Class CompositeStringExpression

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CompositeStringExpression extends Object implements Expression
Represents a template expression broken into pieces.

Each piece will be an Expression, but pure text parts of the template will be represented as LiteralExpression objects. An example of a template expression might be:

 "Hello ${getName()}"
which will be represented as a CompositeStringExpression of two parts: the first part being a LiteralExpression representing 'Hello ' and the second part being a real expression that will call getName() when invoked.
Andy Clement, Juergen Hoeller
  • Constructor Details

    • CompositeStringExpression

      public CompositeStringExpression(String expressionString, Expression[] expressions)
  • Method Details

    • getExpressionString

      public final String getExpressionString()
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return the original string used to create this expression (unmodified).
      Specified by:
      getExpressionString in interface Expression
      the original expression string
    • getExpressions

      public final Expression[] getExpressions()
    • getValue

      public String getValue() throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the default context and return the result of evaluation.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      @Nullable public <T> T getValue(@Nullable Class<T> expectedResultType) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the default context and return the result of evaluation.

      If the result of the evaluation does not match (and cannot be converted to) the expected result type then an exception will be thrown.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      expectedResultType - the type the caller would like the result to be
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      public String getValue(@Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the default context against the specified root object and return the result of evaluation.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      @Nullable public <T> T getValue(@Nullable Object rootObject, @Nullable Class<T> desiredResultType) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the default context against the specified root object and return the result of evaluation.

      If the result of the evaluation does not match (and cannot be converted to) the expected result type then an exception will be thrown.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      desiredResultType - the type the caller would like the result to be
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      public String getValue(EvaluationContext context) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the provided context and return the result of evaluation.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      @Nullable public <T> T getValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Class<T> expectedResultType) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the provided context and return the result of evaluation.

      If the result of the evaluation does not match (and cannot be converted to) the expected result type then an exception will be thrown.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      expectedResultType - the type the caller would like the result to be
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      public String getValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the provided context against the specified root object and return the result of evaluation.

      The supplied root object will be used as an override for any default root object configured in the context.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValue

      @Nullable public <T> T getValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object rootObject, @Nullable Class<T> desiredResultType) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Evaluate this expression in the provided context against the specified root object and return the result of evaluation.

      The supplied root object will be used as an override for any default root object configured in the context.

      If the result of the evaluation does not match (and cannot be converted to) the expected result type then an exception will be thrown.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      desiredResultType - the type the caller would like the result to be
      the evaluation result
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • getValueType

      public Class<?> getValueType()
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object) method using the default context.
      Specified by:
      getValueType in interface Expression
      the most general type of value that can be set in this context
    • getValueType

      public Class<?> getValueType(EvaluationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object) method for the given context.
      Specified by:
      getValueType in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      the most general type of value that can be set in this context
    • getValueType

      public Class<?> getValueType(@Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(Object, Object) method using the default context.
      Specified by:
      getValueType in interface Expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      the most general type of value that can be set in this context
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem determining the type
    • getValueType

      public Class<?> getValueType(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object) method for the given context.

      The supplied root object will be used as an override for any default root object configured in the context.

      Specified by:
      getValueType in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      the most general type of value that can be set in this context
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem determining the type
    • getValueTypeDescriptor

      public TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor()
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return a descriptor for the most general type that can be passed to one of the setValue(...) methods using the default context.
      Specified by:
      getValueTypeDescriptor in interface Expression
      a type descriptor for values that can be set in this context
    • getValueTypeDescriptor

      public TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor(@Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return a descriptor for the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(Object, Object) method using the default context.
      Specified by:
      getValueTypeDescriptor in interface Expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      a type descriptor for values that can be set in this context
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem determining the type
    • getValueTypeDescriptor

      public TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return a descriptor for the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object) method for the given context.
      Specified by:
      getValueTypeDescriptor in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      a type descriptor for values that can be set in this context
    • getValueTypeDescriptor

      public TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Return a descriptor for the most general type that can be passed to the Expression.setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object) method for the given context.

      The supplied root object will be used as an override for any default root object configured in the context.

      Specified by:
      getValueTypeDescriptor in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to evaluate the expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      a type descriptor for values that can be set in this context
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem determining the type
    • isWritable

      public boolean isWritable(@Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Determine if this expression can be written to, i.e. setValue() can be called.
      Specified by:
      isWritable in interface Expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      true if the expression is writable; false otherwise
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem determining if it is writable
    • isWritable

      public boolean isWritable(EvaluationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Determine if this expression can be written to, i.e. setValue() can be called.
      Specified by:
      isWritable in interface Expression
      context - the context in which the expression should be checked
      true if the expression is writable; false otherwise
    • isWritable

      public boolean isWritable(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Determine if this expression can be written to, i.e. setValue() can be called.

      The supplied root object will be used as an override for any default root object configured in the context.

      Specified by:
      isWritable in interface Expression
      context - the context in which the expression should be checked
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      true if the expression is writable; false otherwise
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem determining if it is writable
    • setValue

      public void setValue(@Nullable Object rootObject, @Nullable Object value) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Set this expression in the default context to the value provided.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface Expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      value - the new value
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • setValue

      public void setValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object value) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to set the value of the expression
      value - the new value
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation
    • setValue

      public void setValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object rootObject, @Nullable Object value) throws EvaluationException
      Description copied from interface: Expression
      Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.

      The supplied root object will be used as an override for any default root object configured in the context.

      Specified by:
      setValue in interface Expression
      context - the context in which to set the value of the expression
      rootObject - the root object against which to evaluate the expression
      value - the new value
      EvaluationException - if there is a problem during evaluation