Class RequestConditionHolder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class RequestConditionHolder extends AbstractRequestCondition<RequestConditionHolder>
A holder for a RequestCondition useful when the type of the request condition is not known ahead of time, for example, custom condition. Since this class is also an implementation of RequestCondition, effectively it decorates the held request condition and allows it to be combined and compared with other request conditions in a type and null safe way.

When two RequestConditionHolder instances are combined or compared with each other, it is expected the conditions they hold are of the same type. If they are not, a ClassCastException is raised.

Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

    • RequestConditionHolder

      public RequestConditionHolder(@Nullable RequestCondition<?> requestCondition)
      Create a new holder to wrap the given request condition.
      requestCondition - the condition to hold, may be null
  • Method Details

    • getCondition

      public @Nullable RequestCondition<?> getCondition()
      Return the held request condition, or null if not holding one.
    • getContent

      protected Collection<?> getContent()
      Description copied from class: AbstractRequestCondition
      Return the discrete items a request condition is composed of.

      For example URL patterns, HTTP request methods, param expressions, etc.

      Specified by:
      getContent in class AbstractRequestCondition<RequestConditionHolder>
      a collection of objects (never null)
    • getToStringInfix

      protected String getToStringInfix()
      Description copied from class: AbstractRequestCondition
      The notation to use when printing discrete items of content.

      For example " || " for URL patterns or " && " for param expressions.

      Specified by:
      getToStringInfix in class AbstractRequestCondition<RequestConditionHolder>
    • combine

      Combine the request conditions held by the two RequestConditionHolder instances after making sure the conditions are of the same type. Or if one holder is empty, the other holder is returned.
      other - the condition to combine with.
      a request condition instance that is the result of combining the two condition instances.
    • getMatchingCondition

      public @Nullable RequestConditionHolder getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest request)
      Get the matching condition for the held request condition wrap it in a new RequestConditionHolder instance. Or otherwise if this is an empty holder, return the same holder instance.
      a condition instance in case of a match or null otherwise.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(RequestConditionHolder other, HttpServletRequest request)
      Compare the request conditions held by the two RequestConditionHolder instances after making sure the conditions are of the same type. Or if one holder is empty, the other holder is preferred.