Class ConnectionFactoryUtils


public abstract class ConnectionFactoryUtils extends Object
Helper class for managing a JMS ConnectionFactory, in particular for obtaining transactional JMS resources for a given ConnectionFactory.

Mainly for internal use within the framework. Used by JmsTemplate as well as DefaultMessageListenerContainer.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ConnectionFactoryUtils

      public ConnectionFactoryUtils()
  • Method Details

    • releaseConnection

      public static void releaseConnection(@Nullable Connection con, @Nullable ConnectionFactory cf, boolean started)
      Release the given Connection, stopping it (if necessary) and eventually closing it.

      Checks SmartConnectionFactory.shouldStop(jakarta.jms.Connection), if available. This is essentially a more sophisticated version of JmsUtils.closeConnection(jakarta.jms.Connection).

      con - the Connection to release (if this is null, the call will be ignored)
      cf - the ConnectionFactory that the Connection was obtained from (may be null)
      started - whether the Connection might have been started by the application
      See Also:
    • getTargetSession

      public static Session getTargetSession(Session session)
      Return the innermost target Session of the given Session. If the given Session is a proxy, it will be unwrapped until a non-proxy Session is found. Otherwise, the passed-in Session will be returned as-is.
      session - the Session proxy to unwrap
      the innermost target Session, or the passed-in one if no proxy
      See Also:
    • isSessionTransactional

      public static boolean isSessionTransactional(@Nullable Session session, @Nullable ConnectionFactory cf)
      Determine whether the given JMS Session is transactional, that is, bound to the current thread by Spring's transaction facilities.
      session - the JMS Session to check
      cf - the JMS ConnectionFactory that the Session originated from
      whether the Session is transactional
    • getTransactionalSession

      public static @Nullable Session getTransactionalSession(ConnectionFactory cf, @Nullable Connection existingCon, boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed) throws JMSException
      Obtain a JMS Session that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.
      cf - the ConnectionFactory to obtain a Session for
      existingCon - the existing JMS Connection to obtain a Session for (may be null)
      synchedLocalTransactionAllowed - whether to allow for a local JMS transaction that is synchronized with a Spring-managed transaction (where the main transaction might be a JDBC-based one for a specific DataSource, for example), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction. If not allowed, the given ConnectionFactory needs to handle transaction enlistment underneath the covers.
      the transactional Session, or null if none found
      JMSException - in case of JMS failure
    • getTransactionalQueueSession

      public static @Nullable QueueSession getTransactionalQueueSession(QueueConnectionFactory cf, @Nullable QueueConnection existingCon, boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed) throws JMSException
      Obtain a JMS QueueSession that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.

      Mainly intended for use with the JMS 1.0.2 API.

      cf - the ConnectionFactory to obtain a Session for
      existingCon - the existing JMS Connection to obtain a Session for (may be null)
      synchedLocalTransactionAllowed - whether to allow for a local JMS transaction that is synchronized with a Spring-managed transaction (where the main transaction might be a JDBC-based one for a specific DataSource, for example), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction. If not allowed, the given ConnectionFactory needs to handle transaction enlistment underneath the covers.
      the transactional Session, or null if none found
      JMSException - in case of JMS failure
    • getTransactionalTopicSession

      public static @Nullable TopicSession getTransactionalTopicSession(TopicConnectionFactory cf, @Nullable TopicConnection existingCon, boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed) throws JMSException
      Obtain a JMS TopicSession that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.

      Mainly intended for use with the JMS 1.0.2 API.

      cf - the ConnectionFactory to obtain a Session for
      existingCon - the existing JMS Connection to obtain a Session for (may be null)
      synchedLocalTransactionAllowed - whether to allow for a local JMS transaction that is synchronized with a Spring-managed transaction (where the main transaction might be a JDBC-based one for a specific DataSource, for example), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction. If not allowed, the given ConnectionFactory needs to handle transaction enlistment underneath the covers.
      the transactional Session, or null if none found
      JMSException - in case of JMS failure
    • doGetTransactionalSession

      public static @Nullable Session doGetTransactionalSession(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, ConnectionFactoryUtils.ResourceFactory resourceFactory) throws JMSException
      Obtain a JMS Session that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.

      This doGetTransactionalSession variant always starts the underlying JMS Connection, assuming that the Session will be used for receiving messages.

      connectionFactory - the JMS ConnectionFactory to bind for (used as TransactionSynchronizationManager key)
      resourceFactory - the ResourceFactory to use for extracting or creating JMS resources
      the transactional Session, or null if none found
      JMSException - in case of JMS failure
      See Also:
    • doGetTransactionalSession

      public static @Nullable Session doGetTransactionalSession(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, ConnectionFactoryUtils.ResourceFactory resourceFactory, boolean startConnection) throws JMSException
      Obtain a JMS Session that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.
      connectionFactory - the JMS ConnectionFactory to bind for (used as TransactionSynchronizationManager key)
      resourceFactory - the ResourceFactory to use for extracting or creating JMS resources
      startConnection - whether the underlying JMS Connection approach should be started in order to allow for receiving messages. Note that a reused Connection may already have been started before, even if this flag is false.
      the transactional Session, or null if none found
      JMSException - in case of JMS failure