Class HeadersRequestCondition

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class HeadersRequestCondition extends AbstractRequestCondition<HeadersRequestCondition>
A logical conjunction (' && ') request condition that matches a request against a set of header expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.headers().

Expressions passed to the constructor with header names 'Accept' or 'Content-Type' are ignored. See ConsumesRequestCondition and ProducesRequestCondition for those.

Arjen Poutsma, Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

    • HeadersRequestCondition

      public HeadersRequestCondition(String... headers)
      Create a new instance from the given header expressions. Expressions with header names 'Accept' or 'Content-Type' are ignored. See ConsumesRequestCondition and ProducesRequestCondition for those.
      headers - media type expressions with syntax defined in RequestMapping.headers(); if 0, the condition will match to every request
  • Method Details

    • getExpressions

      public Set<NameValueExpression<String>> getExpressions()
      Return the contained request header expressions.
    • getContent

      protected Collection<org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.condition.HeadersRequestCondition.HeaderExpression> getContent()
      Description copied from class: AbstractRequestCondition
      Return the discrete items a request condition is composed of.

      For example URL patterns, HTTP request methods, param expressions, etc.

      Specified by:
      getContent in class AbstractRequestCondition<HeadersRequestCondition>
      a collection of objects (never null)
    • getToStringInfix

      protected String getToStringInfix()
      Description copied from class: AbstractRequestCondition
      The notation to use when printing discrete items of content.

      For example " || " for URL patterns or " && " for param expressions.

      Specified by:
      getToStringInfix in class AbstractRequestCondition<HeadersRequestCondition>
    • combine

      Returns a new instance with the union of the header expressions from "this" and the "other" instance.
      other - the condition to combine with.
      a request condition instance that is the result of combining the two condition instances.
    • getMatchingCondition

      public @Nullable HeadersRequestCondition getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest request)
      Returns "this" instance if the request matches all expressions; or null otherwise.
      a condition instance in case of a match or null otherwise.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(HeadersRequestCondition other, HttpServletRequest request)
      Compare to another condition based on header expressions. A condition is considered to be a more specific match, if it has:
      1. A greater number of expressions.
      2. A greater number of non-negated expressions with a concrete value.

      It is assumed that both instances have been obtained via getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest) and each instance contains the matching header expression only or is otherwise empty.