Interface UriBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
ServletUriComponentsBuilder, UriComponentsBuilder

public interface UriBuilder
Builder-style methods to prepare and expand a URI template with variables.

Effectively a generalization of UriComponentsBuilder but with shortcuts to expand directly into URI rather than UriComponents and also leaving common concerns such as encoding preferences, a base URI, and others as implementation concerns.

Typically obtained via UriBuilderFactory which serves as a central component configured once and used to create many URLs.

Rossen Stoyanchev
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • scheme

      UriBuilder scheme(@Nullable String scheme)
      Set the URI scheme which may contain URI template variables, and may also be null to clear the scheme of this builder.
      scheme - the URI scheme
    • userInfo

      UriBuilder userInfo(@Nullable String userInfo)
      Set the URI user info which may contain URI template variables, and may also be null to clear the user info of this builder.
      userInfo - the URI user info
    • host

      Set the URI host which may contain URI template variables, and may also be null to clear the host of this builder.
      host - the URI host
    • port

      UriBuilder port(int port)
      Set the URI port. Passing -1 will clear the port of this builder.
      port - the URI port
    • port

      Set the URI port. Use this method only when the port needs to be parameterized with a URI variable. Otherwise use port(int). Passing null will clear the port of this builder.
      port - the URI port
    • path

      UriBuilder path(String path)
      Append to the path of this builder.

      The given value is appended as-is to previous path values without inserting any additional slashes. For example:

       // Results is "/first-value/123"

      By contrast pathSegment does insert slashes between individual path segments. For example:

       builder.pathSegment("first-value", "second-value").path("/")
       // Results is "/first-value/second-value/"

      The resulting full path is normalized to eliminate duplicate slashes.

      Note: When inserting a URI variable value that contains slashes in a path, whether those are encoded depends on the configured encoding mode. For more details, see UriComponentsBuilder.encode(), or otherwise if building URIs indirectly via WebClient or RestTemplate, see its encodingMode. Also see the URI Encoding section of the reference docs.

      path - the URI path
    • replacePath

      UriBuilder replacePath(@Nullable String path)
      Override the current path.
      path - the URI path, or null for an empty path
    • pathSegment

      UriBuilder pathSegment(String... pathSegments) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Append to the path using path segments. For example:
       builder.pathSegment("first-value", "second-value", "{id}").build("123")
       // Results is "/first-value/second-value/123"

      If slashes are present in a path segment, they are encoded:

       builder.pathSegment("ba/z", "{id}").build("a/b")
       // Results is "/ba%2Fz/a%2Fb"
      To insert a trailing slash, use the path(java.lang.String) builder method:
       builder.pathSegment("first-value", "second-value").path("/")
       // Results is "/first-value/second-value/"

      Empty path segments are ignored and therefore duplicate slashes do not appear in the resulting full path.

      pathSegments - the URI path segments
    • query

      UriBuilder query(String query)
      Parse the given query string into query parameters where parameters are separated with '&' and their values, if any, with '='. The query may contain URI template variables.

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      query - the query string
    • replaceQuery

      UriBuilder replaceQuery(@Nullable String query)
      Clear existing query parameters and then delegate to query(String).

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      query - the query string; a null value removes all query parameters.
    • queryParam

      UriBuilder queryParam(String name, Object... values)
      Append the given query parameter. Both the parameter name and values may contain URI template variables to be expanded later from values. If no values are given, the resulting URI will contain the query parameter name only, for example, "?foo" instead of "?foo=bar".

      Note: encoding, if applied, will only encode characters that are illegal in a query parameter name or value such as "=" or "&". All others that are legal as per syntax rules in RFC 3986 are not encoded. This includes "+" which sometimes needs to be encoded to avoid its interpretation as an encoded space. Stricter encoding may be applied by using a URI template variable along with stricter encoding on variable values. For more details please read the "URI Encoding" section of the Spring Framework reference.

      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
      See Also:
    • queryParam

      UriBuilder queryParam(String name, @Nullable Collection<?> values)
      Variant of queryParam(String, Object...) with a Collection.

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
      See Also:
    • queryParamIfPresent

      UriBuilder queryParamIfPresent(String name, Optional<?> value)
      Delegates to either queryParam(String, Object...) or queryParam(String, Collection) if the given Optional has a value, or else if it is empty, no query parameter is added at all.
      name - the query parameter name
      value - an Optional, either empty or holding the query parameter value.
    • queryParams

      UriBuilder queryParams(MultiValueMap<String,String> params)
      Add multiple query parameters and values.

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      params - the params
    • replaceQueryParam

      UriBuilder replaceQueryParam(String name, Object... values)
      Set the query parameter values replacing existing values, or if no values are given, the query parameter is removed.

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
      See Also:
    • replaceQueryParam

      UriBuilder replaceQueryParam(String name, @Nullable Collection<?> values)
      Variant of replaceQueryParam(String, Object...) with a Collection.

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      name - the query parameter name
      values - the query parameter values
      See Also:
    • replaceQueryParams

      UriBuilder replaceQueryParams(MultiValueMap<String,String> params)
      Set the query parameter values after removing all existing ones.

      Note: please, review the Javadoc of queryParam(String, Object...) for further notes on the treatment and encoding of individual query parameters.

      params - the query parameter name
    • fragment

      UriBuilder fragment(@Nullable String fragment)
      Set the URI fragment. The given fragment may contain URI template variables, and may also be null to clear the fragment of this builder.
      fragment - the URI fragment
    • build

      URI build(Object... uriVariables)
      Build a URI instance and replaces URI template variables with the values from an array.
      uriVariables - the map of URI variables
      the URI
    • build

      URI build(Map<String,?> uriVariables)
      Build a URI instance and replaces URI template variables with the values from a map.
      uriVariables - the map of URI variables
      the URI
    • toUriString

      String toUriString()
      Return a String representation of the URI by concatenating all URI component values into the fully formed URI String. Implementing classes should perform simple String concatenation of current URI component values to preserve URI template placeholders.