Interface JdbcClient.StatementSpec

Enclosing interface:

public static interface JdbcClient.StatementSpec
A statement specification for parameter bindings and query/update execution.
  • Method Details

    • param

      Bind a positional JDBC statement parameter for "?" placeholder resolution by implicit order of parameter value registration.

      This is primarily intended for statements with a single parameter or very few parameters, registering each parameter value in the order of the parameter's occurrence in the SQL statement.

      value - the parameter value to bind
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • param

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec param(int jdbcIndex, @Nullable Object value)
      Bind a positional JDBC statement parameter for "?" placeholder resolution by explicit JDBC statement parameter index.
      jdbcIndex - the JDBC-style index (starting with 1)
      value - the parameter value to bind
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • param

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec param(int jdbcIndex, @Nullable Object value, int sqlType)
      Bind a positional JDBC statement parameter for "?" placeholder resolution by explicit JDBC statement parameter index.
      jdbcIndex - the JDBC-style index (starting with 1)
      value - the parameter value to bind
      sqlType - the associated SQL type (see Types)
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • param

      Bind a named statement parameter for ":x" placeholder resolution, with each "x" name matching a ":x" placeholder in the SQL statement.
      name - the parameter name
      value - the parameter value to bind
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • param

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec param(String name, @Nullable Object value, int sqlType)
      Bind a named statement parameter for ":x" placeholder resolution, with each "x" name matching a ":x" placeholder in the SQL statement.
      name - the parameter name
      value - the parameter value to bind
      sqlType - the associated SQL type (see Types)
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • params

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec params(Object... values)
      Bind a var-args list of positional parameters for "?" placeholder resolution.

      The given list will be added to existing positional parameters, if any. Each element from the complete list will be bound as a JDBC positional parameter with a corresponding JDBC index (i.e. list index + 1).

      values - the parameter values to bind
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • params

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec params(List<?> values)
      Bind a list of positional parameters for "?" placeholder resolution.

      The given list will be added to existing positional parameters, if any. Each element from the complete list will be bound as a JDBC positional parameter with a corresponding JDBC index (i.e. list index + 1).

      values - the parameter values to bind
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • params

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec params(Map<String,?> paramMap)
      Bind named statement parameters for ":x" placeholder resolution.

      The given map will be merged into existing named parameters, if any.

      paramMap - a map of names and parameter values to bind
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • paramSource

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec paramSource(Object namedParamObject)
      Bind named statement parameters for ":x" placeholder resolution.

      The given parameter object will define all named parameters based on its JavaBean properties, record components, or raw fields. A Map instance can be provided as a complete parameter source as well.

      namedParamObject - a custom parameter object (for example, a JavaBean, record class, or field holder) with named properties serving as statement parameters
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • paramSource

      JdbcClient.StatementSpec paramSource(SqlParameterSource namedParamSource)
      Bind named statement parameters for ":x" placeholder resolution.

      The given parameter source will define all named parameters, possibly associating specific SQL types with each value.

      namedParamSource - a custom SqlParameterSource instance
      this statement specification (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • query

      Proceed towards execution of a query, with several result options available in the returned query specification.
      the result query specification
      See Also:
    • query

      <T> JdbcClient.MappedQuerySpec<T> query(Class<T> mappedClass)
      Proceed towards execution of a mapped query, with several options available in the returned query specification.
      mappedClass - the target class to apply a RowMapper for (either a simple value type for a single column mapping or a JavaBean / record class / field holder for a multi-column mapping)
      the mapped query specification
      See Also:
    • query

      <T> JdbcClient.MappedQuerySpec<T> query(RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
      Proceed towards execution of a mapped query, with several options available in the returned query specification.
      rowMapper - the callback for mapping each row in the ResultSet
      the mapped query specification
      See Also:
    • query

      void query(RowCallbackHandler rch)
      Execute a query with the provided SQL statement, processing each row with the given callback.
      rch - a callback for processing each row in the ResultSet
      See Also:
    • query

      <T> T query(ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
      Execute a query with the provided SQL statement, returning a result object for the entire ResultSet.
      rse - a callback for processing the entire ResultSet
      the value returned by the ResultSetExtractor
      See Also:
    • update

      int update()
      Execute the provided SQL statement as an update.
      the number of rows affected
      See Also:
    • update

      int update(KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder)
      Execute the provided SQL statement as an update.

      This method requires support for generated keys in the JDBC driver.

      generatedKeyHolder - a KeyHolder that will hold the generated keys (typically a GeneratedKeyHolder)
      the number of rows affected
      See Also:
    • update

      int update(KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder, String... keyColumnNames)
      Execute the provided SQL statement as an update.

      This method requires support for generated keys in the JDBC driver.

      generatedKeyHolder - a KeyHolder that will hold the generated keys (typically a GeneratedKeyHolder)
      keyColumnNames - names of the columns that will have keys generated for them
      the number of rows affected
      See Also: