Interface ScriptFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
BshScriptFactory, GroovyScriptFactory, StandardScriptFactory

public interface ScriptFactory
Script definition interface, encapsulating the configuration of a specific script as well as a factory method for creating the actual scripted Java Object.
Juergen Hoeller, Rob Harrop
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getScriptSourceLocator

      String getScriptSourceLocator()
      Return a locator that points to the source of the script. Interpreted by the post-processor that actually creates the script.

      Typical supported locators are Spring resource locations (such as "file:C:/myScript.bsh" or "classpath:myPackage/myScript.bsh") and inline scripts ("inline:myScriptText...").

      the script source locator
      See Also:
    • getScriptInterfaces

      @Nullable Class<?>[] getScriptInterfaces()
      Return the business interfaces that the script is supposed to implement.

      Can return null if the script itself determines its Java interfaces (such as in the case of Groovy).

      the interfaces for the script
    • requiresConfigInterface

      boolean requiresConfigInterface()
      Return whether the script requires a config interface to be generated for it. This is typically the case for scripts that do not determine Java signatures themselves, with no appropriate config interface specified in getScriptInterfaces().
      whether the script requires a generated config interface
      See Also:
    • getScriptedObject

      @Nullable Object getScriptedObject(ScriptSource scriptSource, @Nullable Class<?>... actualInterfaces) throws IOException, ScriptCompilationException
      Factory method for creating the scripted Java object.

      Implementations are encouraged to cache script metadata such as a generated script class. Note that this method may be invoked concurrently and must be implemented in a thread-safe fashion.

      scriptSource - the actual ScriptSource to retrieve the script source text from (never null)
      actualInterfaces - the actual interfaces to expose, including script interfaces as well as a generated config interface (if applicable; may be null)
      the scripted Java object
      IOException - if script retrieval failed
      ScriptCompilationException - if script compilation failed
    • getScriptedObjectType

      @Nullable Class<?> getScriptedObjectType(ScriptSource scriptSource) throws IOException, ScriptCompilationException
      Determine the type of the scripted Java object.

      Implementations are encouraged to cache script metadata such as a generated script class. Note that this method may be invoked concurrently and must be implemented in a thread-safe fashion.

      scriptSource - the actual ScriptSource to retrieve the script source text from (never null)
      the type of the scripted Java object, or null if none could be determined
      IOException - if script retrieval failed
      ScriptCompilationException - if script compilation failed
    • requiresScriptedObjectRefresh

      boolean requiresScriptedObjectRefresh(ScriptSource scriptSource)
      Determine whether a refresh is required (for example, through ScriptSource's isModified() method).
      scriptSource - the actual ScriptSource to retrieve the script source text from (never null)
      whether a fresh getScriptedObject(org.springframework.scripting.ScriptSource, java.lang.Class<?>...) call is required
      See Also: