Package-level declarations


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inline fun <T : Any> RestClient.ResponseSpec.body(): T?

Extension for RestClient.ResponseSpec.body providing a body<Foo>() variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.

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Extension for RestClient.RequestBodySpec.body providing a bodyWithType<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.

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inline fun <T> RequestEntity<*>): ResponseEntity<T>
inline fun <T> URI, method: HttpMethod, requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>? = null): ResponseEntity<T>
inline fun <T>    url: String,     method: HttpMethod,     requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>? = null,     vararg uriVariables: Any): ResponseEntity<T>
inline fun <T>    url: String,     method: HttpMethod,     requestEntity: HttpEntity<*>? = null,     uriVariables: Map<String, *>): ResponseEntity<T>

Extension for providing an exchange<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.

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inline fun <T> RestOperations.getForEntity(url: String, vararg uriVariables: Any): ResponseEntity<T>
inline fun <T> RestOperations.getForEntity(url: String, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): ResponseEntity<T>

Extension for RestOperations.getForEntity providing a getForEntity<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. Like the original Java method, this extension is subject to type erasure. Use exchange if you need to retain actual generic type arguments.

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inline fun <T> RestOperations.getForObject(url: URI): T
inline fun <T> RestOperations.getForObject(url: String, vararg uriVariables: Any): T
inline fun <T> RestOperations.getForObject(url: String, uriVariables: Map<String, Any?>): T

Extension for RestOperations.getForObject providing a getForObject<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. Like the original Java method, this extension is subject to type erasure. Use exchange if you need to retain actual generic type arguments.

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inline fun <T> RestOperations.patchForObject(url: URI, request: Any? = null): T
inline fun <T> RestOperations.patchForObject(url: String, request: Any? = null, vararg uriVariables: Any): T
inline fun <T> RestOperations.patchForObject(url: String, request: Any? = null, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): T

Extension for RestOperations.patchForObject providing a patchForObject<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. Like the original Java method, this extension is subject to type erasure. Use exchange if you need to retain actual generic type arguments.

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inline fun <T> RestOperations.postForEntity(url: URI, request: Any? = null): ResponseEntity<T>
inline fun <T> RestOperations.postForEntity(url: String, request: Any? = null, vararg uriVariables: Any): ResponseEntity<T>
inline fun <T> RestOperations.postForEntity(url: String, request: Any? = null, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): ResponseEntity<T>

Extension for RestOperations.postForEntity providing a postForEntity<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. Like the original Java method, this extension is subject to type erasure. Use exchange if you need to retain actual generic type arguments.

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inline fun <T> RestOperations.postForObject(url: URI, request: Any? = null): T
inline fun <T> RestOperations.postForObject(url: String, request: Any? = null, vararg uriVariables: Any): T
inline fun <T> RestOperations.postForObject(url: String, request: Any? = null, uriVariables: Map<String, *>): T

Extension for RestOperations.postForObject providing a postForObject<Foo>(...) variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. Like the original Java method, this extension is subject to type erasure. Use exchange if you need to retain actual generic type arguments.

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Extension for RestClient.ResponseSpec.toEntity providing a toEntity<Foo>() variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.