Interface ConfigurableWebApplicationContext

All Superinterfaces:
ApplicationContext, ApplicationEventPublisher, AutoCloseable, BeanFactory, Closeable, ConfigurableApplicationContext, EnvironmentCapable, HierarchicalBeanFactory, Lifecycle, ListableBeanFactory, MessageSource, ResourceLoader, ResourcePatternResolver, WebApplicationContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext, AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext, GenericWebApplicationContext, GroovyWebApplicationContext, StaticWebApplicationContext, XmlWebApplicationContext

public interface ConfigurableWebApplicationContext extends WebApplicationContext, ConfigurableApplicationContext
Interface to be implemented by configurable web application contexts. Supported by ContextLoader and FrameworkServlet.

Note: The setters of this interface need to be called before an invocation of the ConfigurableApplicationContext.refresh() method inherited from ConfigurableApplicationContext. They do not cause an initialization of the context on their own.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final String APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID_PREFIX
      Prefix for ApplicationContext ids that refer to context path and/or servlet name.

      static final String SERVLET_CONFIG_BEAN_NAME
      Name of the ServletConfig environment bean in the factory.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setServletContext

      void setServletContext(@Nullable ServletContext servletContext)
      Set the ServletContext for this web application context.

      Does not cause an initialization of the context: refresh needs to be called after the setting of all configuration properties.

      See Also:
    • setServletConfig

      void setServletConfig(@Nullable ServletConfig servletConfig)
      Set the ServletConfig for this web application context. Only called for a WebApplicationContext that belongs to a specific Servlet.
      See Also:
    • getServletConfig

      @Nullable ServletConfig getServletConfig()
      Return the ServletConfig for this web application context, if any.
    • setNamespace

      void setNamespace(@Nullable String namespace)
      Set the namespace for this web application context, to be used for building a default context config location. The root web application context does not have a namespace.
    • getNamespace

      @Nullable String getNamespace()
      Return the namespace for this web application context, if any.
    • setConfigLocation

      void setConfigLocation(String configLocation)
      Set the config locations for this web application context in init-param style, i.e. with distinct locations separated by commas, semicolons or whitespace.

      If not set, the implementation is supposed to use a default for the given namespace or the root web application context, as appropriate.

    • setConfigLocations

      void setConfigLocations(String... configLocations)
      Set the config locations for this web application context.

      If not set, the implementation is supposed to use a default for the given namespace or the root web application context, as appropriate.

    • getConfigLocations

      String @Nullable [] getConfigLocations()
      Return the config locations for this web application context, or null if none specified.