Class JndiObjectTargetSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
TargetClassAware, TargetSource, InitializingBean

public class JndiObjectTargetSource extends JndiObjectLocator implements TargetSource
AOP TargetSource that provides configurable JNDI lookups for getTarget() calls.

Can be used as alternative to JndiObjectFactoryBean, to allow for relocating a JNDI object lazily or for each operation (see "lookupOnStartup" and "cache" properties). This is particularly useful during development, as it allows for hot restarting of the JNDI server (for example, a remote JMS server).


 <bean id="queueConnectionFactoryTarget" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectTargetSource">
   <property name="jndiName" value="JmsQueueConnectionFactory"/>
   <property name="lookupOnStartup" value="false"/>

 <bean id="queueConnectionFactory" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
   <property name="proxyInterfaces" value="jakarta.jms.QueueConnectionFactory"/>
   <property name="targetSource" ref="queueConnectionFactoryTarget"/>
A createQueueConnection call on the "queueConnectionFactory" proxy will cause a lazy JNDI lookup for "JmsQueueConnectionFactory" and a subsequent delegating call to the retrieved QueueConnectionFactory's createQueueConnection.

Alternatively, use a JndiObjectFactoryBean with a "proxyInterface". "lookupOnStartup" and "cache" can then be specified on the JndiObjectFactoryBean, creating a JndiObjectTargetSource underneath (instead of defining separate ProxyFactoryBean and JndiObjectTargetSource beans).

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JndiObjectTargetSource

      public JndiObjectTargetSource()
  • Method Details

    • setLookupOnStartup

      public void setLookupOnStartup(boolean lookupOnStartup)
      Set whether to look up the JNDI object on startup. Default is "true".

      Can be turned off to allow for late availability of the JNDI object. In this case, the JNDI object will be fetched on first access.

      See Also:
    • setCache

      public void setCache(boolean cache)
      Set whether to cache the JNDI object once it has been located. Default is "true".

      Can be turned off to allow for hot redeployment of JNDI objects. In this case, the JNDI object will be fetched for each invocation.

      See Also:
    • afterPropertiesSet

      public void afterPropertiesSet() throws NamingException
      Description copied from interface: InitializingBean
      Invoked by the containing BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties and satisfied BeanFactoryAware, ApplicationContextAware etc.

      This method allows the bean instance to perform validation of its overall configuration and final initialization when all bean properties have been set.

      Specified by:
      afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean
      afterPropertiesSet in class JndiObjectLocator
    • getTargetClass

      public @Nullable Class<?> getTargetClass()
      Description copied from interface: TargetSource
      Return the type of targets returned by this TargetSource.

      Can return null, although certain usages of a TargetSource might just work with a predetermined target class.

      Specified by:
      getTargetClass in interface TargetClassAware
      Specified by:
      getTargetClass in interface TargetSource
      the type of targets returned by this TargetSource
    • isStatic

      public boolean isStatic()
      Description copied from interface: TargetSource
      Will all calls to TargetSource.getTarget() return the same object?

      In that case, there will be no need to invoke TargetSource.releaseTarget(Object), and the AOP framework can cache the return value of TargetSource.getTarget().

      The default implementation returns false.

      Specified by:
      isStatic in interface TargetSource
      true if the target is immutable
      See Also:
    • getTarget

      public @Nullable Object getTarget()
      Description copied from interface: TargetSource
      Return a target instance. Invoked immediately before the AOP framework calls the "target" of an AOP method invocation.
      Specified by:
      getTarget in interface TargetSource
      the target object which contains the joinpoint, or null if there is no actual target instance