Class WebAsyncManager


public final class WebAsyncManager extends Object
The central class for managing asynchronous request processing, mainly intended as an SPI and not typically used directly by application classes.

An async scenario starts with request processing as usual in a thread (T1). Concurrent request handling can be initiated by calling startCallableProcessing or startDeferredResultProcessing, both of which produce a result in a separate thread (T2). The result is saved and the request dispatched to the container, to resume processing with the saved result in a third thread (T3). Within the dispatched thread (T3), the saved result can be accessed via getConcurrentResult() or its presence detected via hasConcurrentResult().

Rossen Stoyanchev, Juergen Hoeller, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setAsyncWebRequest

      public void setAsyncWebRequest(AsyncWebRequest asyncWebRequest)
      Configure the AsyncWebRequest to use. This property may be set more than once during a single request to accurately reflect the current state of the request (for example, following a forward, request/response wrapping, etc). However, it should not be set while concurrent handling is in progress, i.e. while isConcurrentHandlingStarted() is true.
      asyncWebRequest - the web request to use
    • getAsyncWebRequest

      @Nullable public AsyncWebRequest getAsyncWebRequest()
      Return the current AsyncWebRequest.
    • setTaskExecutor

      public void setTaskExecutor(AsyncTaskExecutor taskExecutor)
      Configure an AsyncTaskExecutor for use with concurrent processing via startCallableProcessing(Callable, Object...).

      By default a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor instance is used.

    • isConcurrentHandlingStarted

      public boolean isConcurrentHandlingStarted()
      Return whether the selected handler for the current request chose to handle the request asynchronously. A return value of "true" indicates concurrent handling is under way and the response will remain open. A return value of "false" means concurrent handling was either not started or possibly that it has completed and the request was dispatched for further processing of the concurrent result.
    • hasConcurrentResult

      public boolean hasConcurrentResult()
      Return whether a result value exists as a result of concurrent handling.
    • getConcurrentResult

      @Nullable public Object getConcurrentResult()
      Get the result from concurrent handling.
      an Object, possibly an Exception or Throwable if concurrent handling raised one
      See Also:
    • getConcurrentResultContext

      @Nullable public Object[] getConcurrentResultContext()
      Get the additional processing context saved at the start of concurrent handling.
      See Also:
    • getCallableInterceptor

      @Nullable public CallableProcessingInterceptor getCallableInterceptor(Object key)
      Get the CallableProcessingInterceptor registered under the given key.
      key - the key
      the interceptor registered under that key, or null if none
    • getDeferredResultInterceptor

      @Nullable public DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor getDeferredResultInterceptor(Object key)
      Get the DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor registered under the given key.
      key - the key
      the interceptor registered under that key, or null if none
    • registerCallableInterceptor

      public void registerCallableInterceptor(Object key, CallableProcessingInterceptor interceptor)
      Register a CallableProcessingInterceptor under the given key.
      key - the key
      interceptor - the interceptor to register
    • registerCallableInterceptors

      public void registerCallableInterceptors(CallableProcessingInterceptor... interceptors)
      Register a CallableProcessingInterceptor without a key. The key is derived from the class name and hash code.
      interceptors - one or more interceptors to register
    • registerDeferredResultInterceptor

      public void registerDeferredResultInterceptor(Object key, DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor interceptor)
      Register a DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor under the given key.
      key - the key
      interceptor - the interceptor to register
    • registerDeferredResultInterceptors

      public void registerDeferredResultInterceptors(DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor... interceptors)
      Register one or more DeferredResultProcessingInterceptors without a specified key. The default key is derived from the interceptor class name and hash code.
      interceptors - one or more interceptors to register
    • setMultipartRequestParsed

      public void setMultipartRequestParsed(boolean isMultipart)
      Mark the WebAsyncManager as wrapping a multipart async request.
    • isMultipartRequestParsed

      public boolean isMultipartRequestParsed()
      Return true if this WebAsyncManager was previously marked as wrapping a multipart async request, false otherwise.
    • clearConcurrentResult

      public void clearConcurrentResult()
    • startCallableProcessing

      public void startCallableProcessing(Callable<?> callable, Object... processingContext) throws Exception
      Start concurrent request processing and execute the given task with an AsyncTaskExecutor. The result from the task execution is saved and the request dispatched in order to resume processing of that result. If the task raises an Exception then the saved result will be the raised Exception.
      callable - a unit of work to be executed asynchronously
      processingContext - additional context to save that can be accessed via getConcurrentResultContext()
      Exception - if concurrent processing failed to start
      See Also:
    • startCallableProcessing

      public void startCallableProcessing(WebAsyncTask<?> webAsyncTask, Object... processingContext) throws Exception
      Use the given WebAsyncTask to configure the task executor as well as the timeout value of the AsyncWebRequest before delegating to startCallableProcessing(Callable, Object...).
      webAsyncTask - a WebAsyncTask containing the target Callable
      processingContext - additional context to save that can be accessed via getConcurrentResultContext()
      Exception - if concurrent processing failed to start
    • startDeferredResultProcessing

      public void startDeferredResultProcessing(DeferredResult<?> deferredResult, Object... processingContext) throws Exception
      Start concurrent request processing and initialize the given DeferredResult with a DeferredResult.DeferredResultHandler that saves the result and dispatches the request to resume processing of that result. The AsyncWebRequest is also updated with a completion handler that expires the DeferredResult and a timeout handler assuming the DeferredResult has a default timeout result.
      deferredResult - the DeferredResult instance to initialize
      processingContext - additional context to save that can be accessed via getConcurrentResultContext()
      Exception - if concurrent processing failed to start
      See Also: