Class MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
JoinPoint, JoinPoint.StaticPart, ProceedingJoinPoint

public class MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint extends Object implements ProceedingJoinPoint, JoinPoint.StaticPart
An implementation of the AspectJ ProceedingJoinPoint interface wrapping an AOP Alliance MethodInvocation.

Note: The getThis() method returns the current Spring AOP proxy. The getTarget() method returns the current Spring AOP target (which may be null if there is no target instance) as a plain POJO without any advice. If you want to call the object and have the advice take effect, use getThis(). A common example is casting the object to an introduced interface in the implementation of an introduction. There is no such distinction between target and proxy in AspectJ itself.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Adrian Colyer, Ramnivas Laddad