Package org.springframework.messaging.simp
package org.springframework.messaging.simp
Generic support for Simple Messaging Protocols including protocols such as STOMP.
ClassDescriptionA wrapper class for access to attributes associated with a SiMP session (for example, WebSocket session).Holder class to expose SiMP attributes associated with a session (for example, WebSocket) in the form of a thread-bound
object.Holds the shared logger named "org.springframework.web.SimpLogging" to use for STOMP over WebSocket messaging when logging for "org.springframework.messaging.simp" is off but logging for "org.springframework.web" is on.A base class for working with message headers in simple messaging protocols that support basic messaging patterns.MessageCondition
for Simple Messaging Protocols.A specialization ofMessageSendingOperations
with methods for use with the Spring Framework support for Simple Messaging Protocols (like STOMP).A generic representation of different kinds of messages found in simple messaging protocols like STOMP.MessageCondition
that matches by the message type obtained viaSimpMessageHeaderAccessor.getMessageType(Map)
.An implementation ofSimpMessageSendingOperations
implementation exposing the attributes of a SiMP session (for example, WebSocket session).