Package org.springframework.expression.spel.ast

@NonNullApi @NonNullFields package org.springframework.expression.spel.ast
SpEL's abstract syntax tree.
  • Class
    Represents assignment.
    Represents a reference to a bean, for example @orderService or @'order.service'.
    Represents the literal values TRUE and FALSE.
    Represents a DOT separated expression sequence, such as property1.property2.methodOne() or property1?.property2?.methodOne() when the null-safe navigation operator is used.
    Represents the invocation of a constructor: either a constructor on a regular type or construction of an array.
    Represents the Elvis operator ?:.
    Expression language AST node that represents a float literal.
    A function reference is of the form "#someFunction(a,b,c)".
    An 'identifier' SpelNode.
    An Indexer can index into some proceeding structure to access a particular element of the structure.
    Represent a list in an expression, for example, '{1,2,3}'.
    Represent a map in an expression, for example, '{name:'foo',age:12}'.
    Expression language AST node that represents an integer literal.
    Common superclass for nodes representing literals (boolean, string, number, etc).
    Expression language AST node that represents a long integer literal.
    Expression language AST node that represents a method reference.
    Expression language AST node that represents null.
    Represents the boolean AND operation.
    Decrement operator.
    Implements division operator.
    Implements the equality operator.
    Common supertype for operators that operate on either one or two operands.
    A descriptor comparison encapsulates the result of comparing descriptor for two operands and describes at what level they are compatible.
    Represents the between operator.
    The operator 'instanceof' checks if an object is of the class specified in the right-hand operand, in the same way that instanceof does in Java.
    Implements the matches operator.
    Represents a NOT operation.
    The power operator.
    Implements greater-than-or-equal operator.
    Implements the greater-than operator.
    Increment operator.
    Implements the less-than-or-equal operator.
    Implements the less-than operator.
    The minus operator supports: subtraction of numbers subtraction of an int from a string of one character (effectively decreasing that character), so 'd' - 3 = 'a'
    Implements the modulus operator.
    Implements the multiply operator.
    Implements the not-equal operator.
    Represents the boolean OR operation.
    The plus operator will: add numbers concatenate strings
    Represents projection, where a given operation is performed on all elements in some input sequence, returning a new sequence of the same size.
    Represents a simple property or field reference.
    Represents a dot separated sequence of strings that indicate a package qualified type reference.
    Expression language AST node that represents a real literal.
    Represents selection over a map or collection.
    The common supertype of all AST nodes in a parsed Spring Expression Language format expression.
    Expression language AST node that represents a string literal.
    Represents a ternary expression, for example: "someCheck()?true:false".
    Captures primitive types and their corresponding class objects, plus one special TypeCode.OBJECT entry that represents all reference (non-primitive) types.
    Represents a reference to a type, for example "T(String)" or "T(com.example.Foo)".
    Represents a reference to a value.
    A ValueRef for the null value.
    A ValueRef holder for a single value, which cannot be set.
    Represents a variable reference — for example, #root, #this, #someVar, etc.