Interface WebTestClient.UriSpec<S extends WebTestClient.RequestHeadersSpec<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - a self reference to the spec type
All Known Subinterfaces:
WebTestClient.RequestBodyUriSpec, WebTestClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<S>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface WebTestClient.UriSpec<S extends WebTestClient.RequestHeadersSpec<?>>
Specification for providing the URI of a request.
  • Method Details

    • uri

      S uri(URI uri)
      Specify the URI using an absolute, fully constructed URI.

      If a UriBuilderFactory was configured for the client with a base URI, that base URI will not be applied to the supplied If you wish to have a base URI applied to a you must invoke either uri(String, Object...) or uri(String, Map) — for example, uri(myUri.toString()).

      spec to add headers or perform the exchange
    • uri

      S uri(String uri, @Nullable Object... uriVariables)
      Specify the URI for the request using a URI template and URI variables.

      If a UriBuilderFactory was configured for the client (for example, with a base URI) it will be used to expand the URI template.

      spec to add headers or perform the exchange
    • uri

      S uri(String uri, Map<String,? extends @Nullable Object> uriVariables)
      Specify the URI for the request using a URI template and URI variables.

      If a UriBuilderFactory was configured for the client (for example, with a base URI) it will be used to expand the URI template.

      spec to add headers or perform the exchange
    • uri

      S uri(Function<UriBuilder,URI> uriFunction)
      Build the URI for the request with a UriBuilder obtained through the UriBuilderFactory configured for this client.
      spec to add headers or perform the exchange