Class StompClientSupport

Direct Known Subclasses:
ReactorNettyTcpStompClient, WebSocketStompClient

public abstract class StompClientSupport extends Object
Base class for STOMP client implementations.

Subclasses can connect over WebSocket or TCP using any library. When creating a new connection, a subclass can create an instance of DefaultStompSession which implements TcpConnectionHandler whose lifecycle methods the subclass must then invoke.

In effect, TcpConnectionHandler and TcpConnection are the contracts that any subclass must adapt to while using StompEncoder and StompDecoder to encode and decode STOMP messages.

Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

    • StompClientSupport

      public StompClientSupport()
  • Method Details

    • setMessageConverter

      public void setMessageConverter(MessageConverter messageConverter)
      Set the MessageConverter to use to convert the payload of incoming and outgoing messages to and from byte[] based on object type and the "content-type" header.

      By default, SimpleMessageConverter is configured.

      messageConverter - the message converter to use
    • getMessageConverter

      public MessageConverter getMessageConverter()
      Return the configured MessageConverter.
    • setTaskScheduler

      public void setTaskScheduler(@Nullable TaskScheduler taskScheduler)
      Configure a scheduler to use for heartbeats and for receipt tracking.

      Note: Some transports have built-in support to work with heartbeats and therefore do not require a TaskScheduler. Receipts however, if needed, do require a TaskScheduler to be configured.

      By default, this is not set.

    • getTaskScheduler

      public @Nullable TaskScheduler getTaskScheduler()
      The configured TaskScheduler.
    • setDefaultHeartbeat

      public void setDefaultHeartbeat(long[] heartbeat)
      Configure the default value for the "heart-beat" header of the STOMP CONNECT frame. The first number represents how often the client will write or send a heart-beat. The second is how often the server should write. A value of 0 means no heart-beats.

      By default this is set to "10000,10000" but subclasses may override that default and for example set it to "0,0" if they require a TaskScheduler to be configured first.

      Note: that a heartbeat is sent only in case of inactivity, i.e. when no other messages are sent. This can present a challenge when using an external broker since messages with a non-broker destination represent activity but aren't actually forwarded to the broker. In that case you can configure a `TaskScheduler` through the StompBrokerRelayRegistration which ensures a heartbeat is forwarded to the broker also when only messages with a non-broker destination are sent.

      heartbeat - the value for the CONNECT "heart-beat" header
      See Also:
    • getDefaultHeartbeat

      public long[] getDefaultHeartbeat()
      Return the configured default heart-beat value (never null).
    • isDefaultHeartbeatEnabled

      public boolean isDefaultHeartbeatEnabled()
      Determine whether heartbeats are enabled.

      Returns false if defaultHeartbeat is set to "0,0", and true otherwise.

    • setReceiptTimeLimit

      public void setReceiptTimeLimit(long receiptTimeLimit)
      Configure the number of milliseconds before a receipt is considered expired.

      By default set to 15,000 (15 seconds).

    • getReceiptTimeLimit

      public long getReceiptTimeLimit()
      Return the configured receipt time limit.
    • createSession

      protected ConnectionHandlingStompSession createSession(@Nullable StompHeaders connectHeaders, StompSessionHandler handler)
      Factory method for create and configure a new session.
      connectHeaders - headers for the STOMP CONNECT frame
      handler - the handler for the STOMP session
      the created session
    • processConnectHeaders

      protected StompHeaders processConnectHeaders(@Nullable StompHeaders connectHeaders)
      Further initialize the StompHeaders, for example setting the heart-beat header if necessary.
      connectHeaders - the headers to modify
      the modified headers