Class EnabledIfCondition

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExecutionCondition, Extension

public class EnabledIfCondition extends Object
EnabledIfCondition is an ExecutionCondition that supports the @EnabledIf annotation when using the Spring TestContext Framework in conjunction with JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.

Any attempt to use the EnabledIfCondition without the presence of @EnabledIf will result in an enabled ConditionEvaluationResult.

Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EnabledIfCondition

      public EnabledIfCondition()
  • Method Details

    • evaluateExecutionCondition

      public ConditionEvaluationResult evaluateExecutionCondition(ExtensionContext context)
      Containers and tests are enabled if @EnabledIf is present on the corresponding test class or test method and the configured expression evaluates to true.
    • evaluateAnnotation

      protected <A extends Annotation> ConditionEvaluationResult evaluateAnnotation(Class<A> annotationType, Function<A,String> expressionExtractor, Function<A,String> reasonExtractor, Function<A,Boolean> loadContextExtractor, boolean enabledOnTrue, ExtensionContext context)
      Evaluate the expression configured via the supplied annotation type on the AnnotatedElement for the supplied ExtensionContext.
      annotationType - the type of annotation to process
      expressionExtractor - a function that extracts the expression from the annotation
      reasonExtractor - a function that extracts the reason from the annotation
      loadContextExtractor - a function that extracts the loadContext flag from the annotation
      enabledOnTrue - indicates whether the returned ConditionEvaluationResult should be enabled if the expression evaluates to true
      context - the ExtensionContext
      enabled if the container or test should be enabled; otherwise disabled