Class JettyWebSocketSession

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, NativeWebSocketSession, WebSocketSession

public class JettyWebSocketSession extends AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>
A WebSocketSession for use with the Jetty WebSocket API.
Phillip Webb, Rossen Stoyanchev, Brian Clozel, Juergen Hoeller
  • Constructor Details

    • JettyWebSocketSession

      public JettyWebSocketSession(Map<String,Object> attributes)
      Create a new JettyWebSocketSession instance.
      attributes - the attributes from the HTTP handshake to associate with the WebSocket session
    • JettyWebSocketSession

      public JettyWebSocketSession(Map<String,Object> attributes, @Nullable Principal user)
      Create a new JettyWebSocketSession instance associated with the given user.
      attributes - the attributes from the HTTP handshake to associate with the WebSocket session; the provided attributes are copied, the original map is not used.
      user - the user associated with the session; if null we'll fall back on the user available via Session.getUpgradeRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return a unique session identifier.
    • getUri

      @Nullable public URI getUri()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the URI used to open the WebSocket connection.
    • getHandshakeHeaders

      public HttpHeaders getHandshakeHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the headers used in the handshake request (never null).
    • getAcceptedProtocol

      @Nullable public String getAcceptedProtocol()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the negotiated sub-protocol.
      the protocol identifier, or null if no protocol was specified or negotiated successfully
    • getExtensions

      public List<WebSocketExtension> getExtensions()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Determine the negotiated extensions.
      the list of extensions, or an empty list if no extension was specified or negotiated successfully
    • getPrincipal

      @Nullable public Principal getPrincipal()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return a Principal instance containing the name of the authenticated user.

      If the user has not been authenticated, the method returns null.

    • getLocalAddress

      public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the address on which the request was received.

      Note: The localAddress is not always possible to access, which is the case with the Standard WebSocket client. In 6.2.x StandardWebSocketClient returns an address based on the local host and the port of the target address (not the same as the local port). In 7.0, the same will return null instead.

    • getRemoteAddress

      public InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the address of the remote client.
    • setTextMessageSizeLimit

      public void setTextMessageSizeLimit(int messageSizeLimit)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Configure the maximum size for an incoming text message.
    • getTextMessageSizeLimit

      public int getTextMessageSizeLimit()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Get the configured maximum size for an incoming text message.
    • setBinaryMessageSizeLimit

      public void setBinaryMessageSizeLimit(int messageSizeLimit)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Configure the maximum size for an incoming binary message.
    • getBinaryMessageSizeLimit

      public int getBinaryMessageSizeLimit()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Get the configured maximum size for an incoming binary message.
    • isOpen

      public boolean isOpen()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Whether the underlying connection is open.
    • initializeNativeSession

      public void initializeNativeSession(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session session)
      initializeNativeSession in class AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>
    • sendTextMessage

      protected void sendTextMessage(TextMessage message) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      sendTextMessage in class AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>
    • sendBinaryMessage

      protected void sendBinaryMessage(BinaryMessage message) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      sendBinaryMessage in class AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>
    • sendPingMessage

      protected void sendPingMessage(PingMessage message) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      sendPingMessage in class AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>
    • sendPongMessage

      protected void sendPongMessage(PongMessage message) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      sendPongMessage in class AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>
    • closeInternal

      protected void closeInternal(CloseStatus status) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      closeInternal in class AbstractWebSocketSession<org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.Session>