Class JmxUtils


public abstract class JmxUtils extends Object
Collection of generic utility methods to support Spring JMX. Includes a convenient method to locate an MBeanServer.
Rob Harrop, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String IDENTITY_OBJECT_NAME_KEY
      The key used when extending an existing ObjectName with the identity hash code of its corresponding managed resource.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JmxUtils

      public JmxUtils()
  • Method Details

    • locateMBeanServer

      public static MBeanServer locateMBeanServer() throws MBeanServerNotFoundException
      Attempt to find a locally running MBeanServer. Fails if no MBeanServer can be found. Logs a warning if more than one MBeanServer found, returning the first one from the list.
      the MBeanServer if found
      MBeanServerNotFoundException - if no MBeanServer could be found
      See Also:
    • locateMBeanServer

      public static MBeanServer locateMBeanServer(@Nullable String agentId) throws MBeanServerNotFoundException
      Attempt to find a locally running MBeanServer. Fails if no MBeanServer can be found. Logs a warning if more than one MBeanServer found, returning the first one from the list.
      agentId - the agent identifier of the MBeanServer to retrieve. If this parameter is null, all registered MBeanServers are considered. If the empty String is given, the platform MBeanServer will be returned.
      the MBeanServer if found
      MBeanServerNotFoundException - if no MBeanServer could be found
      See Also:
    • parameterInfoToTypes

      public static Class<?> @Nullable [] parameterInfoToTypes(MBeanParameterInfo @Nullable [] paramInfo) throws ClassNotFoundException
      Convert an array of MBeanParameterInfo into an array of Class instances corresponding to the parameters.
      paramInfo - the JMX parameter info
      the parameter types as classes
      ClassNotFoundException - if a parameter type could not be resolved
    • parameterInfoToTypes

      public static Class<?> @Nullable [] parameterInfoToTypes(MBeanParameterInfo @Nullable [] paramInfo, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException
      Convert an array of MBeanParameterInfo into an array of Class instances corresponding to the parameters.
      paramInfo - the JMX parameter info
      classLoader - the ClassLoader to use for loading parameter types
      the parameter types as classes
      ClassNotFoundException - if a parameter type could not be resolved
    • getMethodSignature

      public static String[] getMethodSignature(Method method)
      Create a String[] representing the argument signature of a method. Each element in the array is the fully qualified class name of the corresponding argument in the method's signature.
      method - the method to build an argument signature for
      the signature as array of argument types
    • getAttributeName

      public static String getAttributeName(PropertyDescriptor property, boolean useStrictCasing)
      Return the JMX attribute name to use for the given JavaBeans property.

      When using strict casing, a JavaBean property with a getter method such as getFoo() translates to an attribute called Foo. With strict casing disabled, getFoo() would translate to just foo.

      property - the JavaBeans property descriptor
      useStrictCasing - whether to use strict casing
      the JMX attribute name to use
    • appendIdentityToObjectName

      public static ObjectName appendIdentityToObjectName(ObjectName objectName, Object managedResource) throws MalformedObjectNameException
      Append an additional key/value pair to an existing ObjectName with the key being the static value identity and the value being the identity hash code of the managed resource being exposed on the supplied ObjectName. This can be used to provide a unique ObjectName for each distinct instance of a particular bean or class. Useful when generating ObjectNames at runtime for a set of managed resources based on the template value supplied by a ObjectNamingStrategy.
      objectName - the original JMX ObjectName
      managedResource - the MBean instance
      an ObjectName with the MBean identity added
      MalformedObjectNameException - in case of an invalid object name specification
      See Also:
    • getClassToExpose

      public static Class<?> getClassToExpose(Object managedBean)
      Return the class or interface to expose for the given bean. This is the class that will be searched for attributes and operations (for example, checked for annotations).

      This implementation returns the superclass for a CGLIB proxy and the class of the given bean else (for a JDK proxy or a plain bean class).

      managedBean - the bean instance (might be an AOP proxy)
      the bean class to expose
      See Also:
    • getClassToExpose

      public static Class<?> getClassToExpose(Class<?> clazz)
      Return the class or interface to expose for the given bean class. This is the class that will be searched for attributes and operations (for example, checked for annotations).

      This implementation returns the superclass for a CGLIB proxy and the class of the given bean else (for a JDK proxy or a plain bean class).

      clazz - the bean class (might be an AOP proxy class)
      the bean class to expose
      See Also:
    • isMBean

      public static boolean isMBean(@Nullable Class<?> clazz)
      Determine whether the given bean class qualifies as an MBean as-is.

      This implementation checks for DynamicMBean classes as well as classes with corresponding "*MBean" interface (Standard MBeans) or corresponding "*MXBean" interface (Java MXBeans).

      clazz - the bean class to analyze
      whether the class qualifies as an MBean
      See Also:
    • getMBeanInterface

      public static @Nullable Class<?> getMBeanInterface(@Nullable Class<?> clazz)
      Return the Standard MBean interface for the given class, if any (that is, an interface whose name matches the class name of the given class but with suffix "MBean").
      clazz - the class to check
      the Standard MBean interface for the given class
    • getMXBeanInterface

      public static @Nullable Class<?> getMXBeanInterface(@Nullable Class<?> clazz)
      Return the Java MXBean interface for the given class, if any (that is, an interface whose name ends with "MXBean" and/or carries an appropriate MXBean annotation).
      clazz - the class to check
      whether there is an MXBean interface for the given class