Class OpMultiply

All Implemented Interfaces:
Opcodes, SpelNode

public class OpMultiply extends Operator
Implements the multiply operator.

Conversions and promotions are handled as defined in Section 5.6.2 of the Java Language Specification, with the addiction of BigDecimal/BigInteger management:

If any of the operands is of a reference type, unboxing conversion (Section 5.1.8) is performed. Then:
If either operand is of type BigDecimal, the other is converted to BigDecimal.
If either operand is of type double, the other is converted to double.
Otherwise, if either operand is of type float, the other is converted to float.
If either operand is of type BigInteger, the other is converted to BigInteger.
Otherwise, if either operand is of type long, the other is converted to long.
Otherwise, both operands are converted to type int.

Andy Clement, Juergen Hoeller, Sam Brannen, Giovanni Dall'Oglio Risso
  • Constructor Details

    • OpMultiply

      public OpMultiply(int startPos, int endPos, SpelNodeImpl... operands)
  • Method Details

    • getValueInternal

      public TypedValue getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException
      Implements the multiply operator directly here for certain types of supported operands and otherwise delegates to any registered overloader for types not supported here.

      Supported operand types:

      • numbers
      • String and int ('abc' * 2 == 'abcabc')
      Specified by:
      getValueInternal in class SpelNodeImpl
    • isCompilable

      public boolean isCompilable()
      Description copied from interface: SpelNode
      Determine if this node can be compiled to bytecode.

      The reasoning in each node may be different but will typically involve checking whether the exit type descriptor of the node is known and any relevant child nodes are compilable.

      The default implementation returns false.

      If you override this method, you must also override SpelNode.generateCode(MethodVisitor, CodeFlow).

      true if this node can be compiled to bytecode
      See Also:
    • generateCode

      public void generateCode(MethodVisitor mv, CodeFlow cf)
      Description copied from interface: SpelNode
      Generate the bytecode for this node into the supplied MethodVisitor.

      Context information about the current expression being compiled is available in the supplied CodeFlow object — for example, information about the type of the object currently on the stack.

      This method will not be invoked unless SpelNode.isCompilable() returns true.

      The default implementation throws an IllegalStateException since SpelNode.isCompilable() returns false by default.

      If you override this method, you must also override SpelNode.isCompilable().

      mv - the ASM MethodVisitor into which code should be generated
      cf - a context object with information about what is on the stack
      See Also: