Class MvcTestResultAssert

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.assertj.core.api.Assert<MvcTestResultAssert,MvcTestResult>, org.assertj.core.api.Descriptable<MvcTestResultAssert>, org.assertj.core.api.ExtensionPoints<MvcTestResultAssert,MvcTestResult>

AssertJ assertions that can be applied to MvcTestResult.
Stephane Nicoll, Brian Clozel
  • Method Details

    • getResponse

      protected MockHttpServletResponse getResponse()
      Description copied from class: AbstractHttpServletResponseAssert
      Provide the response to use if it is available.

      Throws an AssertionError if the request has failed to process, and the response is not available.

      Specified by:
      getResponse in class AbstractHttpServletResponseAssert<MockHttpServletResponse,MvcTestResultAssert,MvcTestResult>
      the response to use
    • failure

      public org.assertj.core.api.AbstractThrowableAssert<?,? extends Throwable> failure()
      Verify that the request has failed and return a new assertion object that uses the failure as the object to test.
    • request

      Return a new assertion object that uses the MockHttpServletRequest as the object to test.
    • cookies

      public CookieMapAssert cookies()
      Return a new assertion object that uses the response's cookies as the object to test.
    • handler

      public HandlerResultAssert handler()
      Return a new assertion object that uses the handler as the object to test.

      For a method invocation on a controller, this is a relative method handler.


       // Check that a GET to "/greet" is invoked on a "handleGreet" method name
    • model

      public ModelAssert model()
      Verify that a ModelAndView is available and return a new assertion object that uses the model as the object to test.
    • viewName

      public org.assertj.core.api.AbstractStringAssert<?> viewName()
      Verify that a ModelAndView is available and return a new assertion object that uses the view name as the object to test.
      See Also:
    • flash

      public org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert<String,Object> flash()
      Return a new assertion object that uses the "output" flash attributes saved during request processing as the object to test.
    • debug

      public MvcTestResultAssert debug()
      Print MvcResult details to System.out.

      You must call it before calling the assertion otherwise it is ignored as the failing assertion breaks the chained call by throwing an AssertionError.

    • debug

      public MvcTestResultAssert debug(OutputStream stream)
      Print MvcResult details to the supplied OutputStream.

      You must call it before calling the assertion otherwise it is ignored as the failing assertion breaks the chained call by throwing an AssertionError.

    • debug

      public MvcTestResultAssert debug(Writer writer)
      Print MvcResult details to the supplied Writer.

      You must call it before calling the assertion otherwise it is ignored as the failing assertion breaks the chained call by throwing an AssertionError.

    • hasFailed

      public MvcTestResultAssert hasFailed()
      Verify that the request has failed.
    • doesNotHaveFailed

      public MvcTestResultAssert doesNotHaveFailed()
      Verify that the request has not failed.
    • matches

      public MvcTestResultAssert matches(ResultMatcher resultMatcher)
      Verify that the actual MVC result matches the given ResultMatcher.
      resultMatcher - the result matcher to invoke
    • apply

      public MvcTestResultAssert apply(ResultHandler resultHandler)
      Apply the given ResultHandler to the actual MVC result.
      resultHandler - the result matcher to invoke
    • hasViewName

      public MvcTestResultAssert hasViewName(String viewName)
      Verify that a ModelAndView is available with a view name equal to the given one.

      For more advanced assertions, consider using viewName().

      viewName - the expected view name
    • getMvcResult

      protected MvcResult getMvcResult()