Annotation Interface Configuration

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Component public @interface Configuration
Indicates that a class declares one or more @Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime, for example:
 public class AppConfig {

     public MyBean myBean() {
         // instantiate, configure and return bean ...

Bootstrapping @Configuration classes

Via AnnotationConfigApplicationContext

@Configuration classes are typically bootstrapped using either AnnotationConfigApplicationContext or its web-capable variant, AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext. A simple example with the former follows:

 AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
 MyBean myBean = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class);
 // use myBean ...

See the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext javadocs for further details, and see AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext for web configuration instructions in a Servlet container.

Via Spring <beans> XML

As an alternative to registering @Configuration classes directly against an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, @Configuration classes may be declared as normal <bean> definitions within Spring XML files:

    <bean class="com.acme.AppConfig"/>

In the example above, <context:annotation-config/> is required in order to enable ConfigurationClassPostProcessor and other annotation-related post processors that facilitate handling @Configuration classes.

Via component scanning

Since @Configuration is meta-annotated with @Component, @Configuration classes are candidates for component scanning — for example, using @ComponentScan or Spring XML's <context:component-scan/> element — and therefore may also take advantage of @Autowired/@Inject like any regular @Component. In particular, if a single constructor is present, autowiring semantics will be applied transparently for that constructor:

 public class AppConfig {

     private final SomeBean someBean;

     public AppConfig(SomeBean someBean) {
         this.someBean = someBean;

     // @Bean definition using "SomeBean"


@Configuration classes may not only be bootstrapped using component scanning, but may also themselves configure component scanning using the @ComponentScan annotation:

 public class AppConfig {
     // various @Bean definitions ...

See the @ComponentScan javadocs for details.

Working with externalized values

Using the Environment API

Externalized values may be looked up by injecting the Spring Environment into a @Configuration class — for example, using the @Autowired annotation:

 public class AppConfig {

     @Autowired Environment env;

     public MyBean myBean() {
         MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
         return myBean;

Properties resolved through the Environment reside in one or more "property source" objects, and @Configuration classes may contribute property sources to the Environment object using the @PropertySource annotation:

 public class AppConfig {

     @Inject Environment env;

     public MyBean myBean() {
         return new MyBean(env.getProperty(""));

See the Environment and @PropertySource javadocs for further details.

Using the @Value annotation

Externalized values may be injected into @Configuration classes using the @Value annotation:

 public class AppConfig {

     @Value("${}") String beanName;

     public MyBean myBean() {
         return new MyBean(beanName);

This approach is often used in conjunction with Spring's PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer that can be enabled automatically in XML configuration via <context:property-placeholder/> or explicitly in a @Configuration class via a dedicated static @Bean method (see "a note on BeanFactoryPostProcessor-returning @Bean methods" of @Bean's javadocs for details). Note, however, that explicit registration of a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer via a static @Bean method is typically only required if you need to customize configuration such as the placeholder syntax, etc. Specifically, if no bean post-processor (such as a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer) has registered an embedded value resolver for the ApplicationContext, Spring will register a default embedded value resolver which resolves placeholders against property sources registered in the Environment. See the section below on composing @Configuration classes with Spring XML using @ImportResource; see the @Value javadocs; and see the @Bean javadocs for details on working with BeanFactoryPostProcessor types such as PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.

Composing @Configuration classes

With the @Import annotation

@Configuration classes may be composed using the @Import annotation, similar to the way that <import> works in Spring XML. Because @Configuration objects are managed as Spring beans within the container, imported configurations may be injected — for example, via constructor injection:

 public class DatabaseConfig {

     public DataSource dataSource() {
         // instantiate, configure and return DataSource

 public class AppConfig {

     private final DatabaseConfig dataConfig;

     public AppConfig(DatabaseConfig dataConfig) {
         this.dataConfig = dataConfig;

     public MyBean myBean() {
         // reference the dataSource() bean method
         return new MyBean(dataConfig.dataSource());

Now both AppConfig and the imported DatabaseConfig can be bootstrapped by registering only AppConfig against the Spring context:

 new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

With the @Profile annotation

@Configuration classes may be marked with the @Profile annotation to indicate they should be processed only if a given profile or profiles are active:

 public class EmbeddedDatabaseConfig {

     public DataSource dataSource() {
         // instantiate, configure and return embedded DataSource

 public class ProductionDatabaseConfig {

     public DataSource dataSource() {
         // instantiate, configure and return production DataSource

Alternatively, you may also declare profile conditions at the @Bean method level — for example, for alternative bean variants within the same configuration class:

 public class ProfileDatabaseConfig {

     public DataSource embeddedDatabase() { ... }

     public DataSource productionDatabase() { ... }

See the @Profile and Environment javadocs for further details.

With Spring XML using the @ImportResource annotation

As mentioned above, @Configuration classes may be declared as regular Spring <bean> definitions within Spring XML files. It is also possible to import Spring XML configuration files into @Configuration classes using the @ImportResource annotation. Bean definitions imported from XML can be injected — for example, using the @Inject annotation:

 public class AppConfig {

     @Inject DataSource dataSource; // from XML

     public MyBean myBean() {
         // inject the XML-defined dataSource bean
         return new MyBean(this.dataSource);

With nested @Configuration classes

@Configuration classes may be nested within one another as follows:

 public class AppConfig {

     @Inject DataSource dataSource;

     public MyBean myBean() {
         return new MyBean(dataSource);

     static class DatabaseConfig {
         DataSource dataSource() {
             return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().build();

When bootstrapping such an arrangement, only AppConfig need be registered against the application context. By virtue of being a nested @Configuration class, DatabaseConfig will be registered automatically. This avoids the need to use an @Import annotation when the relationship between AppConfig and DatabaseConfig is already implicitly clear.

Note also that nested @Configuration classes can be used to good effect with the @Profile annotation to provide two options of the same bean to the enclosing @Configuration class.

Configuring lazy initialization

By default, @Bean methods will be eagerly instantiated at container bootstrap time. To avoid this, @Configuration may be used in conjunction with the @Lazy annotation to indicate that all @Bean methods declared within the class are by default lazily initialized. Note that @Lazy may be used on individual @Bean methods as well.

Testing support for @Configuration classes

The Spring TestContext framework available in the spring-test module provides the @ContextConfiguration annotation which can accept an array of component class references — typically @Configuration or @Component classes.

 @ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class, DatabaseConfig.class})
 class MyTests {

     @Autowired MyBean myBean;

     @Autowired DataSource dataSource;

     void test() {
         // assertions against myBean ...

See the TestContext framework reference documentation for details.

Enabling built-in Spring features using @Enable annotations

Spring features such as asynchronous method execution, scheduled task execution, annotation driven transaction management, and even Spring MVC can be enabled and configured from @Configuration classes using their respective "@Enable" annotations. See @EnableAsync, @EnableScheduling, @EnableTransactionManagement, @EnableAspectJAutoProxy, and @EnableWebMvc for details.

Constraints when authoring @Configuration classes

  • Configuration classes must be provided as classes (i.e. not as instances returned from factory methods), allowing for runtime enhancements through a generated subclass.
  • Configuration classes must be non-final (allowing for subclasses at runtime), unless the proxyBeanMethods flag is set to false in which case no runtime-generated subclass is necessary.
  • Configuration classes must be non-local (i.e. may not be declared within a method).
  • Any nested configuration classes must be declared as static.
  • @Bean methods may not in turn create further configuration classes (any such instances will be treated as regular beans, with their configuration annotations remaining undetected).
Rod Johnson, Chris Beams, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Specify whether @Bean methods need to have unique method names, raising an exception otherwise in order to prevent accidental overloading.
    Specify whether @Bean methods should get proxied in order to enforce bean lifecycle behavior, for example, to return shared singleton bean instances even in case of direct @Bean method calls in user code.
    Explicitly specify the name of the Spring bean definition associated with the @Configuration class.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Explicitly specify the name of the Spring bean definition associated with the @Configuration class. If left unspecified (the common case), a bean name will be automatically generated.

      The custom name applies only if the @Configuration class is picked up via component scanning or supplied directly to an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext. If the @Configuration class is registered as a traditional XML bean definition, the name/id of the bean element will take precedence.

      Alias for Component.value().

      the explicit component name, if any (or empty String otherwise)
      See Also:
    • proxyBeanMethods

      boolean proxyBeanMethods
      Specify whether @Bean methods should get proxied in order to enforce bean lifecycle behavior, for example, to return shared singleton bean instances even in case of direct @Bean method calls in user code. This feature requires method interception, implemented through a runtime-generated CGLIB subclass which comes with limitations such as the configuration class and its methods not being allowed to declare final.

      The default is true, allowing for 'inter-bean references' via direct method calls within the configuration class as well as for external calls to this configuration's @Bean methods, for example, from another configuration class. If this is not needed since each of this particular configuration's @Bean methods is self-contained and designed as a plain factory method for container use, switch this flag to false in order to avoid CGLIB subclass processing.

      Turning off bean method interception effectively processes @Bean methods individually like when declared on non-@Configuration classes, a.k.a. "@Bean Lite Mode" (see @Bean's javadoc). It is therefore behaviorally equivalent to removing the @Configuration stereotype.

    • enforceUniqueMethods

      boolean enforceUniqueMethods
      Specify whether @Bean methods need to have unique method names, raising an exception otherwise in order to prevent accidental overloading.

      The default is true, preventing accidental method overloads which get interpreted as overloaded factory methods for the same bean definition (as opposed to separate bean definitions with individual conditions etc). Switch this flag to false in order to allow for method overloading according to those semantics, accepting the risk for accidental overlaps.
