Class MockMvcTester


public final class MockMvcTester extends Object
MockMvcTester provides support for testing Spring MVC applications with MockMvc for server request handling using AssertJ.

A tester instance can be created from a WebApplicationContext:

 // Create an instance with default settings
 MockMvcTester mvc = MockMvcTester.from(applicationContext);

 // Create an instance with a custom Filter
 MockMvcTester mvc = MockMvcTester.from(applicationContext,
         builder -> builder.addFilters(filter).build());

A tester can be created in standalone mode by providing the controller instances to include:

 // Create an instance for PersonController
 MockMvcTester mvc = MockMvcTester.of(new PersonController());

Simple, single-statement assertions can be done wrapping the request builder in assertThat() provides access to assertions. For instance:

 // perform a GET on /hi and assert the response body is equal to Hello

For more complex scenarios the result of the exchange can be assigned in a variable to run multiple assertions:

 // perform a POST on /save and assert the response body is empty
 MvcTestResult result ="/save").exchange();

If the request is processing asynchronously, exchange waits for its completion, either using the default timeout or a given one. If you prefer to get the result of an asynchronous request immediately, use asyncExchange:

 // perform a POST on /save and assert an asynchronous request has started

You can also perform requests using the static builders approach that MockMvc uses. For instance:

 // perform a GET on /hi and assert the response body is equal to Hello

Use this approach if you have a custom RequestBuilder implementation that you'd like to integrate here. This approach is also invoking MockMvc without any additional processing of asynchronous requests.

One main difference between MockMvc and MockMvcTester is that an unresolved exception is not thrown directly when using MockMvcTester. Rather an MvcTestResult is available with an unresolved exception. Both resolved and unresolved exceptions are considered a failure that can be asserted as follows:

 // perform a GET on /boom and assert the message for the exception
         .failure().hasMessage("Test exception");

Any attempt to access the result with an unresolved exception will throw an AssertionError:

 // throw an AssertionError with an unresolved exception

MockMvcTester can be configured with a list of message converters to allow the response body to be deserialized, rather than asserting on the raw values.

Stephane Nicoll, Brian Clozel
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static MockMvcTester create(MockMvc mockMvc)
      Create an instance that delegates to the given MockMvc instance.
      mockMvc - the MockMvc instance to delegate calls to
    • from

      public static MockMvcTester from(WebApplicationContext applicationContext, Function<DefaultMockMvcBuilder,MockMvc> customizations)
      Create an instance using the given, fully initialized (i.e., refreshed) WebApplicationContext. The given customizations are applied to the DefaultMockMvcBuilder that ultimately creates the underlying MockMvc instance.

      If no further customization of the underlying MockMvc instance is required, use from(WebApplicationContext).

      applicationContext - the application context to detect the Spring MVC infrastructure and application controllers from
      customizations - a function that creates a MockMvc instance based on a DefaultMockMvcBuilder
      See Also:
    • from

      public static MockMvcTester from(WebApplicationContext applicationContext)
      Shortcut to create an instance using the given fully initialized (i.e., refreshed) WebApplicationContext.

      Consider using from(WebApplicationContext, Function) if further customization of the underlying MockMvc instance is required.

      applicationContext - the application context to detect the Spring MVC infrastructure and application controllers from
      See Also:
    • of

      public static MockMvcTester of(Collection<?> controllers, Function<StandaloneMockMvcBuilder,MockMvc> customizations)
      Create an instance by registering one or more @Controller instances and configuring Spring MVC infrastructure programmatically.

      This allows full control over the instantiation and initialization of controllers and their dependencies, similar to plain unit tests while also making it possible to test one controller at a time.

      controllers - one or more @Controller instances or @Controller types to test; a type (Class) will be turned into an instance
      customizations - a function that creates a MockMvc instance based on a StandaloneMockMvcBuilder, typically to configure the Spring MVC infrastructure
      See Also:
    • of

      public static MockMvcTester of(Object... controllers)
      Shortcut to create an instance by registering one or more @Controller instances.

      The minimum infrastructure required by the DispatcherServlet to serve requests with annotated controllers is created. Consider using of(Collection, Function) if additional configuration of the MVC infrastructure is required.

      controllers - one or more @Controller instances or @Controller types to test; a type (Class) will be turned into an instance
      See Also:
    • withHttpMessageConverters

      public MockMvcTester withHttpMessageConverters(Iterable<HttpMessageConverter<?>> httpMessageConverters)
      Return a new instance using the specified message converters.

      If none are specified, only basic assertions on the response body can be performed. Consider registering a suitable JSON converter for asserting against JSON data structures.

      httpMessageConverters - the message converters to use
      a new instance using the specified converters
    • get

      Prepare an HTTP GET request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • head

      Prepare an HTTP HEAD request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • post

      Prepare an HTTP POST request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • put

      Prepare an HTTP PUT request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • patch

      Prepare an HTTP PATCH request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • delete

      Prepare an HTTP DELETE request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • options

      Prepare an HTTP OPTIONS request.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • method

      Prepare a request for the specified HttpMethod.

      The returned builder can be wrapped in assertThat to enable assertions on the result. For multi-statements assertions, use exchange() to assign the result. To control the time to wait for asynchronous request to complete on a per-request basis, use exchange(Duration).

      a request builder for specifying the target URI
    • perform

      public MvcTestResult perform(RequestBuilder requestBuilder)
      Perform a request using the given RequestBuilder and return a result that can be used with standard AssertJ assertions.

      Use only this method if you need to provide a custom RequestBuilder. For regular cases, users should initiate the configuration of the request using one of the methods available on this instance, for example, get() for HTTP GET.

      Contrary to MockMvc.perform(RequestBuilder), this does not throw an exception if the request fails with an unresolved exception. Rather, the result provides the exception, if any. Assuming that a POST request against /boom throws an IllegalStateException, the following asserts that the invocation has indeed failed with the expected error message:

      requestBuilder - used to prepare the request to execute
      an MvcTestResult to be wrapped in assertThat
      See Also: