Class ParameterValidationResult

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ParameterValidationResult extends Object
Store and expose the results of method validation for a method parameter.

When the method parameter is a container such as a List, array, or Map, then a separate ParameterValidationResult is created for each element with errors. In that case, the properties container, containerIndex, and containerKey provide additional context.

Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMethodParameter

      public MethodParameter getMethodParameter()
      The method parameter the validation results are for.
    • getArgument

      public @Nullable Object getArgument()
      The method argument value that was validated.
    • getResolvableErrors

      public List<MessageSourceResolvable> getResolvableErrors()
      List of MessageSourceResolvable representations adapted from the validation errors of the validation library.
      • For a constraints directly on a method parameter, error codes are based on the names of the constraint annotation, the object, the method, the parameter, and parameter type, for example, ["Max.myObject#myMethod.myParameter", "Max.myParameter", "", "Max"]. Arguments include the parameter itself as a MessageSourceResolvable, for example, ["myObject#myMethod.myParameter", "myParameter"], followed by actual constraint annotation attributes (i.e. excluding "message", "groups" and "payload") in alphabetical order of attribute names.
      • For cascaded constraints via @Valid on a bean method parameter, this method returns field errors that you can also access more conveniently through methods of the ParameterErrors sub-class.
    • getContainer

      public @Nullable Object getContainer()
      When @Valid is declared on a container of elements such as Collection, Map, Optional, and others, this method returns the container of the validated argument, while getContainerIndex() and getContainerKey() provide information about the index or key if applicable.
    • getContainerIndex

      public @Nullable Integer getContainerIndex()
      When @Valid is declared on an indexed container of elements such as List or array, this method returns the index of the validated argument.
    • getContainerKey

      public @Nullable Object getContainerKey()
      When @Valid is declared on a container of elements referenced by key such as Map, this method returns the key of the validated argument.
    • unwrap

      public <T> T unwrap(MessageSourceResolvable error, Class<T> sourceType)
      Unwrap the source behind the given error. For Jakarta Bean validation the source is a ConstraintViolation.
      sourceType - the expected source type
      the source object of the given type
    • equals

      public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object