Interface BeanWiringInfoResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationBeanWiringInfoResolver, ClassNameBeanWiringInfoResolver

public interface BeanWiringInfoResolver
Strategy interface to be implemented by objects than can resolve bean name information, given a newly instantiated bean object. Invocations to the resolveWiringInfo(java.lang.Object) method on this interface will be driven by the AspectJ pointcut in the relevant concrete aspect.

Metadata resolution strategy can be pluggable. A good default is ClassNameBeanWiringInfoResolver, which uses the fully-qualified class name as bean name.

Rod Johnson
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • resolveWiringInfo

      @Nullable BeanWiringInfo resolveWiringInfo(Object beanInstance)
      Resolve the BeanWiringInfo for the given bean instance.
      beanInstance - the bean instance to resolve info for
      the BeanWiringInfo, or null if not found