Class DataBindingPropertyAccessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyAccessor, TargetedAccessor

public final class DataBindingPropertyAccessor extends ReflectivePropertyAccessor
An PropertyAccessor variant for data binding purposes, using reflection to access properties for reading and possibly writing.

A property can be referenced through a public getter method (when being read) or a public setter method (when being written), and also as a public field.

This accessor is explicitly designed for user-declared properties and does not resolve technical properties on java.lang.Object or java.lang.Class. For unrestricted resolution, choose ReflectivePropertyAccessor instead.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isCandidateForProperty

      protected boolean isCandidateForProperty(Method method, Class<?> targetClass)
      Description copied from class: ReflectivePropertyAccessor
      Determine whether the given Method is a candidate for property access on an instance of the given target class.

      The default implementation considers any method as a candidate, even for non-user-declared properties on the Object base class.

      isCandidateForProperty in class ReflectivePropertyAccessor
      method - the Method to evaluate
      targetClass - the concrete target class that is being introspected
    • forReadOnlyAccess

      public static DataBindingPropertyAccessor forReadOnlyAccess()
      Create a new data-binding property accessor for read-only operations.
    • forReadWriteAccess

      public static DataBindingPropertyAccessor forReadWriteAccess()
      Create a new data-binding property accessor for read-write operations.