSocketRequester with an LoadbalanceRSocketClient that will connect to one of the given targets selected through the given LoadbalanceRSocketClient.
TransportType - Enum Class in org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport
SockJS transport types.
Trigger - Interface in org.springframework.scheduling
Common interface for trigger objects that determine the next execution time of a task that they get associated with.
triggerAfterCommit() - Static method in class
Trigger afterCommit callbacks on all currently registered synchronizations.
triggerAfterCompletion(int) - Static method in class
Trigger afterCompletion callbacks on all currently registered synchronizations.
triggerAfterReceiveCompletion(Message<?>, MessageChannel, Exception) - Method in class
triggerAfterSendCompletion(Message<?>, MessageChannel, boolean, Exception) - Method in class
triggerBeforeCommit(boolean) - Static method in class
Trigger beforeCommit callbacks on all currently registered synchronizations.
triggerBeforeCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in class
Trigger beforeCommit callbacks.
triggerBeforeCompletion() - Static method in class
Trigger beforeCompletion callbacks on all currently registered synchronizations.
triggerBeforeCompletion(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in class
Trigger beforeCompletion callbacks.
TriggerContext - Interface in org.springframework.scheduling
Context object encapsulating last execution times and last completion time of a given task.
triggerFlush() - Static method in class
Trigger flush callbacks on all currently registered synchronizations.
TriggerTask - Class in org.springframework.scheduling.config
Task implementation defining a Runnable to be executed according to a given Trigger.
TriggerTask(Runnable, Trigger) - Constructor for class org.springframework.scheduling.config.TriggerTask
Create a new TriggerTask.
trimAllWhitespace(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Trim all whitespace from the given CharSequence: leading, trailing, and in between characters.
trimAllWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Trim all whitespace from the given String: leading, trailing, and in between characters.
trimArrayElements(String[]) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Trim the elements of the given String array, calling String.trim() on each non-null element.
trimLeadingCharacter(String, char) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Trim all occurrences of the supplied leading character from the given String.
trimLeadingWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
since 6.0, in favor of String.stripLeading()
trimTrailingCharacter(String, char) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Trim all occurrences of the supplied trailing character from the given String.
trimTrailingWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
since 6.0, in favor of String.stripTrailing()
trimValues - Variable in class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PlaceholderConfigurerSupport
trimWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
since 6.0, in favor of String.strip()
TRUE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.aop.ClassFilter
Canonical instance of a ClassFilter that matches all classes.
TRUE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.aop.MethodMatcher
Canonical instance that matches all methods.
TRUE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.aop.Pointcut
Canonical Pointcut instance that always matches.
TRUE - Static variable in class
TRUE_HIGH - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.comparator.BooleanComparator
A shared default instance of this comparator, treating true higher than false.
TRUE_LOW - Static variable in class org.springframework.util.comparator.BooleanComparator
A shared default instance of this comparator, treating true lower than false.
TRUE_VALUE - Static variable in class
Value of a T/F attribute that represents true.
TRUE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
Value of a T/F attribute that represents true.
truncate(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Truncate the supplied CharSequence.
truncate(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class org.springframework.util.StringUtils
Truncate the supplied CharSequence.
tryCloseWithError(WebSocketSession, Throwable, Log) - Static method in class org.springframework.web.socket.handler.ExceptionWebSocketHandlerDecorator
tryCloseWithSockJsTransportError(Throwable, CloseStatus) - Method in class org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.transport.session.AbstractSockJsSession
Close due to error arising from SockJS transport handling.
twice() - Static method in class org.springframework.test.web.client.ExpectedCount
Exactly twice.
TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore
Name used for the transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
txManager - Variable in class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.AbstractTransactionManagementConfiguration
Default transaction manager, as configured through a TransactionManagementConfigurer.
TxNamespaceHandler - Class in org.springframework.transaction.config
NamespaceHandler allowing for the configuration of declarative transaction management using either XML or using annotations.
TxNamespaceHandler() - Constructor for class org.springframework.transaction.config.TxNamespaceHandler
type - Variable in class org.springframework.asm.Attribute
The type of this attribute, also called its name in the JVMS.
type() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan.Filter
The type of filter to use.
type(URI) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.ErrorResponse.Builder
Set the underlying type field.
Type - Class in org.springframework.asm
A Java field or method type.
TYPE - Static variable in interface
Message type label.
TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.springframework.asm.TypePath
A type path step that steps into a type argument of a generic type.
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate
TYPE_BIG_DECIMAL - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_BIG_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_BYTE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_CLASS_ARRAY - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_CLASS_LOADER - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_CONVERSION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelMessage
TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_HIERARCHY - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotations.SearchStrategy
Perform a full search of the entire type hierarchy, including superclasses and implemented interfaces.
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class org.springframework.jmx.export.naming.IdentityNamingStrategy
The type key.
TYPE_LONG - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_NAME_EXPECTED_FOR_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelMessage
TYPE_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelMessage
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_OBJECT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_SHORT - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_STRING_BUFFER - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_THROWABLE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.SqlParameterSource
Constant that indicates an unknown (or unspecified) SQL type.
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlReturnType
Constant that indicates an unknown (or unspecified) SQL type.
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlTypeValue
Constant that indicates an unknown (or unspecified) SQL type.
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
Constant that indicates an unknown (or unspecified) SQL type.
TypeCode - Enum Class in org.springframework.expression.spel.ast
Captures primitive types and their corresponding class objects, plus one special TypeCode.OBJECT entry that represents all reference (non-primitive) types.
TypeComparator - Interface in org.springframework.expression
Instances of a type comparator should be able to compare pairs of objects for equality.
TypeConverter - Interface in org.springframework.beans
Interface that defines type conversion methods.
TypeConverter - Interface in org.springframework.expression
A type converter can convert values between different types encountered during expression evaluation.
TypeConverterSupport - Class in org.springframework.beans
Base implementation of the TypeConverter interface, using a package-private delegate.
TypeConverterSupport() - Constructor for class org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterSupport
TypeDescriptor - Class in org.springframework.core.convert
Contextual descriptor about a type to convert from or to.
TypeDescriptor(Field) - Constructor for class org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor
Create a new type descriptor from a Field.
TypeDescriptor(Property) - Constructor for class org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor
Create a new type descriptor from a Property.
TypeDescriptor(MethodParameter) - Constructor for class org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor
Create a new type descriptor from a MethodParameter.
TypeDescriptor(ResolvableType, Class<?>, Annotation[]) - Constructor for class org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor
Create a new type descriptor from a ResolvableType.
TypedStringValue - Class in org.springframework.beans.factory.config
Holder for a typed String value.
TypedStringValue(String) - Constructor for class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.TypedStringValue
Create a new TypedStringValue for the given String value.
TypedStringValue(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.TypedStringValue
Create a new TypedStringValue for the given String value and target type.
TypedStringValue(String, String) - Constructor for class org.springframework.beans.factory.config.TypedStringValue
Create a new TypedStringValue for the given String value and target type.
TypedValue - Class in org.springframework.expression
Encapsulates an object and a TypeDescriptor that describes it.
TypedValue(Object) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.TypedValue
Create a TypedValue for a simple object.
TypedValue(Object, TypeDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.TypedValue
Create a TypedValue for a particular value with a particular TypeDescriptor which may contain additional generic declarations.
TypedValueHolderValueRef(TypedValue, SpelNodeImpl) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.ValueRef.TypedValueHolderValueRef
TypeFilter - Interface in org.springframework.core.type.filter
Base interface for type filters using a MetadataReader.
TypeFilterUtils - Class in org.springframework.context.annotation
Collection of utilities for working with @ComponentScan type filters.
TypeFilterUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.context.annotation.TypeFilterUtils
TypeHint - Class in org.springframework.aot.hint
A hint that describes the need for reflection on a type.
TypeHint.Builder - Class in org.springframework.aot.hint
Builder for TypeHint.
typeHints() - Method in class org.springframework.aot.hint.ReflectionHints
Return the types that require reflection.
typeIdResolverInstance(MapperConfig<?>, Annotated, Class<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.http.converter.json.SpringHandlerInstantiator
typeIn(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationPredicates
Create a new Predicate that evaluates to true if the merged annotation type is contained in the specified array.
typeIn(String...) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationPredicates
Create a new Predicate that evaluates to true if the name of the merged annotation type is contained in the specified array.
typeIn(Collection<?>) - Static method in class org.springframework.core.annotation.MergedAnnotationPredicates
Create a new Predicate that evaluates to true if the merged annotation type is contained in the specified collection.
TypeLocator - Interface in org.springframework.expression
Implementers of this interface are expected to be able to locate types.
typeMessageCode(String) - Method in interface org.springframework.web.ErrorResponse.Builder
Customize the MessageSource code to use to resolve the value for ProblemDetail.setType(URI).
TypeMismatchDataAccessException - Exception in org.springframework.dao
Exception thrown on mismatch between Java type and database type: for example on an attempt to set an object of the wrong type in an RDBMS column.
TypeMismatchDataAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.TypeMismatchDataAccessException
Constructor for TypeMismatchDataAccessException.
TypeMismatchDataAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.dao.TypeMismatchDataAccessException
Constructor for TypeMismatchDataAccessException.
TypeMismatchException - Exception in org.springframework.beans
Exception thrown on a type mismatch when trying to set a bean property.
TypeMismatchException(PropertyChangeEvent, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException
Create a new TypeMismatchException.
TypeMismatchException(PropertyChangeEvent, Class<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException
Create a new TypeMismatchException.
TypeMismatchException(Object, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException
Create a new TypeMismatchException without a PropertyChangeEvent.
TypeMismatchException(Object, Class<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException
Create a new TypeMismatchException without a PropertyChangeEvent.
TypeMismatchNamingException - Exception in org.springframework.jndi
Exception thrown if a type mismatch is encountered for an object located in a JNDI environment.
TypeMismatchNamingException(String, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception org.springframework.jndi.TypeMismatchNamingException
Construct a new TypeMismatchNamingException, building an explanation text from the given arguments.
TypePath - Class in org.springframework.asm
The path to a type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within an enclosing type.
TypePatternClassFilter - Class in org.springframework.aop.aspectj
Spring AOP ClassFilter implementation using AspectJ type matching.
TypePatternClassFilter() - Constructor for class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.TypePatternClassFilter
Creates a new instance of the TypePatternClassFilter class.
TypePatternClassFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.TypePatternClassFilter
Create a fully configured TypePatternClassFilter using the given type pattern.
TypeReference - Class in org.springframework.asm
A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction.
TypeReference - Class in org.springframework.expression.spel.ast
Represents a reference to a type, for example "T(String)" or "T(com.example.Foo)".
TypeReference - Interface in org.springframework.aot.hint
Type abstraction that can be used to refer to types that are not available as a Class yet.
TypeReference(int) - Constructor for class org.springframework.asm.TypeReference
Constructs a new TypeReference.
TypeReference(int, int, SpelNodeImpl) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.TypeReference
TypeReference(int, int, SpelNodeImpl, int) - Constructor for class org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.TypeReference
typeResolverBuilderInstance(MapperConfig<?>, Annotated, Class<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.http.converter.json.SpringHandlerInstantiator
types - Variable in class org.springframework.cglib.beans.BulkBean
types() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.SessionAttributes
The types of session attributes in the model that should be stored in the session or some conversational storage.
TYPES_EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.springframework.cglib.core.Constants
TypeUtils - Class in org.springframework.cglib.core
TypeUtils - Class in org.springframework.util
Utility to work with generic type parameters.
TypeUtils() - Constructor for class org.springframework.util.TypeUtils
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